Digital Photography

Instructor: Mr. Erick Cyders

·  Email:

Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for use of Photoshop Elements. Several skills that apply to real world applications and jobs will be instructed during this semester. Each assignment will have something to do with skills needed to progress through this class to give the student a basic skills needed for a job using Photoshop.

Course Text(s): No Text

Course Goals: Digital Photography is an academic course that combines the study of the history of photography and digital manipulation of images. It is not an easy “A.”

It is designed for the serious and committed student who has a strong desire to learn about photography from its beginnings through the present day. There will be assignments and lab assignments that are the responsibility of each student to finish. We move quickly and excessive absences will be very detrimental. It is expected that students will responsibly complete assignments on time, be highly motivated to make quality Projects, and continually improve their skills.

Your final assignments will be graded on the Marlington Board of Education approved scale.

A 94-100

B 93-85

C 75-83

D 74-65

F 0-64

A more detailed rubric will be provided at a later date.

The grading will be based on 50% classroom work and 50% tests.

Student Requirements It is the student’s responsibility to supply a newer digital camera that is compatible with the schools computers. The instructor will give the students information on where these materials may be found.

Required Forms No student will be permitted to work in the lab without first having an internet release form on file with the Marlington Technology Department

Class Rules

1.  Be in the classroom area when the bell rings or you will be counted tardy.

2.  Read and understand the rules in the student handbook. You are responsible for the information and will be expected to conduct yourself accordingly.

3.  Follow instructions the first time they are given.

4.  Show respect for others at all times. Do not harass or threaten a student in any way.

5.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

6.  Keep the shop neat. A clean work place is a safe work place.

7.  Do not be disruptive, be patient and wait for your time to speak.

8.  Come to class prepared. Bring a pencil, paper, three ring notebook to class each day.

Plagiarism or Cheating Cheating in any form is a serious offence. Cheating on a test or quiz will result in no credit and the filing of a disciplinary form with the office. Copying homework from another student or the textbook is cheating. A second offense in any other class could result in failure of that class for the quarter.

Grading Policy I keep a total number of points for the nine weeks

made up of daily lab work, quizzes, and projects.

I will calculate your nine weeks grade from these numbers as a percentage.