Prepared by Richard C. ParkerDecember 29, 2008
Question for December 29, 2008…
What is kinetic energy and how can I use it?
The simple answer is kinetic energy pertains to physical movement. When itinvolves a living body (such as a human being),the triggering mechanism is athought-form; however, at amore basic level, the thought-form triggers chemical and electrical excitement of the brain and subsequently multiplemuscle movements.
How can I use kinetic energy? The answer is to focus your energy bycreating thought-forms. A demonstration of thisis the use of a pendulum. To make a pendulum, take a smallobject (about half an ounce of metal, a ring works nicely) and suspend it on approximately 10 inches ofstring.Suspend the pendulum from your thumb andfirst finger, not too tight, andrest your elbow on a hard surface, such as a table, and put a blank piece of paper (regular size bond sheet) in front of you. Let the boob (ring) hangjust above the paper with about eight inches of the string or chain dangling. Ask the boob to give you a movement for "YES." Then ask it to give you a movement for "NO." Then ask it to give you a movement for "DON'T KNOW." Relax! By that I mean don't move the pendulum, but let it move of its own volition (seemingly free will).For 85% to 95% of you, it will give you a response at your first attempt. You have nowcompleted your first kinetic experiment.
You can now go to the next stage and ask the pendulum questions. However,you can only ask it simple questions -- mostly, yes and no questions.
An even more sophisticated use of kinetic energy is called Kinesiology. This is the study of muscles and muscle movement. Whole books have been written on kinesiology so I'm only going to briefly write about it. One use of kinesiology is to test vitamins and even medicines as to their impact on an individual’s physical system. The approach can be done several ways. As an example, I would test your arm strength by asking you to hold one of your arms out in front of you. Then I would push down on it. I would push gently, but firmly, until your arm went down. Then, a second test would be to take a toxic element, e.g., smoking tobacco, which I would have you hold in your free-hand and place up to your solar-plexus. Then I ask you to hold your dominant arm out and I would again push down on it. I would push gently, but firmly, trying to exert the same force as I did in the first effort until your arm went down. Generally, tobacco causes the subject (you) to become weaker. Then the third time, I would take whatever I want to test (let’s say Vitamin D) and do the same test on you. I have two representations to compare[(1) you normally (the first test) and (2) you weakened (the toxic second test)] with the third test. If you are stronger than the normal, the VitaminD is good for you. If you are weakened, the VitaminD is eitherharmful or toxic. NOTE:I picked Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, as the example because some people have more than enough, especially in the summer,and others are deficient.
Kinetics/Kinesiologyis also an excellent tool to use for people with pets who can not tell you if their pets are responding in a healthy way to their current food supply or medicines. You can do the pettestby holdinga sample of the pet food, vitamin, or medicineagainst the pet'sbody and then putting a light weight covering over its head. Most animals will throw the covering off. The slower the response, then the greater the negative reaction to the substance.
There are other ways to use kinetic energy. It is something that you can learn byfocusing on yourown movements even more than picking up a book.Here is what I mean, on a weekly basis you have knocked over a glass of water or a cup of coffee; reached for your keys or a pen/pencil,but just seemed to push them away from you;tried to dial the telephone to strike the wrong numbers or use the computer keyboard only to double strike the wrong keys. Now some of these are accidents because you are rushed or tired, but other times your kinetic energy is so wired, that is hot, that you have just gone beyond your normal radius of energy. For the next few weeks, stop and verify what happened. In other words, don't automatically say to yourself, "Oh fiddle, I'm so clumsy!" Instead, stop and check your energy level. This is known in learning as a feedback loop. If you start listeningto your own kinetic energy, you can learn to use and control it. This is also one of the principles of biofeedback.
Let me close with a little exercise. Put your hands out in front of you. Then clasp them together; interlocking your fingers. Nowlook and see which thumb is on top. Now unlace your fingers and re-clasp them with your opposite thumb and fingers interlaced.For a number of people, thiswill be slightly uncomfortable; but at the same time, it is a biofeedback exercise to your kinetic system.If you are comfortable doing this exercise, it is a sign that your brain is in-sync. This means that your male energy (yang) and your female energy (yin) are in balance which also means that when you reallyclearly establish a thought-form, you have the full powers of your yin-yang to obtain your goals.
What if it is uncomfortable? Then you are out of balance.
Should you practice it to bring balance? Yes, it would be to your benefit to practice balancing your yin-yang forces. For those who want to do more in this kinetic (yin-yang) balancing, there are several simple exercises…
1. The intertwining of the fingers-thumb (repeated daily).
2. A more complex one is to write with your non-dominant hand.Most people will never be as good with their non-dominant hand; but just by practicing with it, you will increase the yin or yang energy.
3. A standing exercise involves cross-over hand and leg movement. You will be lifting one leg and touching the knee with the opposite hand. As an example, I lift my left leg and I touch it with the palm of my right hand. I do this exercise about 10 times.
NOTE: Yinis considered female-energy and isgenerally associated with the left-hand and right-brain; which is also creativity and action; yes, action.Yangis male-energy and isgenerally associated with the right-hand and left-brain; which is also philosophy.This left-right split is a rather simplified statement as there is about 20% of the population who are naturally cross indexed as far as left and right references are concerned.
Our main interest is to balance the yin-yang energy.A balanced energy meansa more powerful thought-form and, therefore, more success in life.
Additional Tools and Techniques…
When you are energetically open and balanced, your body has a health flexibility and a glow. Here are some additional tools and techniques you might study. I am listing a variety as it is much easier to be healthy when you find the tool that you enjoy; also, it is easier and more enjoyable when you have the flexibility of a buffet of available things to choose from.
1) The obvious ones involve life-style changes…
Healthy Eating: If you are consuming toxic food and drinks, your body will eventually protest; read more about free-radicals and American obesity. This life-style change is the hardest as we must eat and, at the same time, there is a time lapse between the substances consumed and the price paid; that is, junk food tastes good immediately, but the weight shows up days or weeks later.
Anti-inflammatory diet: A Mediterranean eating pattern high in whole grains, fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, fish, and olive oil.
Cardiovascular exercise: I recommend a two mile strenuous walk or a five mile bike ride, but the important thing is to get your heart bumping at least three times a week.
Pilates: A resistance regimen that strengthens core muscles.
Bath: Take a weekly bath using sea salt, that is, put a measuring cup of sea salt in your bath and soak for about 10 minutes.
Sleep hygiene: Creating an optimal sleep environment to get deep rest; strategies include establishing a regular sleep-and-wake schedule and minimizing light and noise.
2) Then there are physical based therapies if you are already out of whack (technical term)…
Chiropractic: Physically moving vertebrae or other joints into proper alignment to relieve stress.
Dentist: Going to the dentist twice a year is more than just to get your teeth cleaned and filled, it is a time to see that your jaw is properly aligned and that your mouth is healthy (no signs of ulcers, potential cancer).
MSM – (Methyisulfonylmethane): A naturally occurring nutrient that helps build bone and cartilage.
Osteopathy: Realigning vertebrae, ribs, and other joints, as with chiropractic; osteopaths have training equivalent to that of medical doctors.
Physical therapy with a trained therapist: Specialized movements to strengthen weak areas of the body, often through resistance training.
3) And then there are energy healing alternatives...
Acupuncture: The insertion of hair-thin needles into points along the body’s energy pathways, or meridians, to stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body. This has proven to be helpful for phantom pain (amputations), surgical pain, dental pain and headaches, among other types of physical problems.
Acupressure: Finger pressure applied to points along the meridians, to balance and increase the flow of energy.
Chi gong or Qi gong: Very slow, gentle physical movements, similar to tai chi, that cleanse the body and circulate chi.
Meditation: Focusing the mind on something specific, such as breathing or repeating a word or phrase (mantra), to quiet it. This generally involves exercises for releasing tension in the body.
Reiki: A practitioner moves their hands over the client’s body to increase energy flow and restore balance. The practitioner does not need to touch or manipulate the client’s body to complete the energy balancing.
Tai Chi: A slow, flowing Chinese practice that improves balance.
Yoga: An Indian practice of meditative stretching and posing.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you are interested in alternative treatments that work on pain that have been researched by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, you can find additional information at their website (