In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I (Questions 1 to 4)


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogs and questions spoken in English. The dialogs and questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

After you listen to a dialog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear

Waitress : Good evening, sir.

Mr. William : Good evening. I want a table for two.

Narrator : You will also hear

What would the waitress say?

You will read in your test book:

A.  Let’s go in.

B.  This is the bill, sir.

C.  Oh, yes. It’s over there.

D.  The entrance is this way.

E.  Yes, sir. Please come with me.

Sample answer

The best answer to the question is “Yes, sir. Please come with me.”

Therefore, you should choose answer (E)

1.  A. By carpooling to her neighbor.

B. Driven by her father.

C.  By taking a walk.

D.  By school bus.

E.  By her bike.

2.  A. The concert one.

B.  The guitarist one.

C.  The vocalist one.

D.  The drummer one.

E.  The not-so keen one.

3.  A. Go to make the school project.

B.  Go back home right away

C.  Go to the music shop.

D.  Go to the library.

E.  Go to the café.

4.  A. A new memory card.

B.  Pens and paper.

C.  Text book.

D.  A camera.

E.  Notes.

Part II (Questions 5 to 7)


In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogs in English, followed by five responses, also spoken in English. The dialogs and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

Man : Hello, Kiki. How have you been?

Woman : Oh, hi Bill. Not bad, thank you. How about you?

Man : …

Narrator : What will the man most likely reply?

A.  I’m glad. C. Pretty good.

B.  I hope so. D. Take it easy.

Sample answer

The best answer to the question “How about you?” is choice C.

Therefore, you should choose answer C.

5.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III (Questions 8 to 11)


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogs or monologs spoken in English. The dialogs or monologs will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you listen to the dialog or monolog, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable with the dialog or monolog you have heard.

8. A B



9. A B



10. A B





11. A B



Part IV (Questions 12 to 15)


In this part of the test, you will hear several monologs. Each monolog will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear the monolog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

12. A. The man not at all watches TV.

B.  The man is keen of watching ‘Office Boy’.

C.  The man gives his point of view on ‘Office Boy’

D.  The man prefers ‘Office Boy’ to news program

E.  The man thinks that the news program is depressing

13. A. Informative.

B.  Amusing.

C.  Pleasing.

D.  Funny.

E.  Dull.

14. A. Lukito.

B.  The seismic activity.

C.  West Sumatra Procince.

D.  Gunung Sitoli in Nias Island.

E.  The Meteorology and Geophysiscs Agency.

15.  A. In Gunung Sitoli, Nias Island.

B. Under the Indian Ocean.

C. Under Gunung Sitoli.

D. In North Sumatra.

E. In West Sumatra.

This is the end of the listening section

Reading Section

This text is for questions 16 and 17

16.  What is the text about?

A.  English teachers’ activities.

B.  Ujian Nasional 2016 preparation.

C.  The annual meeting held by Dinas Pendidikan

D.  The information of the blueprints’ availability.

E.  How to face the final exam based on the update blueprints.

17.  Due to the lack of web net facility, a teacher can possess the blueprints by …

A.  email

B.  facebook

C.  ojek online service

D.  browsing at Daru’s portal

E.  visiting the school of PIC

This text is for questions 18 and 19


18.  What is the purpose of the letter?

A.  To apologize to Miss S. Fuller.

B.  To describe the condition of the pen

C.  To inform about the content of the pen

D.  To reply the complaint of Miss S. Fuller.

E.  To persuade Miss S. Fuller to use the pen.

19.  What has been replaced by the company to make the pen work properly?

  1. The color of the pen.
  2. A peacock blue barrel.
  3. The Quilfix nib assembly.
  4. The Quiller pen company.
  5. Quiller Q 70 fountain pen.

This text is for questions 20 to 22

20.  The text tells us about ....

A.  Pele’s life

B.  Pele’s achievement in football

C.  Pele’s achievement in his career

D.  Pele’s career in international games

E.  Pele’s performance in Brazilian league

21.  How long is Pele’s career?

A.  3 decades

B.  2 seasons

C.  16 years

D.  19 years

E.  8 years

22.  “Pele finished his career in the lucrative US league.” (Paragraph 5)

The underlined word means...

A.  destructive

B.  innovative

C.  propitious

D.  selective

E.  precious

This text is for questions 23 to 25

23.  What does the text tell you about?

  1. Some tips on shopping.
  2. Tips to be thrifty when we are shopping.
  3. Tip to spend the money we are shopping.
  4. Some tips buy something at a supermarket.
  5. Some tips to manage our budgeting on home utensils.

24.  The writer suggests customers to shop something at the supermarket ….

A.  every day

B.  once in a week

C.  once in two weeks

D.  only every Sunday

E.  at a convenient time to the customers

25.  “Use our budget planner to help you save.”

The underlined word refers to ….

A.  the readers and the customers

B.  the customers and the writers

C.  the cashiers and customers

D.  the writer and the readers

E.  the audiences

This text is for questions 26 to 28

One evening, Himali, a fisherman’s daughter, went to the beach to collect some seashells for the next day's environmental studies lesson. There she saw a lot of tourists, some of them were playing with their children and some of them were swimming. She walked along the beach collecting sea shells. While she was watching the sky she heard a cry. She looked around the beach and saw some tourists shouting. She ran towards them. Then she saw a tourist drowning in the sea. The other tourists were scared and helpless.

As she is a good swimmer, she jumped into the sea, but the waves were so strong that she had to fight with the waves to save the man's life. Bravely she started to swim towards him. In a few minutes, she was able to hold him and quickly brought him to shore. One of the other tourists gave him First Aid and then he recovered.

The next day Himali went to school. Suddenly there was an announcement for assembly in the school's main hall. All the students went to the hall and waited for the Principal. Then the Principal came and said "I have some good news this morning. Yesterday, when a tourist was drowning in the sea a little girl jumped into the sea and saved him. I am happy to say that this little girl is from our school. Her name is…" Then she announced, "Himali in Grade Nine!" Himali was very happy but she was also a little shy. The Principal asked her to come up to the stage. She walked slowly towards the stage. On the stage she received an award for bravery and the Principal said "You are the Hero of the Year!" Himali was very happy and everyone clapped and cheered. It was an unforgettable moment for Himali.

26.  According to the text ….

A.  Himali got honored through an award

B.  Himali saw a woman drowning in the sea

C.  the waves condition were not calm and friendly

D.  students are announced to gather in the main gate

E.  the principal was very proud of Himali achievement in swimming competition

27.  What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A.  Himali’s success in helping the woman’s life.

B.  The immediate first aid to the drowning man.

C.  Himali’s trial to recover the drowning man

D.  Himali’s notice on the drowning swimmer.

E.  Himali’s bravery to save the man’s life.

28.  We can infer that Himali lives ….

A.  at a mild suburb

B.  at an industrial zone

C.  at a hot tourism seaside

D.  at an isolated and danger seashore

E.  at surrounding of the restricted beach

This text is for questions 29 to 31

29.  What attitude does Baginda Binaut have?

A.  He is a generous person.

B.  He is a heroic person.

C.  He is a wise person.

D.  He is a protective person.

E.  He is an ambitious and selfish person.

30.  How did Baginda get what he intentionally had done to his mother and siblings?

A. Being drowned and turned into a cape.

B. Becoming a wise and kind king to his people.

C. Pointing out his commander to be his advisor.

D.  Repaying their kindness and letting his mother, brother and sister put in jail.

E.  Having a good relationship with his family and also people in the kingdom.

31.  What moral value can we get from the text?

A.  We have to struggle to achieve our ambitious whenever and wherever we are.

B. Wealth and prosperity belongs to us if we are diligent and work hard.

C. Try optimally to get everything what we want and dream of.

D. Someone will do what we have done before to anyone.

E. Don’t sacrifice our family because of our greediness.

This text is for questions 32 to 35

32.  What is the text about?

A.  The life of giraffes.

B.  Giraffes’ primary food.

C.  The unique traits of giraffes.

D.  General description of giraffes.

E.  Giraffes’ survival from the predator.

33.  Why are adult giraffes hunted by other predators?

  1. They posses weak and slim body.
  2. They get no nutritious food for ever and after.
  3. They have no strong social bonds among them.
  4. They didn’t own a deadly weapon in their bodies.
  5. They are really the prey of the wild animal because their clumsy move.

34.  From the last sentence in paragraph 1, we can find out that Okapis ….

  1. are still alive
  2. are destroye
  3. are dextinct
  4. are vanished
  5. are lost

35.  Male giraffes ….

A.  live in herd

B.  fight for hierarchy

C.  are solitary animals

D.  only eat acacia leaves

E.  are reserved in African National Parks

This text is for questions 36 to 39

36.  We know from the text that ….

A.  Government has arranged strict rule about video games

B.  The writer shows different arguments about video games

C.  Parents have main role to supervise their children in playing video games

D.  Nowadays, modern society understands about the phenomenon of video games

E.  There is an obvious relationship between playing video games and the growth of population

37.  The main idea of second paragraph is .…

A.  The restriction of playing the video games

B.  The beneficial arguments of the video games

C.  The government strict regulation about video games

D.  The easy way to avoid children from video games

E.  The point of view about video games drawback

38.  “… by forcing them to master certain ability to overcome the obstacles in …” (Paragraph 2). The underlined word means ….

A.  occurrences

B.  drawbacks

C.  completion

D.  detentionsn

E.  coverage

39.  The purpose of the text above is ….

A.  to state the writer’s rejection about video games

B.  to share the writer’s experience about video games

C.  to reveal the different points of view about video games

D.  to inform the readers about the disadvantages of video games

E.  to convince the readers that video games have a lot of contributions for people.

This text is for questions 40 to 43

40.  What is the text about?

A.  An autops on Mirna’s body.

B.  The woman’s witness about Mirna’s death.