Present: CouncillorsJ. Cobley (Chairman), Bird, Patterson, Sneath, Tomlinson & Wood

Apologies: were received and accepted from Councillor Stead and Mrs B Young (Clerk).

Register of Members Interests: Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.

Minutes: The Minutes of the 2nd March 2017 were proposed by Cllr. Tomlinson,seconded by Cllr. Wood agreed unanimously and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.

Public contributions: A member of the public raised concerns about the likely impact on air pollution of the increase in trafficarising from new housing in the localityand whether measures should be sought to route traffic to the A15 instead of the B1398.

It was felt that the concerns should be raised by him, as an elector, with Edward Leigh M.P. as part of wider concerns regarding air pollution currently being mentioned in the media.

Scampton Air Show: There had been a well attended meeting between the organisers and residents at Pollyplatt School on 29th March. The proposed arrangements had been outlined. The show would take place on 9th/10th September and approximately 25000 visitors per day were expected. Visitors would be directed to the showground from which a free park and ride service would operate. All tickets for the show would need to be purchased in advance. There would be no ticket sales at the show.

Parking around the RAF Scampton and the roads in the vicinity for some considerable distance would be prohibited and tightly enforced on the grounds of public safety (following the Shoreham disaster) and security. Access to the camp would be by residents permit.

Similar traffic control measures to those for the Lincolnshire Show would be in place and notified to residents in the vicinity by newsletter.

Aircraft would begin to arrive on the Tuesday before the show and there would be practising on the Thursday and Friday. Flying during the show itself would be between 1100 and 1700 hours each day.

Ticket sales were progressing very well and the main marketing effort would begin soon.

Speed Sign Indicators: Discussions with the manufactures regarding concerns expressed about the brightness of the sign in Scampton were reported. The need to change batteries far more frequently than had been indicated was a serious concern. It was felt that measures suggested by the manufacturer to address these issues should be tried urgently before raising the complaint formally.

It was agreed that requests for the urgent erection of poles for both signs should be made as soon as possible.

It was considered too soon to incur further expenditure on solar panel charging arrangements but that two extra leads to link the electronics of the signs to the batteries should be purchased forthwith.

Neighbourhood Plan:It was reported that a representative of the Planning Department was willing to attend a future meeting to outline what was involved. Members felt that this should take place at a normal meeting and not the AGM.

Chairs for the Church: Members felt that in the absence of clear legal advice that the procedure envisaged was legitimate, no further action should be taken.

Highways:The Clerk had contacted West Lindsey again but still had not heard anything further. It was decided a request be made that the litter bins at the view point should be adapted or replaced with ones with lids to prevent litter being strewn about by the wind and or wildlife.

Annual Parish Meeting:It was resolved that the proposed date for the AGM and the Annual Parish Meeting should be 8th May at Scampton C of E Primary School.

Lack of representation from the Camp: Cllr Patterson undertook to investigate whether any improvement could be achieved.

Noticeboard for the new bus shelter: It was resolved that the Clerk be requested to obtain a quote for a suitable notice board. Cllr Patterson said he would investigate funding for the board.

Defibrillator Pads: These had been paid for but the Clerk was uncertain as to whether they had yet been fitted.

Scampton Playmates: Cllr. P Tomlinson had advised that the costs quoted by Playmates were reasonable and the Clerk had paid the grant of £200.

District Councillor's report: Cllr Patterson reported that adoption of the Central Lincs Plan was imminent. £5.5 m. had been allocated for housing growth in Gainsborough which was one of the growth areas identified in the plan.

A food enterprise zone was being established at Hemswell Cliff in and around the former airfield.

The Call Connect bus service was to be extended to cover Scampton and other areas.


  • E-On had written regarding the Deemed contract rates for our electricity. The Clerk had contacted them and there was no advantage in going for a fixed rate term as we would then need to pay a standing charge which would be more expensive. (You need to use 7000 units for it to be an advantage).
  • LALC news


Annual Governance Statement The Governance statement was completed and agreed unanimously.

The Annual Accounts were circulated. Subject to clarification of the Precept sum in Section 2 2 for the year ending 31/3/17 in Form LIN313 as against the date in the summary now circulated the accounts be accepted and Chairman and Clerk be authorised to sign them off.

Precept 2017/18

A problem concerning the precepted sum as against the sum received was outlined. Cllr Patterson undertook to raise the matter with West Lindsey to see whether it could be resolved. It was appreciated that the Council Tax Bills had already been sent out. There seemed to be no budget implication because a VAT refund would compensate for the shortfall.

It was noted that the following payments had been made:

E-On (Electricity) £52.33

E-On (Maintenance) £90.36

BSA Hall £90.00

WEL Medical £44.88

Scampton Playmates £200.00

LALC £283.61

The Clerk and HMRC had also been paid.

The Clerk had updated the Fixed Asset Register

Planning: Application 135821 Ground floor extension ay 24 Devonshire Road, Scampton dated 17.02.17 - Granted 17.03.17

Matters for the next Meeting: Scampton Airshow, Neighbourhood Plan, Litter Bins, Representation from the Camp, Bus Shelter Notice Board, Areas of responsibility for Parish Councillors.

Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be held onMonday8th May atScampton C of E Primary School at 7.00pm and followed at 7.30pm by the Annual Parish Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8-50pm.

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