Code of Behaviour

Scoil Mhuire Naofa,

An Ród

Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode

Code of Behaviour

Introductory Statement

Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode, Code of Behaviour is the result of the ongoing consultation and collaboration between the Principal, staff, parents, and Board of Management. It was reviewed and reformulated in March 2010 in the light of “Developing a Code of Behaviour – Guidelines for Schools”, issued by the National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB). In drawing up the Code, consideration has been given to the particular needs and the circumstances of the school and our pupils.

In the code, “the principal” refers to the Principal of Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode and the “Board of Management” refers to the Board of Management of said school. When the term “parents” is used it denotes the parents or legal guardians of the child.

Relationship to the School Ethos

Our Code of Behaviour relates to the mission statement of Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode N.S. in that it will nurture a caring environment in which each child can develop his/her full potential and grow in the knowledge that his/her individual talents are valued.


·  To promote good behaviour in our school.

·  To enhance the learning environment where children can make progress in all aspects of their development

·  To create an atmosphere of respect, tolerance and consideration for others

·  To promote positive behaviour and self-discipline recognising the differences between children and the need to accommodate these differences

·  To ensure the safety and well being of all members of the school community

·  To assist parents and pupils in understanding the systems and procedures that form part of the Code of Behaviour and to seek their co-operation in the application of these procedures

·  To ensure that the system of rules, rewards, and sanctions are implemented in a fair and consistent manner.


·  When a child is absent, a written note with the dates the child is absent and explaining the reason for the child’s absence must be given to the class teacher when the child returns to school.

·  If a child is absent for 20 days the school is obliged to inform the NEWB. In the event of a child missing 20 days from school, parents will be informed of this in writing.

Strategies to Affirm and Promote Positive Behaviour

·  Promoting good behaviour is the main goal of our code. All staff actively supports our school ethos which emphasises care, respect and responsibility.

·  Positive relationships between teachers, parents and pupils are promoted and affirmed.

·  Adults model the behaviour that is expected from students.

·  Good school and class routines are in operation. Core routines necessary for the smooth running of classroom learning are clearly established – e.g. entry to the classroom, settling for whole class teaching, appropriate seat planning, transition time routines, how to fairly get teachers attention, noise level for pair/group work. etc,

·  Teachers develop clear and simple classroom rules in discussion with the children. Each class will agree five to seven rules stated in terms of observable behaviours.

·  Teachers use a classroom management plan to promote positive behaviour. This includes the class rules as mentioned above, the agreed reward system and the consequences that apply when a child fails to adhere to the rules.

·  We regularly have school assemblies where success (in relation to behaviour, attendance, class and homework) is acknowledged, rewarded and celebrated.

·  Parents are welcome in our school and staff consult with them where necessary.

·  Teachers ensure that the class timetable is as varied as possible and present a balanced and interesting educational programme for the pupils.

·  Children are aware that misbehaviour and failure to adhere to school and class rules will incur clear, consistent consequences.

·  SPHE is used as a structure within which to address the teaching of social skills, self-esteem and respect and care for others

Approaches to Rewards and Praise

Our school places greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions in the belief that this will, in the long run, give best results. Our approach to rewards and praise include the following:

·  A quiet word of praise or gesture to show approval;

·  A word of praise in front of a group or class

·  A visit to another member

·  Pupils are sent to the Principal for affirmation

·  Informing parent – written/verbal communication. This could include a note in the pupil’s homework journal or a note home.

·  Points, treats or stickers are awarded to individuals/teams/class for good behaviour and effort put into school and homework;

·  Special Class treats – golden-time; raffle; watch a DVD; Homework passes;

·  Awarding some special responsibility or privilege e.g leader for the day, specific classroom job.;

·  During school assembly, certificates are awarded for good behaviour, effort and academic progress.

This is not an exhaustive list and classroom teachers may have their own systems in place within their classroom.


Adults in our School Community

It is expected that all staff, parents and visitors will interact in a polite, respectful and friendly manner. They are expected to model high standards as their example has an important influence on the children.


In order to create a happy school environment in which pupils can feel secure and make progress every pupil is expected to:

·  Show respect for self and others

·  Show kindness and willingness to help others

·  Show courtesy and good manners

·  Show fairness and forgiveness

·  Do their best in class

·  Keep the rules

·  Help create a safe, positive environment

·  Attend school regularly and punctually

Our school expectations as detailed below reflect these standards.

School Expectations for Parents:

Parents wishing to speak with a teacher must first make an appointment either by contacting the school secretary or using the Homework Journal.

School Expectations For Pupils

The following outline of procedures in the classroom, yard and school environment aims at setting a positive atmosphere in relation to pupil learning, behaviour and achievement.


§  Pupils should be in school by 9.20.

§  Pupils should wear the school uniform each day.

§  Pupils who cycle to school must walk with their bicycle to the shed once inside the school gate. No pupil may touch a bicycle belonging to another pupil

§  Pupils may not run in the yard before school starts.

Break Times

§  Each class should play in their own area in the yard.

§  Pupils are encouraged to tell the teacher in the yard if they think they are being bullied.

§  Sufficient time will be given to pupils to eat their lunch

§  Healthy lunches are promoted within the school. Lunches are eaten in classrooms and children are asked not to take food or drink into the yard.

§  Pupils may not leave the school grounds for any reason without permission in writing from their parents/guardians

§  Parents who take a pupil home early must sign the sign-out book

§  Pupils must seek permission from the duty teacher to re-enter the building during break times

§  A Special Need’s Assistant will supervise any pupils who need to re-enter the building.

§  Scoil Mhuire Naofa is a Green School. Pupils are expected to keep their classrooms clean and tidy and put all waste in the correct bins.

§  Name-calling or bad language is not allowed in the school.

§  Pupils must not damage school property or the property of other children.

Yard Rules

§  When playing on yard, physical contact (pushing, pulling, hitting) is not allowed.

§  All problems that occur on the yard must be reported to the duty teacher and not taken into the classroom.

§  Sharp objects that cause injury to other pupils should not be taken to the yard.

§  Pupils must line up when the bell rings and walk to line quietly.

§  Infants stand on line with fingers on lips, others stand with hands by sides, not touching any other pupil

§  Pupils are expected to enter the building quietly, walking behind the person in front.

§  If it rains suddenly while pupils are at play, they must line up first and when instructed, walk quietly into the building.


·  Teachers will make provision for pupils to go to the toilet before breaks.

·  Pupils must treat all toilet facilities in the school with respect and must not damage them in any way.

·  Pupils are encouraged to wash their hands after going to the toilet and to dry them using the hand dryers.

In Class

·  Each pupil is expected to have all the text books and equipment necessary for his/her class. Tippex is not allowed.

·  Pupils are expected to do their homework in a neat and tidy manner and must bring in a note from parents if homework is not done.

·  Pupils must treat all visitors and staff with respect.

·  All pupils will participate in the development of their class rules and agree to keep them.

Movement on Corridors

·  Pupils should walk on the left-hand side of the corridors.

Lunchtime Training

·  Boys will change in classrooms and girls will change in toilets

·  Room 7: Boys will change in area outside classroom. Girls will change in classroom.

·  Football boots are not to be worn inside the building.

·  Appropriate gear must be worn on the football field

Afternoon Training

·  All pupils are to line up and go out to the yard with their class.

·  Pupils will re-enter the building with a teacher and go to the hall to change.

·  Parents should ensure that their children are collected on time from training.

Wet Weather

On occasions when pupils are kept inside at breaks the usual class/school rules will apply.

Mobile Phones

·  Pupils should not bring a mobile phone to school.

·  If a pupil needs to use a mobile phone after school, the parent must send a note to the teacher on the day. The mobile phone must be switched off and kept at the bottom of the pupil’s bag until the pupil needs to use it.

·  The school takes no responsibility for mobile phones that are brought to school.

Substance use

·  Pupils must not bring illegal drugs, cigarettes or alcohol to school

·  Teachers will not administer prescribed medication

·  Prescribed medication must be administered by a parent.

Personal Appearance

·  For educational and hygiene reasons, hair is to be worn by all children in such a way as not to cover their faces, not to be a distraction to themselves and others and not to interfere with others.

·  Pupils may wear one small pair of stud earnings and a watch.

·  Pupils may not bring aerosols to school or wear make up.

Outside School.

·  Pupils must cross the road only at the direction of the teacher/adult or parent who is with them.

Going Home.

·  Pupils must leave the school in an orderly fashion at all times.

·  If a pupil has to leave early, a note must be given to the class teacher. Parents collecting a pupil early must first report to the school office.

The standards expected in the Code of Behaviour apply in any situation where pupils are still the responsibility of the school. These include school tours, swimming, going to and from the church, fieldtrips and after school games and concerts.

Examples of Minor Misbehaviour

·  Interrupting class work

·  Running in the school building.

·  Leaving litter around the school.

·  Not responding to the school bell in a timely manner.

·  Disruptive behaviour in the bathroom.

·  Being discourteous, unmannerly or answering back.

·  Interfering with items on teacher’s desk

·  Not respecting the wet-weather minders

·  Not completing homework without good reason

It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and these are examples only. Other types of misbehaviour will also incur sanctions.

Examples of Serious Misbehaviour
·  Persistent less serious misbehaviour.
·  Telling lies (Interpreting what is a ‘lie’ will relate to age of the child).
·  Stealing – intentional taking of items. (Interpreting ‘stealing’ will relate to age of the child).
·  Malicious damage to school/other pupil’s property/ staff property
·  Leaving school premises during school day or during an after-school activity without appropriate permission.
·  Using bad or suggestive language or rude gestures, or continuously making hurtful or racist remarks.
·  Deliberately injuring another pupil or staff member.
·  Bullying (See separate Policy Document).
·  Using a Mobile phone during school hours.

It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and these are examples only. Other types of misbehaviour will also incur sanctions.

Strategies for dealing with misbehaviour.

·  The teacher will remind the child of the rule or emphasise the behaviour expected.

·  If the behaviour is repeated, the student is reminded of the behaviour required and informed of the consequence associated with continued misbehaviour. They are given a choice – a sanction or change/improve their behaviour.

·  If the behaviour continues the teacher records the pupil’s name

·  The student may be separated from other pupils in the classroom (“time-out”) – either by changing places with another student or moving to an isolated desk. During this time they still partake in class work.

·  If misbehaviour continues, the student may be removed to the partner teacher’s classroom for a ‘cool down’ period (15 minutes). The student is given an assignment/class work to complete during this time.

·  Behaviour Reflection Sheets. These will be given from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. Junior Infants to First Class pupils will complete Junior Reflection sheet. A Senior Reflection sheet will be used for pupils from 2nd Class to 6th Class. The Behaviour Reflection Sheet will be taken home, completed by the pupil and signed by the parent. Signed reflection sheets are to be returned to the class teacher. These will be signed by the teacher and retained in the pupil’s file.