October Monthly Meeting of Kells Town Council held on Monday, 20th October 2008, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells
Presiding:Cllr. B. Collins
Present:Cllrs. B. Curran, S. Drew, A.O. Farrelly, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes,
B. Reilly, O. Sweeney.
Also Present:Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Ms. L. Hennessy, A/Town Clerk,
Mr. S. Carroll, A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer,
Mr. M. Fitzsimons, Civil Defence Officer (Item 6), Mr. B. Sweeney, SEO Corporate Services (Item 7).
Apologies were received from Cllr. P. Caffrey for his inability to attend.
Suspension Standing Orders
On the proposal of Cllr. C. Ferguson, seconded by Cllr. B. Curran, it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders in order to take Items 6 and 7 first.
Presentation on Revised Framework Plan on Major Emergency Planning
Mr. Michael Fitzsimons, Civil Defence Officer, made a presentation summarised as follows.
New Framework Plan was launched by the Government in September 2006
Two year implementation plan
National Steering Group
National Working Group
Provides for co-ordinated response by principal agencies, namely Gardai, HSE and Local Authorities
Report on KellsTown Electoral Boundaries for Local Elections 2009
Mr. Bill Sweeney, SEO Corporate Services, gave a presentation summarised as follows.
The urban boundary will be the same as 1999 and 2004 election
The boundary extended –
Navan Road - far side of cemetery
Headfort Road - beyond gate sewage works
Headfort Woods not included
Carlanstown Road - Mill Lane included
The Glebe not included
Cherryhill part outside
Moynalty Road – beyond Sunset Homes
Archdeaconry View not included
Cavan Road – included all major built up areas
Oldcastle Road – Nursing Home not included
Mullingar Road – Balrath Woods first 8 houses and apartments included
Athboy Road – includes up to Termon Lane
Members were informed that town boundary application would likely be submitted to the Department by mid 2009.
Mr. Sweeney stated that he would raise the issue of using the Youthreach Hall as a polling station for the north end of the town with the CountyRegistrar as requested by members.
The minutes of the September monthly meeting held on 15th September 2008 were approved on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew.
- Letter from Chamber of Commerce stating that the Shopping Voucher Scheme would be launched on 30th October 2008
- Letter from Meath Association of London stating that their annual buffet dance would be held on 28th November
It was agreed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Curran, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly, that Cllr. T. Grimes would represent the Council at this function.
- Letter from Gael Colmcille Pitch & Putt Club re development of dressing rooms. The Manager stated that more information was required and he would meet with officials.
- Correspondence from Department of Transport stating that the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008 has been published.
- Correspondence from EirGrid re opening of two information centres in Navan and Carrickmacross.
Monthly Reports
Members raised the issue of sewage odour in the town recently. The Town Engineer stated that four complaints had been received. Manholes were opened and no blockages were found in the system. The pumping station on the Oldcastle Road was working, but a check would be kept on this plant.
The Town Engineer informed Cllr. Sweeney that the provision of bigger bins would create a problem for people with disabilities.
Cllr. Curran raised the issue of bins at fast food outlets.
Manager’s Orders
The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.
To approve revision of remuneration
The revision of remuneration in accordance with Circular LG 09/28 was approved on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.
Report on taking in charge of estates
The Town Engineer presented a report summarised as follows:
- There are 16 estates in private ownership
- Three requests have been received to take in charge, Headfort Glebe, Headfort and Newrath View
- The developer of Maudlin Court, Ramor Construction, no longer in operation. The estate can be taken in charge seven years after expiration of grant if majority of stakeholders in the estate made request.
- There is ongoing correspondence with the developer of Hermitage Glen. Works not fully complied with. As constructed plans have yet to be submitted.
- No request had been received to take Rochford Hall in charge.
- The bond for the Stonebridge estate had been used to carry out works there.
The Town Engineer informed Cllr. Curran that there is no provision to install ramps in estates and they are only installed as a last resource.
Cllr. Farrelly was informed that the developer of Archdeaconry View had a period of five years from construction to complete road surface.
Members were informed that the taking in charge process would commence in the coming weeks.
Report on provision of traffic calming measures
The Town Engineerstated that the provision of ramps had been advertised under Section 38 of Road Traffic Act. One submission had been received. He had met with residents of Cross Carrick and they had requested that two ramps be provided instead of one. It was agreed to hold off and re-advertise for second ramp. Members raised the issue of Cavan Road crossing at Super Valu.
Questions to Town Manager
Cllr. C. Ferguson
“Can the Area Manager update us on the current position of the playing fields on the Moynalty Road as agreed in the Local Area Plan?”
The Manager stated that the developer held a number of meetings with officials in June and July. The site was under 8.5 acres and would accommodate a small dressing area, car park, fully size playing pitch and two five a side pitches. The access and side lines were currently in possession of NRDO until motorway complete. The Developer was in contact with Council Solicitor on hand over process.
Cllr. C. Ferguson
“Can the Area Manager, to the best of his knowledge, assure us that all new roads under construction, excluding the M3, have cycle lanes and are pedestrian friendly?”
The Manager stated that he proposed to refer the matter to NRDO and would have an answer for the next meeting.
Cllr. O. Sweeney
“Can the Manager provide an update on progress on taking in charge of estates in the town?”
Cllr. Sweeney’s question was dealt with by report from Town Engineer.
Any Other Business
It was agreed to deal with Tidy Towns Report and Joint Policing Committees at next meeting.
Kells Motorcycle Racing Club would be attending a special meeting on 30th October.
The Manager informed members that the Department of Education had written to Meath County Council in relation to new school for Eureka requesting that the Cavan Road site be zoned for educational purposes.
A vote of congratulations was passed with:
- Gael Colmcille
- Kells handball Club
- RoundTowers football team
A vote of sympathy was passed with:
- Quaid family
- Donoghue family
- Castles family
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: ______
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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: