Workplace Location:Main workshop and offices
N/A / Date:
Specific Location:
104B Radio Drive, Brisbane / Inspected by (Name):
Means of Escape:
Checklist Item / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
- Are they free from obstacles?
- Are they clearly marked?
- Are all the doors operating correctly and easy to open and close?
- Do the fire exit doors have proper door hardware attached that meet the Fire Act and the Building Code of Australia?
- Are any doors locked with a padlock?
- Ensure the doors protecting the fire escape routes are not held open by wedges or other improvised means?
- Are the escape routes free of tripping hazards?
- Are the fire escapes constructed of low flammability or non-flammable materials?
- Is material being stored in the escape routes or stairways?
- Is there an alternate means of escape if the primary escape route is blocked by fire?
Action Plan
Action Item / Action Required / Person Responsible / Estimated Completion Date / DateCompleted
1 / Replace door knob on door near the kitchen that leads to the exit / Maintenance Manager / 2 weeks
2 / Clear the passageways include a communication and further checks to keep clear. / CEO & Department Heads / 1 week
Inspection Conducted by: / Signature: / Date:
Consequence / LikelihoodRare / Unlikely / Moderate / Likely / Almost certain
Catastrophic / S / H / H / H / H
Major / S / S / H / H / H
Moderate / M / M / S / S / H
Minor / L / L / M / S / S
Low / L / L / L / M / S
H = High RiskS = Significant RiskM = Moderate RiskL = Low Risk
Review:Annual Review2 Yearly Review5 Yearly Review5 Yearly Review
Version: 1.0 1December 2008