gef-6 World Bank Appraisal Stage: GEF data sheet

request for

Project Type: Full-sized Project

Type of Trust Fund:

For more information about GEF, visit

project information

Project Title: Pacific Resilience Program
Country(ies): / Pacific Islands (regional), Tonga / GEF Project ID:[1]
Other Executing Partner(s): / Ministry of Finance of Tonga and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat / Submission Date:
GEF Focal Area (s): / Climate Change / Project Duration(Months) / 60
Integrated Approach Pilot / IAP-Cities IAP-Commodities IAP-Food Security
Name of Parent Program / [if applicable] / Agency Fee ($): / 520,548
  1. Focal Area Strategy framework and other program strategies[2]

Focal Area Objectives/Programs / Focal Area Outcomes / Trust Fund / GEF Project Financing($) / Cofinancing
CCA-1 / Outcome 1.1 Vulnerability of physical assets and natural systems reduced.
Outcome 1.3 Climate-resilient technologies and practices adopted and scaled up. / sccf / 1,826,484 / 17,970,329
CCA-2 / Outcome 2.1 Increased awareness of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
Outcome 2.2 Improved scientific and technical knowledge base for the identification, prioritization and implementation of adaptation strategies and measures
Outcome 2.3 Access to improved climate information and early-warning systems enhanced at regional, national, sub-national and local levels
Outcome 2.4 Institutional and technical capacities and human skills strengthened to identify, prioritize, implement, monitor and evaluate adaptation strategies and measures / sccf / 1,826,484 / 13,170,759
CCA-3 / 3.1 Institutional arrangements to lead, coordinate and support the integration of climate change adaptation into relevant policies, plans and associated processes established and strengthened
Outcome 3.2 Policies, plans and associated processes developed and strengthened to identify, prioritize and integrate adaptation strategies and measures
Outcome 3.3 Systems and frameworks for the continuous monitoring, reporting and review of adaptation established and strengthened / sccf / 1,826,484 / 9,075,912
Total project costs / 5,479,452 / 40,217,000
  1. Project Framework

Project Objective: The objective of the Program is to strengthen early warning, resilient investments and financial protection of participating countries.
Project Component / Grant Type / Expected Outcomes / Expected Outputs / Trust Fund / GEF Project Financing($) / Confirmed Cofinancing
Component 1: Strengthening Early Warning and Preparedness / INV / The objective of this component is to increase the resilience of the participating Phase I countries and the Pacific region as a whole to natural hazards (i.e., cyclones, coastal/riverine flooding, etc.) the impacts of which are expected to be exacerbated by climate change. This will be done by improving the quality of forecasting and warning services as well as strenthening disaster preparedness. /
  • Investments in Early Warning and Preparedness in Tonga, including:
-Strengthened institutional and regulatory systems and capacity
-Modernized observation infrastructure, data management systems, forecasting and warning systems
-Enhancedservice delivery system including an integrated multi hazard early warning system, and impact forecast and warning services that deliver actionable information to the public at risk and to emergency services.
  • Strenthened impact forecasting capability in Tonga
  • Enhanced disaster preparedness capacity in Tonga
  • Strengthened regional post disaster Recovery capacity
/ sccf / 3,000,000 / 19,998,452
Component 2: Mainstreaming Risk Reduction and Resilient Investments / INV/TA / The objective of this Component is to support a multi-sectoral planning process for integrating climate and disaster risk and resilience into development. /
  • Investments that strengthen climate and disaster resilience in Tonga (i.e. (retrofitting of key public assets), with a particular focus on strengthening public school buildings to act as emergency evacuation centers
  • a multi-sectoral planning process for integrating climate and disaster risk and resilience into development that will initially be used for Samoa and Tonga but which could be scaled up for use in other countries in the region.
  • strengthened data and tools to make risk information actionable and support planning and preparation of national infrastructure and community resilience investments in participating countries.
  • A multi-sectoral investment plan for Tonga for a program in resilience which will:
-set clear priorities (short, medium and long term) and progress indicators
-prepare feasibility studies for selected priority investments that could be implemented during Phase II or by other donors. / sccf / 1,380,479 / 7,206,171
Component 3: Disaster Risk Financing / TA / The objective of this component is to strengthen the financial resilience of the participating PICs to disaster events (the impacts of which are expected to be exacerbated by climate change) by enabling them to secure access to immediate liquidity post disaster for low, medium and high risk events. Accordingly, this component will support the development and implementation of an integrated disaster risk financing strategy that provides an optimal combination of risk retention (for high frequency, low severity events) and risk transfer (for low frequency, high severity events) for participating countries. This will include both national instruments and regional instruments, and will build on the PCRAFI pilot insurance scheme. /
  • The wider program will support continuation of the PCRAFI insurance scheme via payments of insurance premiums for 3 years for Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and RMI, however this subcomponent will not be financed through SCCF.
  • A contingency emergency response mechanism for Tongathat would provide quick disbursements to meet the immediate liquidity needs following a disaster event. This mechanism could be used to finance critical imports or emergency recovery and reconstruction works and associated services.
  • Strengthened capacity inTonga to enable them to oversee and administer disaster risk financing instruments, climate finance and implementation of thecontingency emergency response mechanism (see above)
  • Preparatory activities carried out by PIFS which will be required to better define a medium and long term disaster risk financing framework (e,g.,a mutual insurance fund),that it is envisaged would be implemented in Phase II of the Program
/ sccf / 825,000 / 8,555,350
Subtotal / 5,205,479 / 35,759,973
Project management Cost (PMC)[3] / SCCF / 273,973 / 4,457,027
Total GEF Project Financing / 5,479,452 / 40,217,000
  1. sources of confirmed Cofinancing for the project by source and by name ($)

Please include documentation of cofinancingby indicating the relevant P number(s) and project title(s) if cofinancing is WB or “borrower financing” in WB project, and through letters confirming co-financing for third-party donor(s).

Sources of Co-financing / Name of Co-financier (source) / Type of Cofinancing / Cofinancing Amount ($)
Donor Agency / World Bank (IDA) P147839/ P154839/ P154840/P155257/P155542 / Grant / 25,543,000
Donor Agency / World Bank IDA P154840/P155256 / Soft Loan / 6,750,000
Donor Agency / Pilot Program for Climate Resilience - Climate Investment Funds P147839 / Grant / 5,794,000
Donor Agency / GFDRR/Japan P154840 / Grant / 1,500,000
Recipient Government / Government of Samoa P154839 / In-kind / 150,000
Recipient Government / Government of Tonga P154840 / In-kind / 180,000
Recipient Government / Government of RMI P155257 / In-kind / 150,000
Recipient Government / Government of Vanuatu P155256 / In-kind / 150,000
(select)GEF AgencyRecipient GovernmentDonor AgencyCSOBeneficiariesPrivate SectorOthers / (select)GrantLoanEquityGuaranteeIn-kindUnknown
Total Co-financing / 40,217,000
  1. trust fund Resources Requested by agency, Focal Area and country1

GEF Agency / Trust Fund / Country
Name/Global / Focal Area / Programming of Funds / (in $)
GEF Project Financing (a) / Agency Fee (b)2 / Total
WB / SCCF / Tonga / Climate Change / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 4,579,452 / 435,048 / 5,014,500
WB / SCCF / Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat / Climate Change / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 900,000 / 85,500 / 985,500
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
(select)AfDBAsDBCIDBSAEBRDFAOIADBIUCNIFADUNDPUNEPUNIDOWBWWF-US / (select)GEF TFLDCFNPIFSCCF-ASCCF-B / (Select)BiodiversityClimate ChangeChemicals and WastesInternational WatersLand DegradationMultifocal Areas / (select as applicable)POPSMercuryODSSAICMIAP-CitiesIAP-CommoditiesIAP-Food SecuritySFMCross-Cutting Capacity / 0
Total Grant Resources / 5,479,452 / 520,548 / 6,000,000

1 In case of a single focal area, single country, single GEF Agency project, and single trust fund project, no need to provide information for this

2 Refer to the Fee Policy for GEF Partner Agencies

  1. Does the project include a “non-grant” instrument? No

(If non-grant instruments are used, provide in Annex B an indicative calendar of expected reflows to your Agency
and to the GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF Trust Fund).

  1. Project’s Target Contributions to Global Environmental Benefits[4]

Provide the expected project targets as appropriate.

Corporate Results / Replenishment Targets / Project Targets
  1. Maintain globally significant biodiversity and the ecosystem goods and services that it provides to society
/ Improved management of landscapes and seascapes covering 300 million hectares / hectares
  1. Sustainable land management in production systems (agriculture, rangelands, and forest landscapes)
/ 120 million hectares under sustainable land management / hectares
  1. Promotion of collective management of transboundary water systems and implementation of the full range of policy, legal, and institutional reforms and investments contributing to sustainable use and maintenance of ecosystem services
/ Water-food-ecosystems security and conjunctive management of surface and groundwater in at least 10 freshwater basins; / Number of freshwater basins
20% of globally over-exploited fisheries (by volume) moved to more sustainable levels / Percent of fisheries, by volume
  1. 4. Support to transformational shifts towards a low-emission and resilient development path
/ 750 million tons of CO2e mitigated (include both direct and indirect) / Metric tons
  1. Increase in phase-out, disposal and reduction of releases of POPs, ODS, mercury and other chemicals of global concern
/ Disposal of 80,000 tons of POPs (PCB, obsolete pesticides) / Metric tons
Reduction of 1000 tons of Mercury / Metric tons
Phase-out of 303.44 tons of ODP (HCFC) / ODP tons
  1. Enhance capacity of countries to implement MEAs (multilateral environmental agreements) and mainstream into national and sub-national policy, planning financial and legal frameworks
/ Development and sectoral planning frameworks integrate measurable targets drawn from the MEAs in at least 10 countries / Number of countries
Functional environmental information systems are established to support decision-making in at least 10 countries / Number of countries

Annex a: Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Reporting[5]

provide detailed funding amount of the ppg activities financing status in the table below:

PPG Grant Approved at PIF:
Project Preparation Activities Implemented / GEF/LDCF/SCCF Amount ($)
Budgeted Amount / Amount Spent Todate / Amount Committed
Total / 0 / 0 / 0

annex B: calendar of expected reflows (if non-grant instrument is used)

Provide a calendar of expected reflows to the GEF/LDCF/SCCF Trust Fund or to your Agency (and/or revolving fund that will be set up)


GEF-WB Appraisal/CEO Dec2014

[1]Project ID number will be assigned by GEFSEC.

[2]Table A should reflect the GEF-6 strategic framework, without further editing; refer to the excerpts inGEF 6 Results Frameworks for GETF, LDCF and SCCF.

[3] PMC should be charged proportionately to focal areas and trust funds based on focal area and trust fund project grant amount in Table D below.

[4] Update the applicable indicators provided at PIF stage. Progress in programming against these targets for the projects per the Corporate Results Framework in the GEF-6 Programming Directions, will be aggregated and reported during mid-term and at the conclusion of the replenishment period.There is no need to complete this table for climate adaptation projects financed solely through LDCF and/or SCCF.

[5] If at CEO Endorsement, the PPG activities have not been completed and there is a balance of unspent fund, Agencies can continue undertake the activities up to one year of project start. No later than one year from start of project implementation, Agencies should report this table to the GEF Secretariat on the completion of PPG activities and the amount spent for the activities; and report to Trustee on the closing of PPG in the quarterly report to Trustee.