1. CALL TO ORDER – Pres. Ewing
  2. Welcome
  3. Be sure to sign-in; Update any email changes/corrections
  4. Agenda
  5. PRIOR MEETING MINUTES – Sec. Nazzarine
  6. TREASURER’S REPORT – Treas. Mallory
  8. Dues – speak to Anna
  9. Notifications – Speak to Scott if you’re not receiving notices
  10. CLE Topics & Speakers
  11. Should be set through October of this year
  12. Any ideas – talk to Richard
  13. New Business
  14. Future Meetings
  15. General – August 26, 2016; CLE Panel on Specialty Courts in Hamilton County
  16. Next Board Meeting – Tentatively August 17
  17. Future CLE’s
  18. September 30 – Panel on Practice in Misdemeanor Court
  19. October 21 – Meet the Candidates and Professionalism CLE
  20. Discovery
  21. Met with Gwen Bender from Hamilton County Prosecutor office and Natalia Harris from the Cincinnati Prosecutor office
  22. Both offices are trying to move to digital discovery
  23. County
  24. Per Gwen, all discovery obtained by their office is uploaded onto a server that is accessible via email link
  25. Starting next week, the county supervisors are going to be making sure room prosecutors email attorneys discovery responses involving video/audio recordings, photographs, etc. with a link to the system
  26. She has asked me to provide the county with everyone’s up to date email so they can do so
  27. County will continue to provide a written response, but her goal is to speed up the discovery process to minimize the number of pre-trials needed on a case
  28. Gwen also informed us that her office is intending to tender any plea bargain deals at the time the email link is provided
  29. If the offer is not accepted and the case set for trial, her indication is the offer will be revoked
  30. City
  31. Natalia also indicated the city has been able to load most discoverable items onto a server accessible via email
  32. Cruiser cams will still be provided via traditional discovery, as will some merchant video (e.g., Macy’s)
  33. Body Cameras
  34. Cincinnati
  35. Implementation will be gradual, starting in August
  36. Plan is for the entire department to be outfitted by next year
  37. Body camera footage will be made available via link emailed by the City
  38. City will be maintain its own server to store the recordings in addition to TASER’s server
  39. County
  40. County is trying to coordinate maintaining body camera recordings from all the remaining jurisdictions
  41. Currently Norwood, Colerain, & Mt. Healthy are at least partially outfitted with body cameras
  42. Sheriff is supposed to be outfitted by next year as well
  43. Each department currently has their own storage system and different time lengths for keeping recordings
  44. Expressed concerns regarding retention of digitized information in the event of extended capiases, or extended delay in warrant service – both offices trying to address those concerns as well
  45. OJPC Event
  46. Special Recognitions
  47. New Members
  48. Victories & Vindications
  49. Appeals
  50. Jury Trials
  51. Juvenile Court
  52. Motions
  53. Visit Website, like/follow Facebook page, join Yahoo group
  54. Other New Business
  55. CLE (1 Hour)
  56. Voir Dire Tactics - Presented by Jay Clark
  57. Adjournment