Group International Service Participant Application

Before completing this application, thoroughly readGroup International Service. These pages can be viewed at .

Submit this completed application in a PDF documentat under the Apply Now tab.Upload a blank PDF as a placeholder for the transcript, resume, and photo. You do not need to submit those items.

Answer the questions in this column.
Trip Selection:
Please rank your trip preferences. A ranking of 1 is your first preference and 2 is your second preference. If you are interestedin applying for only one trip, rank that trip 1 and leave the others blank. Note: You may apply for both open trips but you may only participate in one GIS trip each summer. / ______Guatemala
Which trip did you rank number one and why are you most interested in that country and social issue?
Short Essays:
Limit your answers to 150 words per question.
1. Why have you chosen to apply to participate in the Group International Service program? (You might consider what impact the trip will have on your own personal, professional, or academic growth.)
2. What unique contributions can you make to this service trip (skills, experiences, qualities, etc.)?
3. Please describe previous or current volunteer service.
4. How do you plan to balance your participation in the Group International Service program with your current academic, co-curricular, and extra curricular responsibilities?
5. Do you plan to continue service or civic leadership opportunities after the GIS trip? If so, please tell us more about your future service or civic leadership plans.
6. Is there anything else the site coordinators should take into consideration that you haven't highlighted in this application?

Center for Civic Leadership - MS 200 • Rice University • PO Box 1892 • Houston, TX 77251-1892

Phone: 713-348-4970 • Fax: 713-348-5885 • •