CdM PTA Association Meeting

September 4, 2013

CdM Big Gym

President Sue Ellen O'Connor called the meeting to order at 9:00. The flag salute was recited.

Opening and Welcome: Sue Ellen welcomed all parents, faculty and School Board members in attendance and introduced the new CdM High School Principal, Kathy Scott. Sue Ellen thanked everyone for attending and thanked all the volunteers who help in various ways throughout the year. She noted that there are many opportunities to get involved with over 400 parents participating on the PTA Board and on committees.


Superintendent of Schools - Dr. Fred Navarro welcomed families back on behalf of the Board of Education. He noted that the Board has directed a rigorous curriculum focus and they expect district employees to make a difference in the lives of students on each campus. He reported that the school openings on Tuesday went well district-wide and noted the progress made over the summer on CdM's new buildings. Dr. Navarro introduced Kathy Scott who took over as CdM High School Principal coming from highly ranked Oxford Academy in the Anaheim School District.

CdM High School Principal - Kathy Scott thanked those in attendance for the good turn-out. She thanked the School Board and the Newport Mesa Unified School District for the opportunity to take on the role of Principal at such a great school. She noted that instruction is her priority and she has made it her goal to make CdM teachers the best teachers possible so that students are ready for the post-secondary experience they want. She will be observing classrooms frequently during the day but will be available before and after school to meet with parents. She invited parents to attend the Meet & Greet scheduled for September 5th where she will be able to speak longer and answer questions. Sue Ellen noted that the meeting will be in the newly remodeled Student Resource Center (SRC) at 6:00pm.

CdM Middle School Principal - Guy Olguin reported that registration went smoothly and that he had toured the Enclave noting classroom interiors are finished. He believes that the new theater will be one of the preeminent buildings in the district. He will address more Middle School issues at the Middle School specific PTA meeting next Wednesday.

NMUSD School Board Vice-President - Karen Yelsey thanked Guy Olguin and Tim Tolzda for their efforts over the summer while the positions of High School Principal and Assistant Principal were unfilled. She extended the Board's thanks for parents participating in the selection process for the new Principal. She noted that the strengths and weaknesses highlighted in survey responses were forwarded to Kathy Scott so she is aware of parent concerns. Mrs. Yelsey asked parents to email her with issues at .

School Resource Officer - Officer Vladimir Anderson spoke about his role on campus. His priority is to keep kids safe and takes a proactive approach in addressing outside influences impacting their ability to learn. He asked parents to reach out to teachers and counselors if uncomfortable talking to him directly. He noted that he looks for alternative ways to deal with behavior issues and will make home or workplace visits if necessary. He stressed that kids do make mistakes and parents should not let issues go too long because they become harder to deal with. He gave out his cell phone: 949-279-4594 for parents to use. He handed out information cards highlighting the features of NIXLE, a notification system utilized by the NBPD.

New Teacher Introductions - Sue Ellen noted that there are five new teachers at CdM this year. Two were present at the meeting: Emily James (English) and Jackie Colgate (Drama). The three not able to attend are: Allison Fletcher (Language Arts), Jennifer Yennie (English), and Kareem Captan (History). Each will receive $150 from the PTA budget for new teacher stipends.

Physical Education - Gary Mathieson thanked the PTA and Boosters on behalf of the teachers for all their donations and volunteer hours. He asked for help during the second week of school writing student names on PE shirts. He also encouraged Middle School families to get involved in the Veterans Hospital visit during the holidays. He noted that the students get a lot out of it and the veterans always enjoy the event.

Athletic Director - Don Grable spoke about CdM's sports teams and reported that all varsity teams had grade point averages of at least 3.2. He stresses to the athletes that being a good student is part of their job as a member of an athletic team. He said they are focusing on teaching student athletes to be leaders. He noted that they are continuing to perform baseline concussion testing for many of the teams utilizing a program that is PTA sponsored.

PTA Business:

Minutes - Sue Ellen O'Connor made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous Association meeting that had been distributed via email and no changes were requested. Cindy Brahs seconded and the motion was approved.

Treasurer's Report - Cindy Brahs presented her reports for June, July and August. She mad a motion to approve warrants #10940 - 11014 in the amount of $148,106.63 for the month of June. The motion was voted on and approved. Cindy presented the previously approved preliminary 2013-2014 budget draft that was updated with actual year-end numbers and moved to adopt it. Motion was seconded and motion carried. She made a motion to approve warrants #11015-11021 in the amount of $7,757.23 for July and August activity. The motion was seconded, voted on and approved.

She thanked the many parents who used PayPal to purchase their annual PTA membership during registration. She noted that memberships and directories sold to-date were 1,050 and 950, respectively, which is up about 25% from the same time last year. She reminded parents to take advantage of the Community Donation programs that benefit CdM (eScrip for Pavilions or Bristol Farms, and vendor specific programs at Target, Office Depot, Staples and Ralphs) and directed parents to see information and links on the PTA website under Donations - Free Ways to Donate.

In addition, Cindy reminded committee members that they can find Check Request forms on the PTA website and that the forms must be signed by the Committee Chair or Board Member before reimbursement (which takes about a week).

Audit Report - The Audit Report for the period January 1, 2013 - June 30, 2013 was presented by Carol Crane stating that the financial records were found to be correct. She moved to approve the Audit Report; motion was seconded and the motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Home Tour - Michele Caston and Renee Purcifull reported that tickets are on sale for the Home Tour, the PTA's only fundraiser. This year's event will take place on October 22. Underwriter options are available and they encouraged parents to visit the website () for more information. Michele thanked the committee members who have been working all summer and also asked for volunteers to sign up to help at one of the six homes in a two-hour time slot.

Renee noted that they are continuing the tradition of offering commemorative ornaments for sale (available to order now) and offering a boutique at Sherman Gardens on the day of the event. Spirit Wear will be available for purchase at the boutique as well as many other gift items.

Membership and Directory - Colleen Premer reminded parents to join the PTA and order their student directories. Forms are available on the PTA website.

CdM Middle School PTA Meeting - Middle School PTA President, Dana Flood, announced that the only PTA meeting focusing on Middle School activities would be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 9:00am in the Small Gym. She encouraged parents of Middle School students to attend and learn about the schedule of activities and sign up to volunteer at the various events.

CdM Foundation - Jane Jones thanked everyone for their support of the Foundation and noted that they were able to accomplish a lot over the summer. The small gym renovations were completed and, as a result of a combined effort with the PTA, the Student Resource Center (SRC) improvements were finished. She thanked Guy Olguin and Tim Tolzda for all their help over the summer and noted that the Foundation looks forward to Kathy Scott's leadership at CdM. She encouraged parents to attend the Meet and Greet for Mrs. Scott in the new SRC and directed parents to the Foundation website to find more information on how the Foundation impacts CdM: .

CdM School Boosters - John McCarthy asked parents to continue their support of CdM Boosters who fund immediate needs on campus supporting the students in all areas - academics, arts and athletics. Parents can go to to join. Any level of support is welcome. Last year they had 243 members and they are hoping for 300 this year.

Reflections - Julie Lobel asked parents to encourage their students to participate in the PTA's Reflections program. It is a national arts competition that provides an opportunity for students to be recognized for their talents in several categories: dance and choreography, film/video production, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts. This year's theme is "Believe, Dream and Inspire." All entry rules and forms are available on the PTA website. Julie also noted that she is looking for someone to help her with the program this year.

PTA Presidents' Report: Sue Ellen O'Connor introduced the PTA Executive Board Members. She noted that the PTA is looking to provide volunteers in the SRC headed up by Chairmen, Edie Denning and Paige Goble. The SRC will provide a place for students to research colleges and to participate in a Career Exploration Program that is being developed under the leadership of Kim Miller. This program will provide opportunities for students to hear parents speak about their career experiences.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00. The next combined Middle School/High School Association meeting will be held October 2nd at 9:00am in the Library.

Minutes respectfully submitted:


Barbara Fitch, Recording Secretary