Molesey Drive, Cheam, Sutton, SM3 9UU
Tel.: 020 8644 7415 Fax: 020 8255 5532
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Summer Dates 2015
Monday 13thINSET Day (School Improvement Conference)
Tuesday14thStart of new term
Teaching practice students start block practice in Purple, Sapphire & Indigo
Science Week
PTFA meeting 8pm in Rainbow House
Thursday16thReception offers sent out
Friday 17thChild Protection & Volunteer training 1.30pm in Meeting Room
Thursday 23rd1.15pm Healthy Living committee – interested parents welcome
Friday 24thYellow Class Sharing Assembly
Monday27thWOW starts (walk once a week for 4 weeks)
Tuesday28thTalent Assembly – please let Miss Thorndycraft know if you want to be involved
Wednesday 29thFr. Lorne leading assembly
Thursday 30th4.30pm Governors Curriculum & Achievement Committee Meeting
Friday 1stMufti Day – Princesses and Super Heroes (PTFA will provide more details)
Turquoise Class Sharing Assembly
Nursery offers sent out
Monday 4thBank Holiday: School closed
Tuesday 5thClass Photos
Wednesday6thSarah Webb (Christian Worker) leading assembly
Thursday 7thGeneral Election – school closed
Friday 8thMufti Day (PTFA will provide more details)
Monday 11thSchool tour for prospective parents 9.30am
‘Soundsteps’ leading assembly
Wednesday 13thRic (Christian Worker) leading assembly
Thursday14th7.00pm Governors Resources Committee Meeting
Friday 15thMufti Day - Fluorescent colours (PTFA will provide more details)
Saturday16thMay Fayre 12 – 3pm
Tuesday19thCar Free Day (details to follow)
Wednesday 20thParents invited to lunch - book via school office
Friday 22ndPink Class Sharing Assembly
Half Term Monday 25th – 29th May
Wednesday3rdYear 2 Music Morning (details to follow)
Thursday 4thGovernorsCurriculum & Achievement Committee Meeting 4.30pm
Friday 6thGreen Class Sharing Assembly
Wednesday10thRic (Christian Worker) leading assembly
Friday 12thLilac Class Sharing Assembly
Monday15thPhonics Screening check week for Year 1
Tuesday 16thYear 2 trip to Museum of London (Sapphire & Indigo)
Wednesday 17thYear 2 trip to Museum of London (Purple & Orange)
Sarah Webb (Christian Worker) leading assembly
Governors Resources committee meeting 7.00pm
Thursday 18thEvening meeting for parents of new Reception children 7.00pm
Friday 19th Red Class Sharing Assembly
Tuesday23rdReception classes visiting Morden Hall Park (Pink & Lilac)
Thursday 25thReception classes visiting Morden Hall Park (Red & Turquoise)
Evening meeting for parents of new Reception children 7.00pm
Friday26thBlue Class Sharing Assembly
Monday29thSeptember 2015 class lists given to parents
Tuesday 30thNew Year 3 Induction morning 9.30 - 11.15am (children only)
Year 3 parents Induction evening 5.30 - 7.30pm
Wednesday 1stEnterprise Month
Evening meeting for parents of new nursery children 7.00pm
Friday 3rdSpain Day for Reception (details to follow)
Reports to Parents
Yr2/Yr3 Pirate Party 7 – 9.30pm
Monday6thNursery Open Mornings/Afternoons and Reception Graduation Week this week (details to follow) Arts Week
Tuesday 7thNursery sports – all nursery am (details to follow) Parent Consultations (Year 1 and 2 - details to follow)
Cheam Park Farm Junior school orchestra to perform
Wednesday 8thYear 2 Performance dress rehearsal to CPFJ Yr3 children 9.30am
Year 2 Performance dress rehearsal to Infants 2.00pm
Parent Consultations (Year 1 and 2 - details to follow)
Thursday 9thYear 2 Leavers Performance – Indigo & Sapphire parents 9.30am
Orange & Purple parents 2.00pm
Monday 13thPlay Day (details to follow)
Thank you tea for all volunteers who have supported the school this year
Tuesday14thSports Day – Yr2 (9.30-10.30am) Yr1 (11 – 12noon) Reception (1.30- 2.30pm) – parents invited. This will take place at CPFJ.
Meeting at 2.45pm for parents of children moving to Year 2 in September
Wednesday 15thMeeting at 2.45pm for parents of children moving to Year 1 in September
Thursday 16thChildren to visit new classes during the morning
Class Parties – children wear own clothes. Parents do not need to send in food for party
Friday 17thLast day of term – 2pm pick up
Tuesday 21stPlay day for new Reception
‘Where Happy Children Love to Learn’