September 2013– July 2014YEAR 3 CURRICULUM OVERVIEWMrs LucyRalph
Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6Literacy / Poetry: Poems to Perform & Calligrams / Stories about Myths & Legends / Persuasion Texts Leaflets & Adverts / Scripts / Poetry / Stories and familiar settings
Numeracy* / Block A1, B1, C1 / Block D1, E1 / Block A2, B2, C2 / Block D2, E2 / Block A3, B3, C3 / Block D3, E3
R.E / The Bible / Judaism/ Christmas / Jesus / Easter / The Church / Judaism
Cornerstone’s curriculum / Sensoria (light and sound) / Traiders and Raiders (smugglers) / Sportswear designs / Pharohs (Egypt) / Wild Wood (residential trip here?) / Orchestra(link to summer production)
P.E / Wed– Miss Twydell
Thurs – LR+DR / Wed – Miss Twydell
Thurs- LR + DR / Wed – Miss Twydell
Thurs- LR + DR / Wed – Miss Twydell
Thurs- LR + DR / Wed – Miss Twydell
Thurs- LR + DR / Wed – Miss Twydell
Thurs- LR + DR
*Block A – Counting, partitioning and calculating
Block B – Securing number facts and understanding shape
Block C – Handling Data and Measures
Block D – calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Block E – Securing number facts, relationships and calculating
Numeracy Key objectives to be covered during the year:
Numbers and the number system
Read and write whole numbers to at least 1000; count on and back to zero in single digit steps or multiples of 10. Partition numbers into hundreds, tens and units. Rounding and estimation. Read and write fractions, identify fractions of shapes.
Addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20, number bonds to 100.
Multiplication facts for the 2,3,4,5,6 and 10 times-tables, and corresponding division facts.
Add and subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digit numbers. Written methods for addition and subtraction. Informal methods for multiplication and division of two-digit numbers, understanding that division reverses multiplication and vice versa. Find unit fractions of numbers.
Using and Applying Mathematics
Solving problems involving money, measures and time carrying out the appropriate calculations. Identify patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes.
Measures, Shape and Space
Describe, visualise and classify 2-D and 3-D shapes. Symmetry and reflection of shapes. Vocabulary of position direction and movement, using four compass directions.
Know the relationships between kilometres and metres, metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres. Read and record scales. Read the time on a 12 hour digital clock and to the nearest five minutes on an analogue clock. Calculate time intervals.
Times tables and spelling tests