Group Name: ______

Group ID: ______

Type of session: ______

Pre test date: ______

Post test date: ______

Total number of attendees: ______

Total number received: ______

School Bonding/Commitment Scale:

Almost Always / Often / Sometimes / Seldom / Never
1. / How often do you feel that the school work you are assigned is meaningful and important?
Very interesting and stimulating / Quite interesting / Fairly interesting / Slightly dull / Very dull
2. / How interesting are most of your courses to you?
Very Important / Quite Important / Fairly Important / Slightly Important / Not at all Important
3. / How important do you think things you are learning in school are going to be for your later life?

4 .Now thinking back over the past year in school,...

Almost Always / Often / Sometimes / Seldom / Never
a. / How often did you enjoy being in school?
b. / How often did you hate being in school?
c. / How often did you try to do your best in school?

5. During the LAST FOUR WEEKS,...

None / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4-5 / 6-10 / 11 or more
How many whole days have you missed because of illness?
Shout or yell at this child because you were mad at him/her?

Education Expectations and Aspirations Scale – FOR USE WITH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY

Question / Definitely Won’t / Probably won’t / Probably will / Definitely will
1. / Attend a technical or vocational school..
2. / Serve in the armed forces.
3. / Graduate from a two-year college program.
4. / Graduate from a college (four-year program).
5. / Attend graduate or professional school after college.

Social Disorganization Scale:

Almost Everyday / Once or twice a week / A few times a month / A few times a year / never
1. / How often do you go to sports practice or play in games?
2. / How often do you take lessons or attend classes out of school?
3. / How often do you go to meetings or activities for a club or youth group?
4. / How often do you talk to an adult about what you are doing or thinking>
5. / Last summer how often did you go to a summer program for learning or for fun?