Moment for Stewardship Ministry

Rob Carlson

My wife, Bonnie and I joined Westminster three years ago after a long, sometimes frustrating search for a faith community – our church. Where do a Buddhist - Roman Catholic and a Lutheran and short time Unitarians find a faith home, a joyful, hopeful faith community?

Let me share our “shopping for our church” list with you.Let’s look at the items we checked off as Westminster slowly unveiled itself to us over our many visits, our shopping trips.

  • Our church had to believe that we are all God’s children, and, act that way; always and with everyone – open and welcoming, a community with a big open heart: Westminster - Check
  • Our church had to believe that believing wasn’t always easy and tell us that that was ok, and when we struggled and questioned, be there for us: Westminster –Check
  • Our church would live and dream big: Westminster –Check
  • Our church would walk softly in God’s amazing creation reminding us and others that we are caretakers of thesplendid bounty of our earth: Check
  • Our church would have music and art, lots of music and art, all kinds of music and art, music and art that lifted our souls, challenged us and filled us with joy: Check
  • Our church would stretch us and keep us from getting small, our church would ask much from us:Check
  • Our church would know, and show, that with Gods help we could create a today and tomorrow of justice, peace and joy: Check
  • Our church would value, honor, respect and even celebrate the faith and beliefs of others: Check
  • Our church would be smart, would value curiosity and learning; understand the importance of growth and change - Check
  • Our church had to feel like sacred space, a place made holy through the years by community, prayer, worship and love. Check
  • Our church would have caring men and women, young and old ministering to us and inspiring us from the pulpit and with their living example: Check
  • Our church community would pray mightily with our hearts, our hands, with words spoken and unspoken: Check

All of our list was checked off - our shopping cart was full. Amazing.

Westminster is all these things and more – and much more to come - thanks to your generous, ongoing financial contributions and service.

Thanks for filling our shopping cart with joy and happiness. Thank you for this, our joyful spiritual home, and for you, our joyful faith family.