SHE Action Plan 2010 / 2011 to address outstanding health and safety at work issues, with reference to the UCEA / USHA “Leading Health and Safety at Work” guidance for Vice Chancellors and Members of University Governing Bodies
Reviewed and updated January 2013
Green text indicates actions completed
Black text indicates actions remain outstanding
See Extracts from the SHE Action Plan 2012 / 2013 below for an update on actions and the Marsh H&S Risk Management Report 2013 Summary of Recommendations and Actions
Issues to be addressed / Action / Nominated Officer/s / Time Scales
a. Initial meeting
b. Completion / Comments
Health and Safety Policy, Strategy and Plans
1.1 / Formal review of Health and Safety Policy statement
Development of a 5 year H&S strategy / Produce procedure for annual review of the H&S Policy Statement, strategy and plan.
Content to be reviewed by SHE office for approval by the VC
Policy revised and signed by the VC dated 24/11/09
Warren Cole to provide Alun Thomas with examples from other HEI’s and produce a draft for Aug 09
WC to attend regional SWUSHA meeting on the 17th June and will discuss with other SW universities.
On hold
Awaiting publication of the Lofstedt review, and the appointment of the new VC – Autumn 2011 / Warren Cole, Tony Dewberry and Frank Morgan
Warren Cole / a. Procedure to be written by Easter 2009
b. VC to receive review by the 1st December every year
a. Draft Aug 09
b. Proposed strategy to be published as a paper for the September 2009 HSC meeting / Formalizing an ad hoc procedure
Note in SHE Office Outlook to review the H&S Policy 1st November every year
The long term strategy should receive the support of the Health and Safety Committee
Lofstedt review may include significant changes in legislation Review publication Autumn 2011
8a / Legal compliance of the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) constitution
Absence of a formal comprehensive Permit to Work system
Absence of health and safety responsibilities in job descriptions and designated roles at BSU e.g. ASM
Shortfall in First Aid cover notably between the hours of 5p.m. and 8.30 a.m. at Newton Park and Sion Hill (until disposal of Somerset Place)
No First Aid cover for early morning domestic staff
Shortfall in the number of suitably trained staff to operate the Evacutrac evacuation chairs
Absence of Fire Wardens in Newton Park halls of residence.
Written SHE guidance on responsibility for organising fire drills is not followed at Newton Park halls of residence
Reduction in SHE Office personnel / Review and amend HSC and JCNC committees to ensure HASAWA legal compliance.
Warren Cole to forward a summary of the Safety Reps and Safety Committee Regulations to Alun Thomas in order that he is satisfied that the current arrangements meet the requirements of the Regulations. Unions to be advised of any amendments. Completed - sent to Alun Thomas and Tony Dewberry 23/03/09 and 26/03/09
As of Feb 2010 Alun Thomas will Chair both Committees
Establish a PTW procedure for high risk tasks at BSU.
For CDM notifiable projects, the Principal Contractor will be expected to manage high risk areas through their own PTW system. Until the Property Services Technical Services Manager has been appointed, BSU Permits will have to be managed locally through Property Services
Overview of system requirements sent by Stephen Fair 24th July 2009
Staffing / method of implementation remain unresolved
Detailed by Catharine Gill (Marsh) during her audit carried out on 11/11/09 as recommendation number 9
Property Services to update on line information and SHE Office to provide guidance, and a hyperlink to the Property Services procedures
Institute an arrangement for the insertion of H&S responsibilities into all job and role descriptions.
W. Cole – content
A. Stone – Process
Summary of ASM duties responsibilities sent to Arlene Stone 11/05/09.
Dispute over who should send out the roles and responsibilities, HR, SHE, or DVC?
Restructuring of Schools in the summer 09 means the reduction in the number of ASM’s. Reallocation of responsibility to be agreed
Letters sent by the VC as formal notification of ASM roles and responsibilities, to be signed and returned to the SHE office and HR for reference Nov 2009
Investigate the availability of the new one day Emergency First Aid at Work course for security staff.
Confirm that the contractor is willing for security staff to take on this duty, and investigate any financial implications
Following correspondence with Carolyn Puddicombe, SGS have confirmed their intention for all of their staff to complete the EFAW course. Details to be passed to Katharine Mulready on completion. This will give all sites 24 / 7 cover.
S/O’s T Bradbury, J Hutchinson and D Wilmot attended the EFAW course on 3rd June
S/O’s Michelle Baker, Graham Neil, Todd Baker, Michael Morrison and James Gullock attended EFAW course on 20/11/09
Consider training for domestic staff.
Alison Fertig has agreed that her supervisors will undertake first aid training
EFAW training completed on 3rd June by
Denise Kelly
Dee Wilmott
Tina Powell
Amanda Clark
Dorota Lewkowicz Marx
Chloe Angell
Alison Fertig
In order to improve flexibility and reduce costs, one day EFAW courses, and annual refreshers will be delivered in house by Warren Cole.
Confirm that the contractor is willing for the security staff to use the evacuation chairs if required. Practical training would be provided by the SHE Office
Agreed between SGS and Carolyn Puddicombe 01/04/09
To be arranged throughout April 09 between Warren Cole and Tom Bradbury
T Bradbury and J Hitchinson completed training on 27/05/09
Extending into 2010
Establish who should undertake the proactive monthly Fire Warden checks
Provide training once responsibility has been assigned
Carolyn Puddicombe has been appointed as the manager for the Resident Wardens.
Resumption of duties and responsibilities tbc
Confirmation of where the responsibility should lie.
Following the initial meeting on the 9th March 2009 between all interested parties, the SHE Office have agreed to rewrite the guidance to allocate responsibility to Ann Hitchins (Student Housing).
Responsibility for the pro active monthly checks is to be taken by maintenance staff
Warren Cole to discuss the lack of returns with Steve Fair
The decision not to renew Stuart Tyfields contract means that staffing within the SHE Office will be reduced by 1000 hours per annum as of July 2009 / Alun Thomas, Tony Dewberry and Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Arlene Stone
Tony Dewberry
Warren Cole
Tony Dewberry
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Alison Fertig
Warren Cole
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Ann Hitchings
Alison Fertig
Warren Cole
Tony Dewberry
Ann Hitchings
Alison Fertig
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Steve Fair / a. Before Easter 2009
b. September 1st 2009
a. Urgent
b. December 2009
a. Before Easter 2009
b. For all new posts, and key roles (ASMs)
1st August 2009.
Existing staff tba
a. March 2009
b. March 2009
a. March 2009
b. May 2009
Instructor training completed July 2010 implement changes during 2010/2011
a. March 2009
b. Sept 2009
July 2010
a. March 2009
b. tba
a. Easter 2009
b. Sept 2009
b. May 2009
March 2010 / Refer to The Safety Reps and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 and the Health Safety (Consultation with Employees ) Regulations 1996
Commitment to Royal Sun Alliance Insurers for completion by August 2008
Kevin Wright to advise of any implications
Current pressing need for PTW at Sion Hill new build works.
June 2011
Property Services (Anita Edson and Katie brewer review the current PTW system. Initiated by changes in personnel
See Contractors Rules Regulations and Site guidance (draft)
Should assist in improving health and safety performance, by providing clarity.
Feedback to VC on the return rate during meeting Dec 16th 2009
As of 10th February 93% returned
Changes to First Aid at Work Regulations to be implemented by Oct 2009, in the interim alternative cover needed.
As the only guaranteed 24/7 presence on site Security offer the obvious solution
In areas where departments have ownership of buildings staff have been trained.
Problems exist in areas such as Newton and Twiverton where use of the buildings are shared amongst different departments.
Changes in staffing mean that training is ongoing, A log of trained evacuation chair operators is available from the SHE website
If they are present, senior students co-ordinate events during emergency evacuations (for which they have received training). In their absence Security take charge of events.
Proactive monthly checks do not happen in the halls of residence -this was previously carried out by Jacqueline McKenna and Simon Johnson as the resident wardens. This responsibility has not been reassigned.
As of July 2010 no Fire Warden check sheets have been returned to the SHE office. No evidence that the work is being carried out.
2011 Maintenance staff completing the Fire warden checks
The SHE guidance currently states that the responsibility for arranging twice yearly fire drills lies with the Area Safety Manager (Alison Fertig). This will be amended and in future twice yearly drills will be organized through student housing
(Ann Hitchings).
This could have a negative impact on the level of service provided, and consequently the end of year statistics.
Requirement to review and prioritise.
10 / Lack of systematic approach to Health and Safety training.
Lack of bespoke training for key safety roles and duties e.g. ASMs and Trade Union Safety Reps / Implementation of the RoSPA
e-training and recording system
July 09 all support staff on the system
Sep 09 all academic staff on the system (general safety and DSE)
Stress and manual Handling to be rolled out to coincide with national Stress Awareness day and National back care week.
As of December 1st 2009 all staff have received RoSPA training materials in general safety, manual handling, DSE, and occupational stress. Selected staff have received training materials in working at height, and manual handling.
Review the content and delivery of health and safety induction training for staff, workers, contractors and students
Include training as a KPI within each end of year (HSC) report
SHE Office to produce a report of the completion rate of ASM H&S e learning training completion by September 2010
Susanne Sutherland, the new Unison H&S rep has confirmed that she is attending union H&S training
All Heads of Department / School have received the RoSPA training materials, but these do not relate directly to local management responsibilities.
Following the Marsh audit on 11/11/09 it was suggested / recommended (recommendation 2) that in addition to the RoSPA materials ASM’s should complete IOSH Managing Safely or equivalent.
RoSPA training modules for managers included in the march Health and safety Committee paper.
Review training needs, and specify training programme for current and future post holders
ASM’s to complete training by Sep 2010 / Warren Cole
Warren Cole
Arlene Stone
Alun Thomas
Alun Thomas
Warren Cole
Warren Cole
All ASMs / b. Launch initial training mid -February 2009
a. Before Easter 2009
b. September 2009
December 1st 2009
I(ncluded in 2010 and 2011 safety committee meetings
Completion of training Sep 2010
a. Before Easter 2009
b. September
To be included in the March 2010 report / Training to be rolled out progressively, on a risk priority basis.
Currently no recognized procedures
Training programme for all ASM ‘s issued during the Spring Safety Committee 2009 in accordance with the Marsh audit
Risk Assessment
13 / Lack of generic risk assessments within key areas of the University that are available for general reference
Ready accessibility to completed written RAs
Focus on increasing number of RIDDOR Slips and Trips
Production of Radon Risk Assessments
Absence of comprehensive site drawings for the purpose of safety and fire RAs / Identify where a need exists
Slips and trips, Windows and doors, travel, grounds
Establish who should undertake the RAs
Complete and disseminate RAs.
SHE Office to assist
Establish procedure for central retention of all RAs
SHE Office to discuss the practicalities with IT.
As an alternative, the SHE office to investigate the use of the RoSPA system as the database for all centralized Risk Assessments.
WC talking to IT services June
It Services (Steve Book) unable to service our request due to work load, suggested use of Sharepoint or WMS. Mark Annand to advise
Jan / Feb 2010 WC discussing the use of the Wiki with Chris Steadham and Dave Hassall as the central RA database
The number of RIDDOR reportable slips and trips has almost doubled and is over the HE sector average.
A system needs to be developed to prioritise any slip or trip hazards thart are reported through the WMS system
Initially carry out testing for all subterranean work places
Produce SHE Office guidance
First set of readings highlighted two areas in excess of 400 Bq/m³
Provision of a drawing service.
Problems with printing A2 legible drawings, from the file. / Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Carolyn Puddicombe
Warren Cole
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Stephen Fair
Warren Cole
Carolyn Puddicombe
Mike Osborn
As of 2010 Steve Fair
As of 2011 Richard Jordan / )
) a. Before Easter
) 2009
b. 1st August 2009
Easter 2009
Feb 2010
July 2010
Reports published Sep 2010
August 2010
tbc / Identified examples include:
Campus traffic management, falls from heights (windows), grounds safety including water courses.
Improvements would allow an electronic copy to be readily available to all in addition to the original printed and signed RA
RIDDORS down in 2010
Testing in main House, Moreton boiler house, The Circus, and Corsham Court
Remedial action and further testing reguired July 2011
Identified in Estates Review 09/02/09
Emergency Preparedness
14a / Lack of demonstrably operational emergency management system at BSU
The Emergency preparedness plan remains untested / Clarification of progress to date
Set up a formal emergency
Marsh H&S Risk Management Report 2013 Summary of Recommendations and Actions
