Minutes of Meeting

November 5, 2004

Members Present: Philippe Binder, Kelly Burke, Iota Cabral, Jerry Calton, Rick

Castberg, Kaleo Dudoit, Robert Fox, Lincoln Gottshalk, Andrew Grabar,

April Komenaka, Michael Marshall, Bruce Mathews, Ipo Melendez, Jim

Mellon, Jene Michaud, Helen Rogers, Marcia Sakai, Sabry Shehata

Meeting was called to order by Chair Jerry Calton at 3:05 pm.

Item 1. Minutes of September 17, 2004 meeting

Approved by acclamation.

Item 2. Minutes of October 20, 2004 meeting

Approved by acclamation.

Item 3. Motion: Appoint Rick Castberg as Congress liaison to UH Hilo's

negotiations on the issue of UH Manoa’s role and authority in relation to UH Hilo doctoral programs. This appointment will continue for as long as the discussion of the issue lasts.

Rick Castberg agreed to serve in this role.

Vote: 10 favored, 3 opposed. Motion passed.

Item 4. General Education Committee Report

Chair April Komenaka reported that UH Manoa Chancellor Peter Englert

indicated that all UH campuses need to have the same General Education

hallmarks as UH Manoa. The Committee's approach will be to meet with

the General Education Committee at UH Manoa on November 29 and try to

work out an arrangement that is more equitable. She also reported

that the Committee intends to review and revise the hallmarks and

wants to involve more faculty in the process. One of the questions to

be discussed is whether all UH Hilo colleges need to have the same GE


Motion: Approve Anneliese Worster (CAS) as a new member to the

General Education Committee.

Approved by acclamation.

Item 5. Budget Committee Report

Chair Bruce Mathews reported that there is a systemwide meeting next

week. He also reported that Jeffrey Decker has joined the committee.

Motion: Approve Jeffrey Decker (CBE) as a new member to

the Budget Committee.

Vote: 16 favored, 0 opposed. Motion passed.

Item 6. Assessment Support Committee Report

Chair Kelly Burke reported that Nina Buchanan may have a 2-course

off-load next semester. The Committee is working on developing an assessment plan

and plans to move further forward next semester. One program review

is currently under review (Anthropology). The Committee has also had

some preliminary discussions with the Institutional Researcher about

the role of the Institutional Research Office in supporting assessment


Item 7. Academic Policy Committee Report

Chair Jene Michaud reported that the Committee had finished working on

the Hiring Handbook for Tenure Track Faculty. The committee reviewed the document, in consultation with college faculty representative bodies and relevant administrators. The revision focused on clarifying procedures to speed up the hiring process so that attractive candidates would not be discouraged by administrative or other delays. One major change is a return to the previous practice of naming the college dean as the hiring authority, in consultation with the VCAA, EEO/AA Officer and Human Resources Director.

Motion: Approve the Hiring Handbook for Tenure Track Faculty.

Friendly Amendment: Approve the Hiring Handbook but strike the step

that requires candidates to have an interview with the Vice Chancellor

for Academic Affairs.

Vote: 15 favored, 0 opposed. Motion passed.

It was also suggested that the language on page 13 pertaining to blind

reference checks be clarified.

Motion: Department, Division, and Search Committee Chairs should be

copied in employment offer letters.

Vote: 15 favored, 0 opposed. Motion passed.

Item 8. International Applicants for Positions at UH Hilo

Motion: Request the Human Resources Office to develop and distribute written guidelines to clarify the process for hiring candidates who are non-US citizens (especially as it pertains to visa requirements).

Vote: 16 favored, 0 opposed. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Mellon

Congress Secretary