Painting 1Name______
Creative Color Wheels (50 points)Date______Block____
Title: (write in here)______
______5- My title adds interest or understanding to my artwork.
______3- My title is just a simple description
______0- No Title.
Relate and Connect to Instructions (Includes color wheel and one color scale [monochromatic, intensity, analogous])
______5- I have been able to interpret all instructions to skillfully create a finished work of art.
______4- I have been able to interpret most of the instruction to skillfully create a finished work of art
______3- I have been able to follow some of the directions to create a work of art
______2- I have followed few of the directions to create a project
______1/0-I did not follow or understand directions and did not seek help.
Personally Relevant Artwork (Is your artwork unique to you?!)
______5- My artwork has innovation, daring, creativity or imagination. It has been developed into a personally meaningful and significant artwork. The media, ideas and forms are used in an adventurous/ exploratory manner. I have created surprising, unusual and intelligent images.
______4-My artwork is creative and imaginative. It relates to my life and I have taken artistic risk.
______3- My artwork is of moderately creativity but relates to my life on few levels. I may be reproducing that whichI am artistically comfortable.
______2- My artwork is lacking creativity; it is derivative (copy work) and may break copyright laws. It barely relates to my life.
______1/0- BUSTED! My artwork violates copyright laws and INTERPOL is on the way. It is not connected to my life.
Design and Composition (Did you plan it out by sketching?)
______5- All aspects of design have been carefully considered and inventively developed to achieve your intended result. The composition is cohesive, resolved and reinforces the message of the artwork.
______4- Most aspects of design have been carefully considered and inventively developed to achieve your intended result. The composition is cohesive and reinforces the message of the artwork.
______3- Some aspects of design have been considered and somewhat developed to achieve your intended result.
______2- Few aspects of design have been considered. The composition is undeveloped.
______1/0- I do not understand design and composition and did not come in for help.
Technical and media skills (How well did you work with watercolors?)
______5-I carefully selected media and /or technique that is appropriate to the intended expressive purpose of the artwork. My artwork demonstrates superior technical competence. The artwork is of superior consistency and quality and I did not rush and used my time well. The artwork is completely resolved.
______4- My artwork demonstrates competence in the use of media. I paid attention to the consistency and quality of the finished artwork. The artwork is mostly resolved.
______3- I have overcome most frustrations with my technical and media skills. I was in a rush to get ‘r’ done.
______2- I still have frustrations and concerns to address with my technical and media skills.
______1/0- The artwork is of low quality because rushing through and unresolved technical and media skills.
Resolution of Problems (How did you face your frustrations?)
______5- My final artwork is a result of thoughtful planning and inventive problem solving. The composition has been executed with superior use and understanding of design, media and techniques.
______4- My final artwork demonstrates planning and problem solving. The composition has been executed with the use and understanding of design, media and techniques.
______3- My final artwork shows some resolution of problems.
______2- My lack of planning is evident in my artwork. The lack of experience with design, media, and techniques is what hindered solving many problems.
______1/0- HELP, %@$#*,What can I do now? How do you do this again? “Plans, What Plans?”
**Wait! There’s more on the back!!!!**
Fit, Finish& Presentation (How does it look? Would I be able to display your art?)
______5- My artwork is professionally presented and constructed. All elements of finish have been considered.
Nothing can be added or subtracted for improvement. Everything is purposeful, technically virtuous and technical issues are concealed from the viewer.
______4- My art work is ready for presentation. Many elements of finish have been considered. It is mostly “cleaned up” or “covered up”.
______3- My art work can be presented. I rushed through this project, and left areas that still need attention.
______2- It would be shameful to present my artwork at this state. There are many things that can still be done to improve the quality of this artwork. The lack of planning in media and time has affected the final product.
______1/0- My artwork looks more like a failed experiment and not worthy of presentation. None of the edges of my artwork are smooth. It is falling apart and/or there has been a catastrophic event as of a result of media issues.
Growth, Commitment and Effort
5-My art shows much more thought and skill compared to my previous work. I was fully engaged in the process of art throughout the project. I was well prepared every day. I was focused on art and all my conversations were about artwork. I found ways to go above and beyond the normal expectations.
4- My artwork demonstrates respectable growth. I was mostly focused on artwork and prepared daily.
3- My artwork demonstrates some artistic growth. I was slightly unfocused and unprepared.
2- My artwork demonstrates no artistic growth. I have been tardy, not in class, unfocused and unprepared.
1/0- My artwork shows some artistic decline. I need to show up to class and get it together. I need to FOCUS
Reflection & Critique- Using visuals, writing and the word bank respond to the following:
**Use complete sentences**
What are your artworks strengths?
What areas in your artwork need of development or possible modifications?
Respond to the enduring question: What have you learned about color theory in class and through the creation of artwork?
Word BankValue, Contrast, Color Theory/Color, Watercolor, Medium , Opaque, Transparent, Wash, Gradient, Monochromatic, Intensity, Analogous, Masking, Scumbling, Spray Bottle, Soft, Hard, Bloom, Wet on Wet, Wet on Dry, Sponge, Blending , Brush care, Clean up, Solid
______5- Thoughtful and Complete Responses.
______4- Thoughtful Responses.
______3- Moderate Responses.
______2- Meager Responses.
______1- Minimal Responses.
______0- No Responses.