Bio181-Quiz 7

  1. Which of the following are typical of both mitosis and of the first division of meiosis? a) The genetic material in the nucleus is duplicated prior to division; b) Spindle fibers form; c) Two nuclei form as a result of the division; d) None of the above; e) a,b,c are true
  2. At the end of Telophase II of meiosis, each of the four resulting cells contains; a) one set of chromosomes, each with two chromatids; b) two sets of chromosomes, each with two chromatids; c) one set of chromosomes, each a single chromatid; d) two sets of chromosomes, each a single chromatid; e) a different number of chromosomes from each other.
  3. Which of the following is true of the Hershey-Chase expeoiment? a) DNA was labelled with radioactive phosphorous; b) Protein was labelled with radioactive Sulfur; c) the virus-infected bacteria showed radioactive phosphorous; d)the virus-infected bacteria showed radioactive Sulfur; e) Only a,b,c are true
  4. Which of the following are components of nucleic acids? a) organic nitrogen bases; b) a sugar; c) phosphate group; d) glycerol; e) only a,b and c
  5. Chargaff defined the rules for DNA nitrogen base pairing. Which is the correct rule? a) A=U, G=T; b) A with T; G with C; c) A with C; G with T; d) A with G, G with T; e) A with U, G with C
  6. The two strands of DNA are; a) identical; b) parallel; c) antiparallel; d) the same in all species; e) the same as the RNA strand
  7. Replication of DNA is; a) conservative; b) redundant; c) dispersive; d) semiconservative; e) nonexistant
  8. The lagging strand in DNA replication consists of small stretches of Okazaki fragments because; a) it is semiconservative; b) DNA polymerase runs only in the 5’ to 3’ direction; c) DNA pol runs only in the 3’ to 5’ direction; d) mRNA synthesis forms from only one strand; e) helicase can only open one side of DNA
  9. Replication must always proceed by adding new bases to the; a) 1’ end; b) 2’ end; c) 3’ end; d) 4’ end; e) 5’ end
  10. If the average human genome contains approximately 100,000 genes, about how many proteins would you expect to find in a human cell? a) 3 billion; b) 100 million; c)100,000 d) 100; e) 46
  11. According to the Central Dogma of modern Biology, which two processes ocurr during gene expression; a) transcription and replication; b) rplication and repression; c) protein synthesis and replication; d) mutation and cell division;e) transcription and translation
  12. In the analogy relating Cooking with the Central Dogma, what does the produced protein (=polypeptide) represent? a) the cookbook; b) the recipe photocopy; c) the pantry; d) the kitchen; e) dinner
  13. In what major way does DNA transcription differ from DNA replication? a) both DNA strands are reproduced in replication only; b) only transcription uses DNA polymerase; c) only replication opens the DNA helix; d) only transcription makes a complementary copy of DNA; e) only replication makes a true copy of one strand
  14. The process of protein synthesis is known as a) translation; b) transcription; c) excision; d) replication; e) Okazaki fragmentation
  15. Protein synthesis takes place on; a) the plasma membrane; b) the nucleus; c) ribosomes; d) lysosomes; e) DNA
  16. In protein synthesis, each amino acid has a specific transfer RNA (tRNA) that can transport it to the site of protein synthesis. How many different tRNA’s would you expect to find in humans? a) 3; b) 4; c) 20; d) 46; e) 92
  17. The 3-nucleotide sequence in an mRNA message is called the; a) code; b) codon; c) amino acid; d) transcript; e) template
  18. The location of protein synthesis in the cell is; a) nucleus; b) cytoplasm; c) plama membrane; d) ER; e) Golgi

The following questions refer to the mRNA message…UUU-UUG-CGU-AUG-CCC-CUU-CCU-AAU-CGU-UAA-UAU-CAU;

  1. What are the first three amino acids coded for in the mRNA message…a) Phenylalanine-Leucine-Arginine; b) Methionine-Proline-Leucine; c) Phenylalanine-Leucine-Proline; d) Methionine-Serine-Tyrosine; e)none, this is a DNA message
  2. If we don’t count any start or stop tags, How long (in amino acids) is this protein going to be? a) 3; b) 5; c) 8; d) 12; e) hundreds