2300 MacCorkle Avenue, SE * Charleston, WV 25304

HYCAT Swimming Office (304) 357-4825 / 357-4936

HYCAT Coaching Staff / HYCAT Learn-to-Swim Staff e-mail addresses

Greg Olson @

Chris Rogers @

Cindy Hemsworth @

Rob St Jean @

Erin Biron @

Eric Judd @

Fax/Message Service (304) 341-0441 (24 hours)

Swimming Pool (304) 341-0444

MEET: 2016 West Virginia Invitational Long Course Swimming Championships

web page:

PLACE: Christiansburg Aquatic Center

595 North Franklin Street

Christiansburg, VA 24073

NO telephone number provided within the meet info packet

Entry Chairman: Greg Olson

(304) 415-3465 (cell)

357-4825 (work)


OR Samantha Hageboeck

(304) 610-8480 (cell)

e-mail: OR

Meet Director(s): Greg Olson, HYCAT @ Charleston Director/Coach

(304) 357-4825 (office)


Sarah Nisewarner, WV LSC Age Group Chair

(304) 483-1542 (cell)


Bill Beecher, Christiansburg Aquatic Center

Competitive Director

(540) 381-7665, ext 3104 (office)


Meet Referee: Derek Weaver, WV LSC Officials Chair

(304) N/A


DIRECTIONS: There are several ways to travel to the Christiansburg Aquatic Center. The HYCAT Swimming Office recommends that each HYCAT family looks @ for their own individual travel plans.


DATES: Friday-Sunday, July 08th-10th, 2016


Events FRI: 06:30PM-07:15PM [11-OV/swim] FRI: 07:30PM

101-102 06:10PM-06:25PM [11-OV/stretching = OPTIONAL]

07:20PM [Coach/Team Rep Meeting]

11:00PM [“estimated” finish]

Events SAT: 08:30AM-09:10AM [13-OV/swim] SAT: 10:00AM

201-226 09:20AM-09:25AM [13-OV/stretching = OPTIONAL]

08:50AM-09:05AM [12-UN/stretching = OPTIONAL]

09:10AM-09:40AM [12-UN/swim]

05:00PM [“estimated” finish]

Events SUN: 08:30AM-09:10AM [13-OV/swim] SUN: 10:00AM

301-326 09:20AM-09:25AM [13-OV/stretching = OPTIONAL]

08:50AM-09:05AM [12-UN/stretching = OPTIONAL]

09:10AM-09:40AM [12-UN/swim]

03:00PM [“estimated” finish]

NOTES: ALL events & relays for ALL age groups will be conducted as “timed

finals” each day.

ENTRIES: As a HYCAT parent of a child (or children) entered in this swim

meet, it is the RESPONSIBILITY/OBLIGATION to work (or provide a

suitable “substitute”) at the swim meet each session that you have a

child (or children) entered/participating in the meet. The meet is

being hosted by the West Virginia LSC AND each West Virginia Swim

Team has been assigned specific jobs at the meet based upon the

number of swimmers entered in the meet.

Amy Ridenour will be making the work assignments and they will be

posted on the web site as soon as possible. If you are not assigned,

you are still responsible to work so please see Amy when you arrive

for the warm-ups for your work assignment. HYCAT/Charleston; Hunt-

ington & Logan are the “meet hosts” for this meet, HYCAT will need

to provide the following workers for the meet as listed on the next page:

HYCAT @ Charleston/work assignments

** entries

** heat sheet preparation & sales

** deck officials

** announcer

** computer system & timing console

** scoring & awards; clerk of course & runner

** lanes 3,4,5 times (6 HYCAT parents)

HYCAT @ Huntington/work assignments

** deck officials, if any

** awards; Admin Official if qualified; timing console

** parents serving as back-up timers

HYCAT @ Logan/work assignments

** back-up timing in lane #3 for Sat all day


ENTRIES The remaining WV LSC clubs will supply the remaining lanes of back-

(CONT): up/manual timers & some additional Deck Officials. Since this meet

is being hosted by HYCAT @ Charleston/Huntington/Logan, there may be

additional work required for back-up/manual timing lanes. There will

be a limited “Coach/Official Hospitality” area during the meet.

Also, Swim & Tri will be at the meet on Fri evening & Sat morning

and Northwest Designs will be at the meet.

After Amy develops the work assignments, they will be posted to the

web site & e-mailed to the HYCAT members. Fulfillment of your work

assignment is critical to the smooth operation of the meet … without

the help of the HYCAT parents this meet will not be possible!! HYCAT

has the largest number of swimmers entered in the meet so it would be expected that HYCAT does the majority of the work, especially

since HYCAT is the meet host. Again, thank you!!! We “guess” that

each family will have to work approximately 2-3 hours each session.

If the swimmer's parents (or a suitable “substitute”) DOES NOT ful-

fill their work responsibility/obligation completely (this also

includes the “finals” each day), the swimmer's parents will be

“billed” at the rate of $50.00/session that the parents had a child

(or children) participating in the meet. This information was out-lined/explained on the blue registration form that the parents signed and returned to the HYCAT Swimming Office when your child joined the swimming program! If you have any questions regarding this policy/regulation, please contact Barry Martin, HYCAT Board President; OR Greg Olson, Director/Head Coach; OR any HYCAT Board Member = THANK YOU!!!


M. Cormany = ***/205,209,213,217,221/301, K. McGlothen = ***/202,210,214,218,222/

305,309,313,317 302,306,310,314,318

J. Stout = ***/205,209,213,217,221/301,

305,309,313,317 09-10/10-UN BOYS

A. Walker = ***/201,209,213,217,221/301,

305,309,313,317 E. Morris= ***/206,210,214,218,222/302,306,


09-10/10-UN GIRLS G. Sproles = ***/206,210,214,218,222/302,


C. Bazzle = ***/205,209,213,217,221/301,

305,309,313,317 11-12 BOYS

K. Cox = ***/205,29,213,217,221/301,305,

309,313,317 A. Metz = ***/206,210,214,218,222/302,306,

A. Edstrom = ***/201,209,213,217,221/ 310,314,318

301,305,309,313,317 G. Ridenour = 1-2/202,210,216,218,222/304,

K. Edstrom = ***/201,209,213,217,221/301, 306,314,318,326


M. McGlothen = ***/201,205,209,217,221/ 13-14 BOYS


M. Reynolds = ***/201,209,213,217,221/ M. Cormany = 102/208,212,220,224,230/304,

301,305,309,313,317 308,312,320,326

O. Ridenour = ***/201,209,213,217,221/ S. Hinkley = 102,/208,212,216,220,224/304,

301,305,309,313,317 308,312,320,326

M. Schaefer = ***/201,209,213,217,221/




11-12 GIRLS 13-14 BOYS (cont) .....

L. Blake = 101/205,209,215,217,221/303, K. Hoffman = 102/204,208,212,218,224/304,

305,313,317,325 308,312,316,320

G. DeBord = 101/201,205,209,213,217/303, Z. Lowes = Logan swimmer entered on Sat

305,309,313,317 only

R. Gillette = Logan swimmer entered on C. Marcum = Logan swimmer entered on Sat

Sat only only

E. Martin = 101/201,205,213,217,221/301, W. St Jean = 102/204,208,212,216,224/304,

305,309,313,319 308,312,316,320

M. Murphy = 101/205,209,213,217,221/301,

305,309,313,317 15-OV/SENIOR BOYS

A. Walko = 101/205,209,215,217,221/303,

305,309,315,317 B. Acklin = 102/204,208,212,220,224/304,

S. Williamson = 101/205,209,213,217,221/ 308,312,320,326

301,305,309,313,317, G. Cole = 102/204,208,212,220,224/EXCUSED




E. Ball = Logan swimmer entered on Sat D. Dent = ***/212/308,320

only Q. Farley = Logan swimmer entered on Sat

C. Chambers = 101/203,207,211,215,223/ only

303,307,311,319,325 R. Hageboeck = WILL MISS FRI & SUN ... WILL

K. Cox = 101/207,211,215,219,223/303, WORK 6 SESSIONS @ CITY MEET OR HYCAT

307,311,319,325 AUGUST SWIM CAMP ... 204,212,216,220,224

D. Goodman = Logan swimmer entered on P. Reed = 102/WILL MISS SAT & SUN ... WILL


A. Hemsworth = 101/207,211,215,223,229/ AUGUST SWIM CAMP

303,307,311,315,325 C. Rogers = ***/208,212/304

M. Layne = 101/207,211,219,223,229/303, N. Runyon = ***/208,212,216,220,224/304,

307,311,319,325 308,312,320,326

M. Nichols = 101/203,207,211,219,229/303,

307,311,319,325 15-OV/SENIOR GIRLS (cont) .....

M. Reynolds = 101/207,211,215,219,223/

303,307,311,319,325 E. Hageboeck = WILL MISS FGRI ... WILL WORK

R. Strother = 101/203,207,211,219,223/ 3 SESSION @ CITY MEET OR HYCAT AUGUST

303,307,315,319,325 SWIM CAMP/211,215,219,223,229/307,311,

A. Workman = 101/207,211,215,219,223/303, 315,319,325

307,311,315,319 R. Raines = 101/203,207,211,219,223/303,


15-OV/SENIOR GIRLS C. Smithson = 101/207,211,215,219,223/303,


G. Clonch = 101/207,211,219,223,229/303, A. Thompson = 101/211,215,219,223,229/303,

311,315,319,325 311,315,319,325

AM DePasquale = 101/203,207,211,219,223/




0050 Free = 209,210,211,212 0050 Back = 205,206

0100 Free = 305,306,307,308 0100 Back = 207,208,301,302

0200 Free = 317,318,319,320 0200 Back = 303,304

0400 Free = 201,202,203,204

0800 Free = 229,230 0050 Breast = 309,310

1500 Free = 101,102 0100 Breast = 213,214,311,312

0200 Breast = 215,216

0050 Fly = 217,218,313,314

0100 Fly = 219,220 0100 IM = NOT held long course meet

0200 Fly = 315,316 0200 IM = 221,222,223,224

0400 IM = 325,326

0100 FR REL = NOT held long course meet 0100 MD REL = NOT held long course meet

0200 FR REL = [SAT] 225,226,227,228 0200 MD REL = [SUN] 321,322

0400 FR REL = NOT held @ this meet 0400 MD REL = NOT held @ this meet

0800 FR REL = NOT held at this meet

MEET Greg Olson; Chris Rogers; Cindy Hemsworth & Rob St Jean prepared the

INFO: pared the entries using the swimmer’s “life time best” meter times.

If a HYCAT swimmer HAS NEVER competed in a long course meet during

their career and/or during the 2016 HYCAT Summer Swimming Season,

the HYCAT Coaching Staff made a “best guess estimate” of what the

swimmer could do since “NT” entries are not permitted for this meet.

The “composite times” are all listed with “.99” and the end of the

swimmer’s time.

ALL swimmers may enter five (5) events per day since the meet will be conducted as “timed finals. PLEASE “check/look at” the heat sheet

when you arrive at the meet to see if Greg made any mistakes (typos)

with your event numbers. This handout IS NOT the official entries

for the meet! Also, check the club’s web page @ for

the psych sheet for the meet.

The HYCAT Swimming Program will end their summer swim meet compete-

tion with this meet and have prepared to swim their VERY FASTEST

TIMES at this meet!! These swimmers that have “rested” for this

meet have the OPTION/CHOICE to participate in the swimming TRADITION

of “SHAVING DOWN” for this meet since we are “looking” for VERY,


All HYCAT “Travel/Competitive” Team coaches (Chris Rogers; Rob St

Jean & Cindy Hemsworth) will attend the meet. The HYCAT Coaching

Staff is VERY PROUD of the work that the swimmers have performed

during this summer swimming season, especially since we have been

training at Cato Park with regular” lane markers and BK flags.

HYCAT will be aiming for their 30th consecutive long course team

title and 73rd over-all WV State short course or long course team

title! We ask that ALL HYCAT swimmers wear their team bathing suit

and wear a HYCAT bathing cap at the meet! Questions??? See/talk to

any of the HYCAT Coaching Staff!


MOTEL INFO: The HYCAT Swimming Office was able to make a few “group reserva-

tions” for this meet. The HYCAT Swimming Office did provide the

HYCAT swimming community with a list of these reservations and

additional area motels in late September or early October 2015 and

was listed on the club’s web site. It was the sole responsibility of

the HYCAT parent to make their own reservation for this meet. The

HYCAT Swimming Office DID NOT make any additional reservetions. The

HYCAT Coaching Staff will be staying at the Hampton Inn as listed


Hampton Inn Christiansburg/Blacksburg

Arbor Drive

Christiansburg, VA 24073

(540) 381-5874

Cindy Hemsworth & family FRI/SAT nights

Chris Rogers FRI/SAT nights

Rob St Jean & family FRI/SAT nights

ENTRY FEES This is a West Virginia LSC Meet, if a swimmer DOES NOT pay for the month

INFO: of July, the swimmer will need to pay the entry fees as outlined below. If

the Swimming Office sends an invoice/bill for entry fees, there will be an

additional $10.00 “billing fee” added to the entry fees.

As a member of the HYCAT Swimming Program, the swimmer is required to pay a $10.00 “swim meet fee” for every swim meet that the swimmer enters within the WV LSC. The fees are listed below ... please drop off your payment @ the HYCAT Swimming Office. If paid after 07/25/2016, a $10.00 “late pay-ment fee” will be added to your bill. Thank you!!!

Acklin Family $10.00 Bazzle Family $10.00

Blake Family $10.00 Chambers Family $10.00

Clonch Family $10.00 Cole Family $10.00

Cormany Family $20.00 Cox Family $20.00

DeBord Family $10.00 Dent Family $10.00

DePasquale Family $10.00 Edstrom Family $30.00

Hageboeck Family $30.00 Hemsworth Family $10.00 Hinkley Family $10.00 Hoffman Family $10.00

Layne Family $10.00 McGlothen Family $20.00 Martin Family $10.00 Metz Family $10.00 Morris Family $10.00 Murphy Family $10.00

Nichols Family $10.00 Raines Family $10.00

Reed Family $10.00 Reynolds Family $20.00

Ridenour Family $20.00 Rogers Family $10.00

Runyon Family $10.00 Schaefer Family $10.00

Smithson Family $10.00 Sproles Family $10.00

St Jean Family $20.00 Stout Family $10.00

Strother Family $10.00 Thompson Family $10.00

Walker Family $10.00 Walko Family $10.00

Williamson Family $10.00 Workman Family $10.00

SWIMWEAR Swim and Tri Swimwear & Northwest Designs will be attending the meet. If you

VENDORS: need a specific swimming related item, please call Swim and Tri and see if

they can bring it to the meet.