I am tole-ranting about hope.
I read the news today
It said we're headed for six degrees
Flailing in the air after end of history.
Fat, bloated, cartoon-grotesque,
We don't feel we're falling 'cause we're fixed on progress
The leaders we lemmings most need
Are too busy selling free trade to lemmings overseas
To oversee anything but their own paunches.
Four years in office makes a man so gormless,
But go forwards, make the story different.
You are a phrase in it,
State your magnificence.
Oil addicts!
Man, listen, listen please,
There are six billion ways to pull us back from six degrees.
And kicking an addiction is a trip and it's an opened eye
You learn to leap when you don't fly.
When you don't fly, you travel by other means.
You travel under trees,
You unravel the colour schemes.
You choose the wind and the direction it blows.
Your turn—ready, set, go.
rant tirade
to be headed for s'acheminer vers
flail battre l'air
bloated bouffi, gonflé, boursouflé
focus concentrer
free trade libre-échange
overseas à l'étranger
oversee surveiller
paunch ventre, panse
gormless lourdaud, bêta
oil pétrole
addict fanatique, intoxiqué
pull back tirer en arrière
kick (an addiction) arrêter, renoncer à
addiction dépendance
trip voyage, trip (drugs)
leap sauter
means moyen(s)
unravel effiler, effilocher, démêler, dénouer
colour scheme combinaison de couleurs
direction sens
blow souffler
your turn votre tour
See if you can find the missing words.
I am tole-ranting about hope.
I read the 1) sewn today
It said we're headed for six degrees
Flailing in the air after end of 2) yorshti.
Fat, bloated, cartoon-grotesque,
We don't feel we're falling 'cause we're fixed on 3) pogrsser
The 4) elderas we lemmings most need
Are too busy selling free trade to lemmings 5) sreaeovs
To oversee anything but their own paunches.
Four years in 6) foicfe makes a man so gormless,
But go forwards, make the story 7) fdneitfre.
You are a phrase in it,
State your magnificence.
Oil 8) tdsicda!
Man, listen, listen please,
There are six 9) oniillb ways to pull us back from six degrees.
And kicking an 10) oidnctaid is a trip and it's an opened eye
You learn to leap when you don't fly.
When you don't fly, you 11) retvla by other means.
You travel under trees,
You unravel the colour schemes.
You choose the wind and the 12) niotceird it blows.
Your turn—ready, set, go.
1. Go to and calculate your carbon footprint.
2. Now answer the following questions. You should write about 300 words in all.
i. What was your carbon footprint?
ii. Were you surprised by the result? Why (not)?
iii. Do you consider yourself to be a 'green citizen'? Give examples.
iv. Do you worry about the future of the planet? Why (not)?
v. What sacrifices would you be prepared to make to reduce global warming?
vi. What do you think about global warming sceptics? Are you one?
Assignment to be handed in on Tuesday 2 March. Work must be typed and double spaced. Do not send me work by email.