Accessibility Plan
Elms Farm Primary School
Dates: From September 2016 to July 2017 (3years – to be reviewed annually)
Outcomesfor groups of children and young people / Accessibility Planning Code
C- Curriculum
I-Information / Actions / Evidence / Dates
(from and to)
What/How / Lead / Resources
To improve access, progress and participation for children with communication and interaction needs / C,E, I / To extend the use of Communication in Print to all year groups / SENCo / Extend school licence. Ensure technology available on all class computers. In-house training time/cover / Pupil progress data
Classroom observations
Environmental learning walks
Pupil feedback
Parent feedback
Staff confidence/feedback – link to PM / 2016-17
On-going - annually
To extend to use of Makaton by ensuring all staff trained to second level. / SENCo / Purchase Makaton resources and training from Makaton team
To train new staff and refresh present staff in classroom strategies and Level 1 AET training.
Level 2 training as appropriate for staff. / SENCo/
CAT team / CAT team
½ day staff training
SaLT training for whole staff and parent workshops. / SENCo
SaLT team / 1 training day for Primary Talk.
Language Link training during staff meeting.
Parent workshops 1 hour each half term.
To improve access, progress and participation for children with sensory and physical needs / C,E, I / To ensure all trips are accessible to all children. Risk assessments and ensure adjustments are made well in advance. / Ed Visits Co-ordinator / Time for pre-visits to locations and ensure suitable transport in place / Pupil feedback / On-going as necessary
To ensure annual staff training arranged for staff teaching children with HI / Sensory Support Team
SENCo / Timetabled
To ensure annual staff training arranged for staff teaching children with VI / VI Team
SENCo / Timetabled
To replace any broken lighting with LED bulbs as appropriate / Site Manager / Cost of new LED bulbs
To ensure all external steps are clearly marked with white or yellow paint / Site Manager / Cost of paint
To replace any broken blinds with roller blinds / Site Manager / Cost of blinds
To plan specific trips for the benefit of disabled children, e.g for HI children / SEN TA
SENCo / Cost of trip
To ensure that the range of children with disabilities is considered when replacing tables and chairs (e.g. adjustable height, physio chairs, non-shine surfaces etc) / Business manager in liaison with SENCo / Budget identified and time for sourcing suitable furniture / Ongoing annually
To improve access, progress and participation for children with cognition and learning needs / C, I / All staff to be trained on use of ITPs (individual target plans) – to be able to use on-line tool with SENCo support -
Literacy and Maths. / SENCo
PSS / Time for training
PSS costs / Pupil progress data
Staff confidence and performance management / Ongoing
Develop top 10 tips/non-negotiables for class teachers for quality teaching first / SENCo
CTs / Development time/PSS / As above
Books scrutinies / 2016-17
To ensure all children have alternative ways of accessing information
e.g. laptops, bold lines books, coloured backgrounds, etc / SENCo
CTs / Cost of resources
To explore a children working party to discuss how targets are used in their books. / SMT/CTs / Time for discussion.
To improve access, progress and participation for children with social, emotional, mental health needs / C,E, I / To explore the possibility of developing a sensory/withdrawal/safe space. / Lead Learning Mentor / To be costed / Learning walks
Pupil conversation
School behaviour audit / 2016-17
Autumn Term 2016
Organise training for all staff with current thinking on S,E,M,H / SENCo/DH / Costed through Beacon Schools
To explore a suitable space for a Nurture Group in setting / SMT / To be costed once explored
To review the professional development needs of the Learning Mentor Team / SMT
Learning Mentors / Time to review