“Financial Literacy Campaign through On Ground Activity across the state of Rajasthan”

Request for proposal

Date of RFP / : / 21 December 2012
Last date for
submission of Proposal / : / Up to 1600 hrs on 28 December 2012
Address for Communication / : / NABARD, 3, Nehru Place, Tonk Road
Post Box No. 104
Jaipur – 302 015
Tel: (91) 0141 2740821
Fax: (91) 0141 2742161


Financial Literacy Campaign


National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
3, Nehru Place, Tonk Road
Post Box No. 104, Jaipur – 302 015
Tel: (91) 0141 2740821
Fax: (91) 0141 2742161

Request for Proposal for On Ground Activity by Radio FM channels

Proposals are invited from NGOs (Non Government Organizations)/radio FM channels/other agencies having experience of handling road shows, folk shows, street plays etc. for “Financial Literacy Campaign” across the state of Rajasthan.

Project detail :

Financial Literacy Campaign through On Ground Activity

Objective:The objective is to reach a wider audience through road shows/folk shows/nukkad natak/puppet shows along with graffiti campaigns/wall paintings/awareness camps, distribution of pamphlets/brochures by mobile publicity vans, audio visual campaign with on the spot quiz/interactive gamesalongwith prize distribution etcwith an intention to spread financial literacy for creating awareness about the importance of having a bank account, change the mindset of the rural masses towards the need for saving, pension, insurance etc.

The project will focus on all districts of Rajasthan

Work Specifications: The State of Rajasthan will be covered by a team of promoters and artists with

  • One mobile exhibition on a canter with necessary audio visual equipments.
  • Two bikes for pre publicity campaign.
  • All vehicles will be branded with the logo and messages as approved by NABARD.

•Thecampaign team will cover 2 villages everyday with a team of artists and promoters (including one team leader).

•The bikesaccompanyingthe Caravan will visit the village in advance for pre publicity. Bikers will reach each village one day in advance to seek permission of the Sarpanch, Principal of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools at local level to undertake pre-publicity for the event.

•The local bank branch officials must be approached one day prior to the event to ensure their participation in financial inclusion & opening of bank accounts.

•Mobile exhibition will reach the village along with bikers and a Canter carrying the folk artists.

•The Team will set up the exhibition with canopy & Canter.

•Folk artists will perform a small show in the villages to attract the crowd.

•Once crowd gathers, anchor will invite the villagers for participating in small interactive games, short quiz related to banks/banking alongwith prize distribution to generate interest. Subsequently, awareness may be created on importance of keeping money in bank account, value of money, importance of saving, recurring & fixed deposits, credit facility, micro insurance & micro pension etc.

•The awareness campaign may involve local bankers and must lead to opening of minimum 25 bank A/cs per village covered.

•Agency will have to organize training of Promoters & artists. Support on the contents of the street show will be provided by NABARD.

•Branding and designing of campaign will be done by the agency under the guidance of NABARD.

•Route of van will be finalized in consultation with DDM NABARD and with approval of NABARD Rajasthan Regional Office.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. The party should submit the proposal in a cover,super-scribing “Financial Literacy campaign through On Ground Activity across the state of Rajasthan” on it, and containingthe following documents:
  • Proposal with costing per village
  • List of documents will be the same as given in the checklist on the last page.
  1. Agencies having dedicated RURAL ACTIVATION TEAM from last 2 years can apply.
  2. Documentary proof ofdedicated Rural activation team needs to be submitted.
  3. The proposals will be examined by NABARD,Rajasthan as per its own procedures and guidelines.
  4. During Financial Literacy Campaign, our office will not be responsible for any loss(manmade/natural/ force majeure clause) to the vehicle or any harm to the organization/agency’s staff/ personnel.
  5. Agency will have to replace & orient the staff in case of sickness or any hardship ofregular staff within 24 hours to avoid delay and inform this office immediately in writing & telephonically.
  6. Agency will have to make alternative arrangements in case of accident or damage toany vehicle within 24 hours and inform this office immediately in suchcircumstances.
  7. If the agency fails to manage the situation within 24 hours, there will be a charge forevery delay of day as per general rules.(0.5% per day per vehicle).
  8. In case of any delay related circumstances, the final decision will be of NABARD Rajasthan, Jaipur.
  9. Folk troupes will have to submit a certificate about satisfactory completion of showduly signed by any one of the following viz. local Sarpanch, Pradhan or Secretary of Primary Agriculture Cooperative Society (PACS)/Lead District Manager (LDM)/Bank Officials.
  10. Training of folk troupes will be organized by the agency, while all the arrangements including T.A. & D.A. oftrainees participants will be paid by the agency.
  11. The detailed monthly tour plan should be submitted 15 days in advance for NABARDapproval.
  12. Agency will have to depute one person to coordinate smooth day-to-day liaisonof Financial Literacy Campaign with NABARD.
  13. Maintenance & repairing of the Van & Motor Bike would be borne by the agency.
  14. MOA will have to be signed with NABARD on sanction of the proposal.


After verification of documents, attached with the proposal as per checklist, experience and rates indicatedwill be considered for awarding of the work.

  • After receiving the work order, awarded organization will have to finish allnecessary procedures within 15 days.
  • After completion of all procedures regarding above, the organization will haveto start campaign within 15 days under consultation with this office.
  • List of zones allocated division wise foreach van with details of the districts & tehsils to be submitted to NABARD.
  • The road show plancoveringvillages of the districts(as suggested by NABARD) of Rajasthan may be furnished.
  • The message is to be presented to the people of Rajasthan ina humorous way withthe element of a reality show.
  • The State of Rajasthan will be covered byFinancial Literacyroad shows comprising of a team of promoters and folkartists.


•Party will have to submit daily report in prescribed format through e-mail andconsolidated monthly report will have to be submitted in hard copy by10th of thenext monthwith photos showing various activities in each village.

•A final printed document with detailed qualitative and quantitative reports of theactivities (maximum 100 pages) with soft copy will have to be submitted bythe agency.


•At the initial stage, 25% payment of total work order will be released afterconsideration of documents submitted by the agency and acceptance of terms & conditions of sanction.

•Second installment of 25% of work order will be released after satisfactory completion of 50 % of the campaign (i.e.coverage of50% of the villages).

•The third installment of 25% of work orderwill be released after satisfactory completion of the remaining 50 % of the campaign (i.e. on completion of campaign of the villagesas per sanction letter).

•Last installment of 25% of work order will be released after submission of project completionreport with related documents/photographs as specified in the sanction letter.

Check list of supporting documents at the time of submission of proposal

Serial / Name of Documents / Page No. / Yes / No
1 / Proposal with costing per village
2 / Profile of the Organization
3 / Experience of similar work with photographs
4 / Experience of Rural Activationalong with purchase order of other companies(Govt. and non-Govt.)
5 / Organization must have office in Rajasthan
6 / PAN No.
7 / Service Tax No.
8 / Service Tax last (2011-12) year return copy
9 / Organization must have history of having undertaken & having been reimbursed for similar activity in the pastof Rs.5.00 lakhand above(documentation thereof).
10 / If the party has in-house capacity to develop audio jingles, audio creatives, which can be played for the public (relevant documents for the same may be submitted).
11 / Details of special awards appreciation letter, if any from govt. department.

Note: All photocopies must be submitted duly certified TRUE copy/ Notarized.

Signature & Stamp of Party

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