Current and Pending Support Template

For every current and pending project, please include:

  • Project Number assigned by Sponsor to identify the grant award (PI has this information) If unknown, then put N/A for not available
  • Project Period
  • Calendar Year / Academic Year or Summer Year Effort
  • Principal Investigator
  • Current year’s cost (some sponsor only want the direct cost and not total cost which includes the indirect costs)
  • Your Role
  • Sponsor Name
  • Title of the grant proposal
  • Short description of project and the stated goals


Last name, First Name


011904505/02/11 – 04/30/173.60 CY months

Jones, M.$200,000role: PI

NSF/DUE (Division of Undergraduate Education)

Grant Title

This research and evaluation project is examining the effects of training prospective teachers to deliver math and science instruction in conformity with newly established content and pedagogical standards. The significance of this study is in its potential to provide evidence to support math/science curricular reform in teacher education programs nationwide, its ability to shed light on how new models of teacher training can narrow the performance gap among students with different levels of prior academic attainment, how new approaches to teacher training (CETP) can stand up to the pressures of urban school environments that have differential supports for new teachers, and its modeling of the utility of developing and using a comprehensive teacher education tracking system.


R37 HD03342612/01/15 – 11/30/195.00 CY months

Smith, J.$350,000role: Co-Investigator


Grant Title

The overall goal of the research program is to understand flexibility in motor skill acquisition-how infants, children, and adults learn to select appropriate actions, modify ongoing actions, and construct new actions in accordance with the current constraints on action. The studies will use apparatuses and procedures (ascending/descending adjustable cliff, reaching and locomoting through apertures, dynamic reaching in the context of ongoing movement, brachiating over monkey bars) and technologies (head- mounted eye-tracking, video tracking, computerized behavioral coding, hfiotlon tracking) developed in the previous project period to track changes inflexibility during learning and development in infancy and across the life span.


Some sponsors may require an explanation of any overlap that existsbetween the active and pending projects. Overlap is categorized in one of three ways:

ScientificOverlap-Scientific overlap occurs when the same research is proposed in more than one application or is submitted to two or more funding sources for review and funding consideration or, a specific research objective and the research design for accomplishing the objective are the same or closely related in two or more applications or awards, regardless of the funding source.

Budgetary Overlap- Budgetary overlap occurs when duplicate or equivalent budgetary items (e.g., equipment, salaries) are requested in an application but already are provided by another source.

CommitmentOverlap- Commitment overlap occurs when an individual’s time commitment exceeds 100 percent, whether or not salary support is requested in the application.