Title: Eclipses (Model eclipses)

Problem: How do the sizes of the earth – moon –sun affect how often eclipses occur?

Why don’t eclipses happen more often?


Data: Experiment to make an eclipse:

Use the ruler to hold the marble (Earth) 42 centimeters away from the pin (Moon) that is to scale.

1.  Hold the moon up to the light in order to get a shadow on the earth when the moon is in the new moon position. Describe what you have to do and the results.

2.  Hold the earth up to the light in order to get a shadow on the moon when the moon is in the full moon position. Describe what you have to do and the results.

3.  What do you have to do to eclipse a large object like the sun, with a smaller object like the moon or earth?

4.  How do the sizes of the earth – moon –sun affect how often eclipses occur?

5.  Why don’t eclipses happen more often? What would happen if the moons orbit was slightly off, 5 degrees, of the earths orbit?

Read p. 81 -84

Solar Eclipse:

1.  What is a solar eclipse and how does it occur?

2.  What is the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow cone?

3.  Draw and label where the moon would be for a solar eclipse. Label the complete diagram – Include Penumbra and Umbra:

Annular Eclipse:

1.  What is an annular Eclipse and how does it occur?

2.  What does the word Annular mean? And in what language?

Lunar Eclipse:

1.  What is a Lunar Eclipse and how does it occur?

2.  Draw and label where the moon would be for a lunar eclipse. Label the complete diagram – Include Penumbra and Umbra:

3.  Why will the moon appear to be the color dark brown, red, orange, or yellow?

4.  A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs only when what happens?

Conclusion: Model eclipse and relate to Eclipse reading