The name of this non-profit organization is Wasatch Chapter, Federally Employed Women (FEW), hereinafter referred to as Chapter.


The purpose of the Wasatch Chapter is to increase the opportunities for women in the Federal Government; to further the potential of women in Government; to cooperate with and assist any other organizations and individuals concerned with equal employment opportunity.


Section 1.Eligibility – Membership shall be open to any person who supports the purposes of the organization upon payment of the dues.

Section 2.Restrictions – A majority of the membership shall be current or retired employees of the Federal Government; however, no person shall be restricted from membership, segregated or otherwise discriminated against within the organization on the grounds of sex, race, color, age, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, religion, mental or physical handicap.

Section 3.Honorary Members – Honorary memberships, for one year, may be bestowed on persons outside the FEW organization. These awardees shall be selected by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter Board. An honorary member is exempt from payment of all dues and is not eligible to hold office or vote.

Section 4.Dues and Assessments – Membership dues shall be set and collected by the national office annually; National FEW will then refund to the Chapter a portion of these dues collected ($20.00) per member. National FEW makes no recommendation regarding the use of this money over and above paying the chapter dues and regional assessments. The Chapter may retain the balance, refund a portion to the member, or take other action.The Rocky Mountain Region determines the regional assessment and the Chapter determines an amount for chapter dues. New memberships and renewals shall be submitted as determined by National and as described in policies and procedures.

Section 5. National Lifetime Members - Any person eligible for membership in the national organization, may, upon payment, be granted national lifetime membership provided the member has met the established criteria. National lifetime membership is a one-time payment the amount set by the National Board of Directors. National lifetime members shall be entitled to enjoy all rights and privileges of members, without further payment of national dues but are still obligated for chapter dues and the regional assessment, paid directly to the chapter to remain in good standing with the chapter and the region.

Section 6. The chapter shall maintain a minimum membership of 15.

Section 7. Membership in Federally Employed Women may be terminated by (1) voluntary resignation, (2) failure to pay dues, or (3) expulsion from the organization for unprofessional conduct.


Section 1. Composition. The Chapter Board shall consist of elected officers and the immediate past president

Section 2.The Chapter Board shall manage all affairs, set policy and control the funds of the organization.

Section 3.The Chapter Board shall meet monthly, prior to the regular meeting.

Section 4.One-half of the Chapter Board shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1.The elected offices of the organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Nominations Chair.

Section 2.Qualifications. All candidates shall be members in good standing for at least the past two years; however this may be waived by a majority vote of the membership. Members may hold, or be a candidate for, more than one position at the same time: one at the Chapter level and one either at the region or national level as long as the member only has one vote.

The candidate for the position of President shall have some leadership experience either at the FEW level, the job level or in the community. The candidate for the position of Treasurer shall have had experience in some aspect of financial management.

Section 3.Terms of Office. Officers shall take office on August 1 and serve for a term of one year (August 1 to July 31).

Section 4.Duties of Elected Officers.

A.President. The President shall have control of the affairs and business of the Wasatch Chapter, preside at all meetings of the Chapter and be an ex-officio member of committees (except Nominating Committee). The President will appoint standing committee chairs.

B.Vice-President. The Vice-President shall assume the President’s duties in his/her absence; other duties as assigned in chapter bylaws or assigned by the President.

C.Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the membership and the Chapter Board, handle the correspondence of the Wasatch Chapter, submit quarterly reports to the National Office and Regional Manager, and notify members of meetings and other Chapter events.

D.Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds in accordance with the approved budget. The Treasurer will make a report of all receipts and expenditures at the monthly meetings. All checks shall be co-signed by the Treasurer and either the President or Vice-President.

E.Nominations Chair. The Nominations Chair shall perform the duties as specified in ARTICLE VIII of these bylaws.


Section 1.Vacancies in Office. With the approval of the Chapter Board, the president shall appoint a qualified member to serve the remaining term of any vacated office other than that of President, which will require a special election conducted under terms of ARTICLE VIII.

Section 2.Removal from Office. Any elected officer may be removed from office for non-performance of duties, malfeasance or misfeasance by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter Board. A successor can be appointed for the remainder of the term with the Chapter Board approval. ; have added statement under “Membership” I encourage you all to use


Standing committees of the Chapter shall be Program, Finance, Membership, Legislative, Diversity/Compliance, and Ways and Means (Fund Raising)

Section 1.The Program Committee shall plan chapter training programs based upon recommendations of the membership; maintain accurate records of all income and expenditures of the programs to submit to the Treasurer for preparation of the new fiscal year budget.

Section 2.The Finance Committee shall plan a budget to be submitted to the membership for approval and ensure an audit is completed no later than thirty (30) days after the end of the Fiscal Year (the President shall appoint the Audit Committee as specified in ARTICLE X); and ensure all expenditures have the approval of the Chapter Board.

Section 3.The Membership Committee shall develop and promote membership in all areas where Federal activities are located; review the current directory of members received from National and make available to the membership, and will provide new members with a membership packet.

Section 4.The Diversity/Compliance Committee shall promote diversity awareness issues in the Chapter and promote FEW’s commitment to providing equality of opportunity within and outside the organization. The Committee shall monitor agency actions, policies and procedures; present conflicts to Executive Committee; refer issues to Region and National as needed; determine action; implement with chapter approval.

Section 5.The Legislative Committee shall keep informed of the latest legislative issues that affect Federal employees and alert regular members when issues supported by FEW require prompt action such as writing, calling or visiting congressional members.

Section 6.The Ways and Means (Fund Raising) Committee shall review chapter budget to determine fundraising requirement; develop long-range fund raising strategy and conduct chapter fund raising.


Section 1.A Nomination Committee shall be elected by the membership; the member with the highest number of votes shall be the Chair. The Committee will solicit nominations from the membership for the offices described in ARTICLE V.

Section 1.A ballot shall be distributed to the membership in May. Official ballots will be returned on or by the June meeting. Results will be announced at the June meeting.

Section 2.The candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast will be elected to the office. In the event of a tie, office will be voted on by members present at the regular meeting where new officers are announced.


The President may appoint Special Committees as may be appropriate. The President shall also appoint a parliamentarian to advise on parliamentary procedure, a newspaper editor and an auditor to audit the Treasurer’s books annually or at anytime when financial records and accounts are transferred to a newly elected or appointed Treasurer. All Special Committees are subject to the approval of the Chapter Board.


Section 1.The installation meeting of the Wasatch Chapter shall be in July at which time the officers will be duly installed.

Section 2.Regular meetings will be established by the Standing Rules.

Section 3.One-third (1/3) of the membership present shall constitute a quorum.


The Fiscal Year shall be from October 1 through September 30 of each year to coincide with that of the National FEW.


Section 1.These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided the amendment has been submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Section 2.These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote returned by mail or electronic mail by members in good standing and received by the Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee prior to a date specified by the Chapter Board, provided the notice of such proposed amendments shall have been sent to each member thirty (30) days in advance.

Section 3. The bylaws shall be automatically updated without additional membership approval when any revision to the National FEW bylaws requires a subsequent change in chapter’s bylaws. Members shall be notified of the changes.

Section 4. An amendment to the bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon approval by the membership unless otherwise specified before the time the ballots were sent out.


Except a herein provided, all proceedings of the organization shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.





1.Regular meetings of this organization shall be held monthly. Time and place will be announced in the newsletter.

2.Dues for members shall be $40.00 as follows: $25.00 to National; $5.00 to Rocky Mountain Region; $10.00 to Wasatch Chapter. Renewals are payable to the Chapter Treasurer by March 1 each year.

First year membership dues shall be $20.00. The Chapter will pay the additional $5.00 to National and $5.00 to the Region.

3.These standing rules may be amended or rescinded by three-fourths (3/4) vote of members present without notice, or a majority vote of members present if notice has been given.

4.These rules and any changes become effective when voted upon except for #2. The National dues amount change was effective July 1998 and the due date of March was effective in 2001.

5.The order of business for meetings of this organization shall be as follows:

a.Call to Order

b.Reading of the minutes

c.Report of the Treasurer



f.Report of the Chapter Board

g.Report of the Committees

h.Unfinished business

i.New business



6.Visitors are welcome to attend and observe Wasatch Chapter meetings.


