National Disability Practitioners Resources Guide
July 2017
About NDP...... 1
Factsheets...... 2
NDPtv...... 6
Learning Hub...... 9
- Workshops...... 9
- New to the sector...... 11
- Recorded webinars...... 12
- Online Learning...... 14
- Disability Foundations...... 14
- Professional Development...... 17
- Lifestyle and Wellness...... 18
About NDP
National Disability Practitioners (NDP)is a professional association dedicatedto informing, developing, recognisingand connecting individuals working inthe disability sector. We support yourcontribution to the sector, whatever it isyou do.
NDP takes a holistic approach to yourpersonal and professional growth.Depending on your information needs andlearning preferences, you will discover arange of resources that will cater to yourinterests. From disability-specific trainingand topics, to NDIS readiness, changemanagement and personal growth – NDPhas resources to suit! Formats includefactsheets, webinars, NDPTV (our ondemand TV channel), online learning,workshops and more.
Use this guide to peruse the topics/formats available and then access whatyou need via the NDP website,
Fact Sheets
Working through Workplace Change - July 2017
Managing teams through times ofchange? These simple strategiesbelow can help your team embrace thechallenges, maintain a positive mindsetand reap the rewards.
The NDIS Roll Out - Where are we at? - July 2017
From 1 July 2017, a number of peoplewill be eligible to access the NDIS forthe first time. In this fact sheet, we takea look at where we’re at and what toexpect with the NDIS rollout across newregions and age groups.
Embracing Workplace Change - July 2017
Overwhelmed by workplace change?These simple strategies can help youmaintain your wellbeing and developresilience during times of change anduncertainty.
Quality Management PART 2: How is quality measured - June 2017
In this factsheet we take a look at howquality is measured by service providers.Standards are agreed procedures or levelsof performance against which serviceproviders can assess themselves.
Quality Management PART 1: What is quality management - June 2017
In this first of two quality managementfactsheets we define what a quality serviceis, how quality management applies todisability service providers, the benefits ofquality management and the purpose ofquality systems.
The Online World of Job Platforms -Coming to you in disability - May 2017
This NDP fact sheet looks at job-matchingwebsites. Hireup, Better Caring, Findacarerand Careseekers are some of the platformsthat have arisen as a response to the NDISand attract disability workers and serviceusers. But applications like this have beenoperating in other parts of the labourmarket for some time.
Transfer of ADHC services to the Non-Government Sector. Where are we at? - May 2017
There are many reasons why you should thinkabout access and how you plan to meet therequirements of people with disability. There areover 4 million people living with a disability inAustralia. Disability may affect a person’s mobility,communication or learning. It can also affecttheir participation in events and social activities.We have a legal responsibility to preventdiscrimination against people with disability.
Holding an event? Think about accessibility - April 2017
There are many reasons why you should thinkabout access and how you plan to meet therequirements of people with disability. There areover 4 million people living with a disability inAustralia. Disability may affect a person’s mobility,communication or learning. It can also affecttheir participation in events and social activities.We have a legal responsibility to preventdiscrimination against people with disability.
Working in Non-Government Specialist Disability Services - April 2017
Working in the non-government specialistdisability services sector can be anincredibly rewarding experience. In thisfactsheet we explore the types of Non-Government Organisations (NGOs);the benefits of working for a NGO;and legislative entitlements for FACSstaff transitioning to the NGO sector in2017/18.
Recommendations for minimisingworkers compensation costs - March 2017
Any employer who employs workersneeds to hold a Workers CompensationInsurance Policy (some exclusions applyin certain jurisdictions). If you employapprentices or trainees you will also needa policy. This insurance covers employeesfor any loss of wages due to a work injuryas well as any medical, treatment orrehabilitation costs incurred.
Super Strategies in your 50s and 60s - November 2016
Many of us don’t start thinking aboutsuper until we’re ready to retire, leavingless time to build it for the retirementwe want. The good news is, with theright planning, you can still make a bigdifference to your super before retirement.
What are Person Centered Approaches - October 2016
Person-centred approaches originatedin the disability sector, and are nowused within the areas of mental health,aged care services, schools, within thehealthcare sector, and criminal justicesystem. Person-centred practices areused in teams and organisations to ensurethat the focus is on what matters to thepeople receiving support and their families,and pays attention to how to support staffas well.
Understanding Abuse and Neglect - September 2016
There is evidence that people withdisability continue to be at greater risk ofneglect and abuse than people withoutdisability. The abuse of people with adisability is often more severe, maintainedover a longer period, and more likely toinvolve multiple perpetrators, than abuseof people without disability.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Support Strategies - August 2016
The number of people who are diagnosedwith Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)continues to rise in Australia. Autism, onceconsidered rare, now affects 31% of NDISparticipant. Read more about ASD supportstrategies.
10 ways to be an effective leader - July 2016
Being a good leader is easier said thandone. A true leader is someone whomodels behaviours that others findinspiring. Some people have a naturalknack for leadership, but the good news isthat anyone can learn the basics of how tobe more effective in leadership.
Four ways to boost your super - June 2016
Want to make a difference to your financialfuture? Here are four easy ways to startgrowing your nest egg today.
Positive Behaviour Support - May 2016
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) ismore than just an approach to behaviourmanagement – it’s also been shownto improve a person’s quality of lie bydecreasing the frequency and severity ofchallenging behaviours. Find out how.
Getting ready for the NDIS: Six top tips - March 2016
With full scheme roll out of the NationalDisability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) onlymonths away, there’s no doubt it will bea time of great change for the sector. Forsome of us, change can be scary anddaunting. But the good news is it doesn’thave to be. Here’s how to cope with – andthrive in – uncertain times.
Workforce casualisation and the NDIS: What it means for you - February 2016
There is evidence that people withdisability continue to be at greater risk ofneglect and abuse than people withoutdisability. The abuse of people with adisability is often more severe, maintainedover a longer period, and more likely toinvolve multiple perpetrators, than abuseof people without disability.
First aid basics - January 2016
Knowing what to do in an emergency canmake all the difference. However studiesshow that less than one in five of us knowthe basics of first aid. So get your skills upto scratch by enrolling in a first aid coursetoday! In the meantime, here are someuseful first aid ‘dos and don’ts’ to keep inmind
Time management tips: How to be more productive - December 2015
Tired of seeing your to-do-list grow longeras your days get shorter? Good news, thesesimple strateges will help you stepup your effieciency so you can work,smarter, faster and better than ever before.
Accessible Communication: The Basics - November 2015
1 in 5 Australians have a disability, manyof whom experience regular challengeswith accessing information. As a result,the ability to write accurately, clearly andconsistently has far-reaching benefits onthe disability community. Best of all, it’seasy.
The NDIS: What we know so far - October 2015
The NDIS stands for National DisabilityInsurance Scheme. It’s a new governmentpolicy that aims to transform the wayAustralia supports people with permanentand significant disability. How will the NDISsupport the people you support? Howis eligibility assessed and what does thismean for the disability sector?
7 Budget travel tips to inspire your next trip - September 2015
Holidays can help you relax and recharge, but did you know taking time out canmake you a better employee too? Studiesshow that among other benefits, taking abreak from work can improve creativity, liftmotivation and boost productivity. Best of all, going away doesn’t have to cost theearth either.
Auslan: What you need to know - August 2015
Almost 20,000 people use Auslan tocommunicate every day, yet this uniquelyAustralian language remains much of amystery. Here’s and introduction to thelanguage of Australia’s deaf and hearingimpaired community.
The Dos and Don’ts of social media - July 2015
From Twitter to Tumblr, today’s vast andvaried world of social media seems to beshifting by the minute. But while the mostpopular sites are ever-changing, the rulesof ‘netiquette’ (i.e. online etiquette) remainthe same. Here’s how to navigate thepositives and pitfalls of social media.
Tax: 10 things you can claim - June 2015|
With the end of the financial year just weeksaway, tax time is right around the corner.And while sorting out your finances can beoverwhelming, the good news is it doesn’t haveto be. By understanding what you can claim,you’ll not only make tax time a breeze – but saveyourself some cash too.
Superannuation. Confused? Here’s what you need to know - April 2015
Superannuation can seem complex at first. Butput simply, it’s just a long-term way to save foryour retirement. For most Australians, superbuilds from our first day of work to the momentwe retire. So the more money you put away now,the more you’ll have to spend when you stopwork.
All factsheets can be found here:
Want more in-depth coverage ofwhat’s going on in the disabilitysector? Find out from sector experts,leaders and, most importantly, yourpeers and colleagues about whatit is you will need to thrive in thischanging environment. Be informeddirectly from people just like youand me and become informed onwhat the challenges and rewards areof a career in disability. Below aresummaries of the NDPtv episodes.
Tune in!
Season 1, Episode 1: Future Workforce
How will the NDIS affect the sectoremployees now and into the future? Inthis episode, we ask what the futureworkforce of the disability sector will looklike. Featuring panellists The Hon. SusanRyan – Australia’s Age and DisabilityDiscrimination Commissioner, The Hon.John Della Bosca - the National CampaignDirector for the Every Australian Countscampaign and Elise Stumbles –Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
Season 1, Episode 2: A Lifelong Passion
In this episode, we’re focusing onwhat will be needed to develop a lielongprofession in the disability sectorworkforce. Featuring panellists The Hon.Susan Ryan - Australia’s Age and DisabilityDiscrimination Commissioner, The Hon.John Della Bosca - the National CampaignDirector for the Every Australian Countscampaign and Elise Stumbles –Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
Season 1, Episode 3:
Valuing EmployeesIn this episode, we ask how can weprovide recognition and value to theworkforce of the disability sector.Featuring panellists The Hon. SusanRyan – Australia’s Age and DisabilityDiscrimination Commissioner, The Hon.John Della Bosca - the National CampaignDirector for the Every Australian Countscampaign and Elise Stumbles –Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
Season 1, Episode 4: Skills and Training
In this episode, we delve into the skills andtraining our workforce will need to makethe most of the opportunities driven bythe NDIS. Featuring panellists Mike Field(Carecareers), Annette Connolly(Civic Lifestyles) and Dougie Herd(Every Australian Counts).
Season 1, Episode 5: Person-Centred Approaches
In this episode, we ask what will person-centredapproaches to disability mean toour sector’s workforce. Featuring panellistsMike Field (Carecareers), Annette Connolly(Civic Lifestyles), and Dougie Herd(Every Australian Counts).
Season 1, Episode 6: Sector Employment
In this episode, we ask what kind ofjobs will likely be created under theNDIS? Featuring panellists Mike Field(Carecareers), Annette Connolly (CivicLifestyles), and Dougie Herd (EveryAustralian Counts).
Season 1, Episode 7: Maximising Opportunities
In this episode, we discuss how to get themost out of your education and trainingchoices and how best to apply whatyou’ve learned into the work environment.Featuring panellists Professor StephenWinn, Andrew Gibson and Lilly Wicks.
Season 1, Episode 8: Expectations
In this episode, we look at what NDPmembers can expect from educationand training in the disability sector in thefuture. Or, perhaps more importantly, whatyou might hope to expect – particularly inregards to continuing education. Featuringpanellists Professor Stephen Winn,Andrew Gibson and Lilly Wicks.
Season 1, Episode 9: NDIS Trial Sites
In this episode, we will be looking atwhat’s happening in the NDIS trial sitesfrom the perspective of the employers. Wewill also look at how they are managingthe changes with their workers. Featuringpanellists Cheryl Pollard, CEO of DUOand Karen Stace, Senior Sector SupportConsultant at National Disability Services.
Season 1, Episode 10: Working under the NDIS
In this episode, we take a trip to Canberrawhere we speak to disability sectorpractitioners who’ve made the transitioninto the NDIS and asked them to sharetheir experiences and insights of workingunder the scheme.
Season 1, Episode 11:Providing service under the NDIS
How will the NDIS affect your day-to-daywork? NDP Executive Officer, WendyCohen, is joined by CEO Cheryl Pollardfrom DUO and Karen Stace, Senior SectorSupport Consultant at National DisabilityServices.
Season 2, Episode 1: Core Standards Program Part 1
This first episode of Season 2: Change Upintroduces the Core Standards Programdelivered by the Clinical Innovation andGovernance team from Ageing, Disabilityand Home Care – part of the Departmentof Family and Community Services NSW.
Season 2, Episode 2: Core Standards Program Part 2
This episode of Change Up continues toexamine the Core Standards Programdelivered by the Clinical Innovation andGovernance team from Ageing, Disabilityand Homecare – part of the Department ofFamily and Community Services NSW.
Season 2, Episode 3: Abuse and Neglect
In this episode, we explore the conceptsof human rights, abuse, neglect and zerotolerance. This third episode of Change Uplooks into National Disability Service’s ZeroTolerance initiative and what it means fordisability service practitioners.
Season 2, Episode 4: The NDIS Experience
In this episode, we take a trip to Canberrawhere we speak to disability sectorpractitioners who’ve made the transitioninto the NDIS and asked them to sharetheir experiences and insights of workingunder the scheme.
Season 2, Episode 5: Challenging Behaviours, Mental Health & Intellectual Disability
In this episode of NDPtv, we’re exploringmental health and challenging behavioursas they relate to intellectual disability. Weask what the important considerations arewhen assessing challenging behaviours.
What are the barriers people withintellectual disability face when trying toaccess specialist support services andare there resources available for disabilitypractitioners.
Season 2, Episode 6: Person-Centred Active Support (Part 1.)
In the next episode of NDPtv we take a tripto the Blue Mountains to visit GreystanesDisability Services. We delve into person-centredactive support and what it meansfor the people we support. How do weensure that the person we support lives lifeas independently as possible and with thegreatest degree of choice and control?
Season 2, Episode 7: Person-Centred Active Support (Part 2.)
In the next episode of NDPtv, we continueour journey in the Blue Mountains and takea deeper look into Person-Centred ActiveSupport and how can an organisationsuch as Greystanes help support their staffwith implementing person-centred activesupport.
Note: You can watch all the episodes here:
NDP Learning Hub
The hub offers a holistic approachto your personal and professionalgrowth. Depending on your learningstyle and preference, you will discovera range of resources that will cater toyour interests. From disability-specifictraining to NDIS readiness workshops,you will find that our Learning Hub ispacked full of training tools at yourdisposal. Regularly updated with newlearning opportunities, the LearningHub is your one-stop-shop to helpsupport your career.
Note:The following workshops are availablewhen sufficient demand is received.Express your interest .
Leadership Development: The emerging leader
This workshop is for new and emergingsupervisors and leaders within thedisability sector. The focus is on thetransition from team member to teamleader/supervisor and some of thechallenges faced in managing others/work. The workshop involves self-reflectionof an individual’s style, strategies,communications, team performance andworkplace relationship management.
Marketing from the frontline
Developed and delivered by Forte Training,this workshop works with front linesupport workers and their leaders to buildtheir capacity to make better decisions, todevelop the tools to become more clientfocused and to learn the right mindset andbehaviours to unlock your real potentialunder the NDIS.
Moments of truth
This new and engaging professionaldevelopment series will bring customerservice and business development intofocus. These modules are designedfor the busy and time poor disabilityservices practitioners and will get to theheart of what drives success in an NDISenvironment and provide the necessaryskills and resources to best support yourclients.
Nationally Accredited Disability-focused First Aid
This new and engaging professionaldevelopment series will bring customerservice and business development intofocus. These modules are designedfor the busy and time poor disabilityservices practitioners and will get to theheart of what drives success in an NDISenvironment and provide the necessaryskills and resources to best support yourclients.
Person-Centered Thinking
Person-Centred Thinking workshopintroduces Person-centred philosophiesand a suite of practical tools used tocapture information that feeds into careand support planning, as well as toimprove understanding, communication and relationships. These user-friendly toolsdeveloped with the Learning Communityfor Person-Centred Practices walk youthrough step by step.