MLC Board Agenda: January 6, 2014 - Minutes v 1.0

X / Jim Manley / X / Dennis Sergent / X / Rich Wolin
X / Jessica Jannaman / X / Mike Taubitz
X / Dave Kippen / X / Eric Walters / X / Clarke
X / Debra Levantrosser / X / Betsy Williams / X / Lauren Stewart
X / Bob Hemrick / X / Holly Plaga
X / Vera Szram-Senyk / X / Julianne Leigh


Jan 6, 2014 / Time:
4:00 – 5:30PM / Call in Line:
Code: 306172#


Leader: Jim Manley / Timekeeper: Mike Taubitz / Recorder: Mike / Lauren


First meeting of 2014 Board of Directors


Julianne Leigh, Bob Hemrick, Vera Szram-Senyk, Holly Plaga
MLC Student Chapter Representatives


Please review organizational performance and previous goal / vision documents
1 / Welcome and roll call / I / All
2 / Approve Dec 6th Minutes / C,D / All
3 / Introductions – Board and Guests / I / All
4 / Selection of new Vice Chair & Treasurer / I, C / Jim / All
5 / Hands-on lean exercise / I / Mike / All
6 / Dashboard / C / Jim / All
7 / 2014 meeting schedule / I, C / Mike / All
8 / 2014 -2017 Vision / I, D / Jim / All
9 / “Walk-in” issues
10 / Wrap up and adjourn
Note: Dinner will be after the meeting

LEGEND: C = Consensus D = Decision I = Information

Note: F2F meeting was canceled due to weather.

Start: 4:00 PM

Adjourn: 5:22PM

Items are in order of Discussion

  • Welcome and opening comments by Jim Manley
  • Jim asked if Lansing/Michigan State is the best place to meet for everyone
  • Everyone agrees this is a good central place
  • Jim will send out dates for a face-to-face meeting in Lansing for February
  • Approval of December 6th Minutes: No comments or corrections
  • Unanimous approval
  • Selection of new Vice-Chair and Treasurer
  • Dennis and Dave were both open to be Vice-Chair
  • They are open to an election – the board emailed Mike with their option
  • Dennis Sergent is elected the Vice-Chair
  • Jim suggests that Jessica and Betsy work as a team to be membership liaisons and treasurer
  • Clarke and Julianne will help the new Treasurers get started
  • Let Julianne, Betsy, Jessica and Clarke meet to discuss whether the membership liaison and treasurer duties can be combined or who will be the Treasurer and who will be the Membership Liaison – Tabled until next meeting
  • Dashboard
  • Jim asks questions on Dashboard processes – Lauren sent him current Dashboard with processes
  • 2014 meeting schedule
  • Mike sent the 2014 meeting schedule – 1st Wednesday of the month at 5 pm and the 3rd Friday at noon
  • Everyone approves
  • Jessica will check for conflict with conference planning committee meeting and reschedule any conflicted meetings
  • Concurrence that we should have two (2) one-hour meetings / month
  • Each meeting to focus on one topic for 30-40 minutes, allowing time for other discussion as necessary
  • 4-5 F2F meetings, including Annual Conference and kick-off meeting in January
  • Jim reminds everyone to be on time and review materials in advance to ensure timely and productive meetings
  • Everyone approves
  • Mike will re-send schedule of meetings in 2014 with dates inserted
  • Walk-in issues
  • The conference planning committee went over numbers for approval for 2014 annual conference
  • The current proposal is $27,241 to host the conference
  • Do we want to increase registration fee to increase profit?
  • Propose 20-30% profit like last year
  • Board proposes keeping the price very similar to last year
  • The conference planning committee will finish proposed budget and rates – Debra, Betsy and Jessica will check with Howard on the numbers and get final proposed registration rates by Jan. 17’s BOD meeting for approval so that registration can be opened.
  • Mike proposes to work with a student from Demmer Center to get moving on Student Chapters; working with Kettering for another chapter
  • Jim proposes making both a 2014 and a three year budget
  • Jim proposes Dave Kippen and others lead a prep course to prepare someone to become SME Bronze certified – this could be a revenue opportunity with paid instructors
  • Everyone approves and Dennis would like to help
  • Adjourn: motion by Clarke; second by Dennis. Unanimous approval

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