Teaching Reading and Writing/Teaching Listening and Speaking

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-10pm

Instructor: Suzanne M. Bardasz

Office: Room 1118

Office Phone Number: 350-8786

Office Hours: M, T, W, TH 1-4pm, and by appointment


Required Textbook:

Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Language Pedagogy by H.D. Brown

Course Description and Objectives:

This course will introduce students to the theories and methodologies in teaching the four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. This class will be split into four differentsections that will address all of the four skills. In all sections, students will be introduced to strategies and techniques needed in teaching oral proficiency, listening strategies, reading comprehension, and writing skills. By the end of the class, students will be able to create lesson plans for each of the four skills that will integrate the theories and applications discussed in class.

Major Assignments for the Class

Besides readings and discussion, you will be asked to turn in four different lesson plans that address one of the four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. These lesson plans will be reviewed by me and by your peers. You will also be asked to sign up to give one short demonstration lesson of one of the four skills that you will teach to a small group of peers and receive additional feedback.

Course Requirements

1) Attend classes

You must attend class regularly.Except emergencies or valid excuses, you must attend more than 90% of the classes to pass.

You must come to class on time.

If you know you will miss a class because of an emergency and/or illness, business trip, or an unexpected change in plans, you mustnotify me by e-mailbefore class. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed in class and to complete missing assignments.

2) Be prepared

You must attend class regularly and complete all assignments.

Bring all the things you need for the class: textbook, pens, pencils, dictionary, notebook, homework, questions, etc.

Turn off your cell phones (including vibrator tone) before coming to class and cell phones must not visibly be seen (no text messaging in class).

If you must accept a cell phone call in class, please step outside of the classroom so you will not disturb the class.

3) Participate

You must actively participate in class and be cooperative and supportive of your classmates, as well as be respectful to me.

Everybody can participate and enjoy themselves during this course. If you do not participate, then you cannot improve. The best way to learn English is to participate. Share your ideas and beliefs, have an opinion, agree and disagree.

Ask questions if you don’t understand something or need repetition. There are NO dumb questions!

In other words, just participate!

I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I invite each of you to come to my office if you have any questions, concerns, or if you would just like to chat.


Week One
Day 1
Day 2 / Introductions/Class syllabus
Learner variables: Teaching across age levels
Learner variables: Teaching across proficiency levels
Planning lessons review; initiating interaction in the class; sustaining interaction through group work; strategies based instruction
Week Two
Day 3
What is listening comprehension? Types of spoken language; what makes listening difficult? Microskills of listening comprehension
Types of classroom listening performance, listening techniques for all levels, how to design listening techniques, in-class discussion of lesson plan ideas
Week Three
Day 5
Day 6 / Listening Demonstration/SPEAKING MODULE
Listening Lesson plans due; in-class teaching demonstrations
How to teach speaking
What is oral communication? Types of spoken language; what makes speaking difficult? Microskills of oral communication
Week Four
Day 7
Day 8 / SPEAKING MODULE continued
Types of classroom speaking performance; how to teach conversation and pronunciation; how to correct speech errors; in-class discussion of lesson plan ideas
Speaking Lesson plans due; in-class teaching demonstrations
Week Five
Day 9
Types of written language; characteristics of written language; microskills for reading comprehension
Strategies for reading comprehension; types of classroom reading performance principles for designing interactive reading techniques; in-class discussion of lesson plan ideas
Week Six
Day 11
Day 12 / Reading Demonstration/WRITING MODULE
Reading Lesson plans due; in-class teaching demonstrations
How to teach writing
Types of written language; characteristics of written language from a writer’s point of view; microskills for writing
Week Seven
Day 13
Day 14 / WRITING MODULE continued
Types of classroom writing performance; how to design writing techniques; evaluating student writing; in-class discussion of lesson plan ideas
Writing Lesson plans due; in-class teaching demonstrations
Week Eight
Day 15
Day 16 / Integrating the “Four Skills”
Why integration? How do we integrate the skills? Content-based instruction, theme-based instruction, task-based teaching, experiential learning