Essential Statistics Chapter 2 Review Name:______

1.  There are many ways to measure the reading ability of children. One frequently used test is the Degree of Reading Power (DRP). In a research study on third-grade students, the DRP was administered to 44 students.

Their scores were:

Class / Frequency / Relative Frequency / Cumulative Frequency / Cumulative Relative Frequency

40 26 39 14 42 18 25

43 46 27 19 47 19 26

35 34 15 44 40 38 31

46 52 25 35 35 33 29

34 41 49 28 52 47 35

48 22 33 41 51 27 14

54 45

Create a cumulative relative frequency plot. Create a Box plot of the data

  1. Create a bar graph and pie chart for the favorite music data from the following class surveys. Describe the main features of the graph.

Type of Music / Alternative / Country / Hip Hop / Rock
Students that listen to it / 12 / 5 / 8 / 5
  1. In the 1992 Gas Mileage Guide published by the U.S. Department of Energy, an estimate of 27 miles per gallon (mpg) is given for the Ford Ranger pickup truck equipped with a 2.3-liter engine and a two-wheel drive, five-speed transmission. The estimates are based on repeated tests of the vehicles. In one survey of 50 Ford Ranger pickup trucks, the following mpg results were obtained. Construct a dotplot of the following data. Describe the main features of the distribution.

31 24 29 30 31 26 26 29 31 25 23 32 33

27 32 28 29 27 30 27 27 33 26 28 27 28

27 28 28 26 25 28 26 29 24 27 33 28

28  24 24 30 29 26 24 30 31 34 27 32

4.  Construct a stem-and-leaf plot for the weight of carry-on luggage (in pounds). Describe the main features of the graph.

30 27 12 42 35 47 38 36 27 35

22 17 29 3 21 0 38 32 41 33

26 45 18 43 18 32 31 32 19 21

Name the variables in each description of data, then tell whether they are quantitative or categorical. For each quantitative variable name its unit of measure.

5.  A Ph.D. candidate is collecting data about women in mathematics careers. She interviewed 200 female mathematicians and recorded the following data: number of years attending university/technical school, math classes taken in high school (algebra, geometry, etc.), gender of high school math teacher, and high school GPA.

A) Number of years attending university/technical school, quantitative, days: math classes taken in high school, categorical; gender of high school math teacher, categorical; high school GPA, quantitative, decimals.

B) Number of years attending university/technical school, quantitative, years: math classes taken in high school, categorical; gender of high school math teacher, categorical; high school GPA, quantitative, scale from 0 to 4.

C) Number of years attending university/technical school, quantitative, years: math classes taken in high school, categorical; high school GPA, quantitative, GPA.

D) Number of years attending university/technical school, quantitative, months: math classes taken in high school, quantitative, class; gender of high school math teacher, categorical; high school GPA, quantitative, scale from 0 to 4.

E) Number of years attending university/technical school, quantitative, years: math classes taken in high school, categorical; gender of high school math teacher, quantitative, male or female; high school GPA, quantitative, decimal.

6.  Use the information in the pie chart to create a bar graph about favorite ice cream flavors.

7.  The number of days off that 30 police officers took in a given year are provided below. Create a histogram of the data using bins 2 days wide. Describe the distribution of the data.

10 1 3 5 4 7 5 1 0 9 11 1 5 4 1 7 7 11 0 6 6 1 5 7 10 1 1 5 6 0

Draw the requested scatterplot.

8.  The consumer price index (CPI) is a measure of the relative cost of goods in the U.S. for a particular year. The table below shows the CPI for various years beginning in 1920.

Year CPI

1940 14.0

1950 24.1

1960 29.6

1970 38.8

1980 82.4

1990 130.7

2000 172.2

9.  Classify the following variables:

  1. The heights of male students
  2. The favorite movie types of AP Stat students by gender
  3. The Tuition paid by first year college students
  4. The birth weights of female babies born at a large hospital for the past year.

10.  Find the 5 # Summary for the following data:

380 321 366 356 283 349 402 462 356 410

329 399 272 316 384 350 345 455 360 431

11.  Make sure to go through all your notes, and study your vocabulary. It is important that you know what it all means, and how it applies.