June 1 & 2

Centralia College

Please join us as a sponsor of one of the premier energy and construction workforce conferences in the Northwest, the 12th Annual Energy & Construction Best Practices Summit!At this event, we will focus on the most pressing issues and challenges which are facing our workforce. Features of this year’s summit:

  • Nearly200industry, organized labor,workforce,economic development, andeducationrepresentativeswill attend. TheyrepresentthelargestorganizationsintheNorthwest.
  • Astrongline-upofindustryexpertswillbepresentersandpanelists.
  • Anopportunityforone-on-oneinteraction inacollegial atmospherewithyour customersandsupporters.

AnINDOORVendorPavilion–withscheduledwalk-throughsand networkingbreaksforourguestswith publicaccess(noovernight security).

Weinvite your organizationtojoin us atoneof thefollowingsupportlevels:

Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum
Contribution / $250 / $500 / $750 / $1,000
VendorPavilion / 1Table / 1Table / 2Tables / Locationchoice+
Presentations / N/A / N/A / N/A / Day 1-Lunch
PrintedProgram / NameListing / LogoListing / LogoListing / ½ PageAd
Meal Sponsor
Listing / N/A / Afternoon Snack / Breakfast / Lunch
Additional signage / signage / signage / signageand PPT
slide / signageandPPT
Presentation Scroll / NameOnly / NameOnly / Logo+Name / Logo+Name

Formoreinformation pleasecontact:




The 12thAnnual EnergyConstructionBestPracticesSummitwillbeJune 1-2, 2017atCentralia College: 600 Centralia College Blvd., Centralia, WA 98531

EXHIBITOR SET-UP:Pleasebeset-up andreadyfor guests by10:30am, Thursday,June 1st.

EXHIBITOR TEAR DOWN:June 2nd,after1pm andcompleted by3pm.

1.BoothNeedsshould bestatedonEventSponsorand Exhibitor Information form.Tables arestandard6’ in length. Gold/Platinum Sponsorsmayrequestadoubletable,or requestspacefora standalonedisplay.Under noconditionsmaya vendoruse morespacethan is assignedwithoutpermissionof the eventdirector.

2.Electricoutletsarelimitedand availableupon request. Theconferencewill doeverythingtomeetpower and otherconsiderations butthereareno guaranteesof availability. Vendormustsupplyextensioncord. Any equipmentrequestswill behonoredonan as-availablebasis andmayincur additional charges.

5.Theconferenceagendawillincludededicatedtimeforattendees tovisitwithexhibitors.Allmeals providedatthe conferenceareopentovendors.

6.Platinum Sponsors areencouragedtomakefive-minutepresentations during lunch.

7.PaymentmaybemadetotheCentraliaCollege Fund – CoESummitandmaybemadebycheck orcreditcard.

In-Kindcontributions will notcounttowards totalsponsorship levels.Refunds will onlybeissuedforcancellations received by May15,2017.

8.Logos usedin anypromotional displayeitheronline or in print mustbeprovidedbythesponsor and permission granted forreplicationof thelogoor image.Pleaseprovidea printqualityjpegimage.Thesummitwill notuseany logoswithoutexpresspermission.Logos are due by May 5th.

8.Vendorsmustall register for theconferencevia the onlinewebsitein additiontothesponsorship application. Visit toregister. There is no additional fee.

9.Unlessotherwiseagreedto in advance, noother benefits shall beconferred uponsponsorsnotspecifically enumerated intheagreement. Intheeventof adisputeor disagreementbetween:thesponsor andtheEvent Hostsor betweentwoor moresponsors; all interpretationsof therulesgoverningthesponsorshipcontract, actions,ordecisions concerningthis disputeor disagreementbytheEventDirector intendedtoresolvethe dispute ordisagreementshall bebindingonthesponsor.

10.Thedistributionofsamples, souvenirs, and publications, etc., maybeconductedbythesponsor. Thesponsorshall conductandoperateits sponsorship(if a physical elementexits) soasnot toannoy,endangeror interferewith therightsofotherexhibitors, sponsors andattendees.Anypracticeresulting incomplaints from anyother exhibitor,sponsoror anyattendee, whointheopinionof EventDirector interferes withtherights othersor exposes themtoannoyance ordanger,may beprohibited byEventDirector.

11.Each partytothisagreementshall beresponsibleforits own acts and/or omissions andthoseof itsofficers, employees and agents. No partytothis agreementshall beresponsiblefortheacts and/or omissions of entitiesor individuals notapartytothis agreement.

I agree to all of the terms and conditions on the sponsorship agreement.


Signature Date


Company Name: ______Contact Name: ______

Phone Number: ______Email: ______

□ Yes-I want to be a sponsor at the following level:

Bronze-$250 □Silver-$500 □Gold-$750 □Platinum-$1,000

□ Yes-I want to be an exhibitor:

Here are my needs for booth space:

_____ Number of tables_____Number of chairs Electrical Outlet □Yes □No

Other: ______


□Please invoice me

Name: ______

Company address: ______City: ______State:______




Credit Card # 3-digit security code


Authorization Signature

Scan/Email or Mail Form To:

ATTN: James Hovis, Centralia College/Center of Excellence

600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531