To propose a research topic for a WPA scholarship grant please use this form and send it back to . The deadline to submit new research topics is 1st September, which is 8 weeks before the deadline for scholarship applicants (31stOctober).
The information in Part 1 will be published on the website and indicated as “open for application”. It should briefly describe the project with additional background information and research objectives. A contact person should be named to enable communication between host and applicants.Later on, the professor has to confirm the supervision of the candidate in a separate document which is an obligatory formal requirement to be submitted with the scholarship application until deadline 31st October.
Part 2 is asking for information that will NOT be published on the webpage. This information is important for the steering committee to evaluate the proposed project with regard to own contributions of the host institute.Important criteria are how the project is embedded and benefits from existing activities of the host institute and how the topic fits to the overall goal of the WPA Research Training Group: “integrative solutions to water issues and conflicts”.
Part 1: (published on the WPA website)
Research topic:Main discipline and other relevant disciplines:
Main discipline:
Other relevant disciplines:
Target region or country (if applicable):
Topic background information/ scientific relevance (max. 250 words):
Research objectives (max. 100 words):
Required skills and qualifications of the applicant (max. 100 words):
contact person and host institute
Part 2:(NOT published on our WPA website)
Supervisor’s contact detailsName:
Please indicate how your research topic will fit to the overall goal of the WPA Research Training Group“integrative solutions to water issues and conflicts”:
Please describe how the proposed topic will be linked and embedded to existing research projects and activities of the host institute and partners involved:
Budget requirements for the project: indicate the total estimated budget of the project and which share will be requested from WPA. Mention own contributions and funding sources to be used for the project (a WPA scholarship is calculated for a period of 36 month with arate of 1,350.00 EUR / month, additional financial support for the research activities can be applied for):
Additional information: