Ilsington Parish Council Annual Council Meeting

AtLiverton Village Hall

Tuesday the 24th of May 2016


Present:Mr M Retallick Mr A Fairs Mrs K Bainbridge Mr A Patch Mr R Bainbridge Mrs J Prior Mr R Steemson Mr L Dunkley

Mr M Wills

Also in attendance: Mr J Christophers, Teignbridge District Councillor,2 members of the public and Mrs Retallick (Clerk).

Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

16/50 Election of Chairman and declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman

Cllr Retallick nominated Cllr Winsor to stand as chairman and Cllr Wills seconded. Cllr Retallick asked if there were any other nominations and Cllr Patch nominated Cllrs K Bainbridge, Steemson and Wills who all declined. Cllr R Winsor had given his authority to accept the nomination in his absence therefore he was duly elected.

16/51 Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr RBainbridge nominated Cllr M Wills and this was seconded by Cllr K Bainbridge. Cllr Wills accepted the role.

Cllrs Wills then chaired the meeting in Cllr Winsor’s absences and thanked Cllr Retallick for the last 12 months service.

16/52 To accept apologies for absence.

Received from Mr Winsor and Mr R Dale. These were authorised

16/53 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.

None declared.

16/54 Appointment of Committees: -

Planning Committee – all but Cllr K Bainbridge

Finance and Standards Committee – Cllrs Winsor,, Wills, Dunkley, Retallick, Patch and K Bainbridge.

Allotment Committee- Cllrs Winsor, Wills, Dunkley, Patch and Steemson .

The Terms of reference for the planning and finance and standard committee were circulated to all.

16/55 Appointment of Parish council representatives on outside bodies.

Liverton Village Hall – Cllr L Dunkley

Ilsington Village Hall including Village Shop Committee – Cllr J Prior

IPFARA – Cllr K Bainbridge

Rural Aid Fund- Any councillor to attend

Teignbridge Association of Local Councils – Cllr R Winsor

Dartmoor Forum -Cllrs M Wills and Cllr R Bainbridge

School Liaison Officer – Cllr R Dale

Snow Warden/s – Mr P Prior, Cllr M Retallick and Mr M Besley

Tree Officer/s – Cllr A Patch and Cllr A Fairs – ( the next TPO application request a TDC officer to come and advise).

16/56 Appointment of Trustees to:-

  • Jane Ford Educational Foundation – Cllr M Wills, K Bainbridge and Mr Rob Wills were proposed by Cllr Retallick all accepted and appointed.
  • Ilsington United Charity – Cllr Wills proposed Cllr M Retallick and Mrs J Stone to be re-elected this was seconded by Cllr R Bainbridge and appointed.

16/57 Adoption of

  • standing orders– remove 1(m) then they were accepted May 2016
  • financial standing ordersincluding
  • internal control policy. Signed and accepted

16/58 Emails – to agree to receive all paperwork by email relating to the meetings and business of the council as per the Localism Act 2011

All in favour and signed.

16/59 Council insurance renewal – for information only.

Council agreed to go for the 3 year contract

16/60 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

Mrs Wallis the owner of the field opposite to the star gave information about the history of the field including their plans for the land which included improving drainage.

Cllr Patch spoke about the proposed councils tender and ground works and suggested certain chemicals should not be used for weed control, he intends submit a Motion(Item) for the council to debate.

Cllr Steemson confirmed to the meeting that plans are being prepared for Beating of the bounds and the sub group will meet and asked for this to be a future agenda item.

Cllr Fairs reported that Lorriesstill come through the village, and asked if the road past the school could be repaired and the camber on the road could be improved. Cllr Retallick informed the meeting that the highways officer was prioritising on drainage. Another item for a future meeting

The fence at the cattle grid, Green Lane requires repairing and the gate at White Gate needs replacing, the clerk will inform Cllr Barker.

Cllr Patch reported that skate boarders having been using Liverton village hall car park they sayIlsington Parkis too far and would like a facility in the Liverton, the meeting agreed to invite them to the next council meeting. Cllr Christophers suggested that Nicki Taylor at TDC could advise on precast ramps that could be used.

Cllr Patch also brought to the attention of the meeting that the Minutes were published in the May parish magazine; the clerk noted that this was an error as minutes are not published until they have been agreed by the full council however notes are usually submitted for publication.

16/61 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting on April 26th 2016

These were signed as an accurate record of the last meeting.

16/62 Clerks report

The potholes that werereported at the last meeting have been logged onto the online system. The finger cross at Smokey Cross has been repaired. The fallen tree that was reported at the weekend has been cleared.

Also I have asked the highways department about how much a sign would cost to limit lorries coming through Ilsington village.

The application for the resilience grant has been sent still waiting to hear back.

The letter confirming the naming of the playing field name has been sent and an invitation has been received for councillors to attend the unveiling of the plaque on the 5th June at 12 noon.

The PCC have invited the council to attend a service on the Sunday June 12th at 10.30 to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday.

16/63 Completion of the Annual Return for year end 2016

The statement of audit was read and agreed, the annual return was signed ready to be submitted to the external auditors

16/64 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.

Cllrs Christophers that TDC had received two awards one with relation to the Devon youthgames and the other of the development work at Market Walk, Newton Abbot.

TDC are in public consultation for the 10 year strategy, the local government inspection comments were that the plan was good giving continuality and facilities

Radio 1 big weekend local academieshave run various events during the last month at different locations all well attended with a very positive atmosphere in the area.

The next stage of the road improvement on the A382 will commence soon. This may include Trago Mills re-opening the Staple Hill entrance as 20% of their trade come from Plymouth; if this is the case they would pay community infrastructure levy of approx. £20, 000 Cllr Christophers would like to see the Blackpool school car park tarmacked and asked to hear councils views on that thought.

Cllr Steemson asked if some of the funds couldbe used for a crossing at the post office which would help the whole community rather than just the school.

There was a long discussion about the increase of traffic and the effects on the community and the Drumbridges improvements.

Finally he reported the tour of Britain coming to the region again this year and TDC want to encourage the local schools to be involved with competitions. Cllr Wills thanked him for his report.

DNPA-Cllr Steemson reported that 26 people attended the last work day, the next one is on 12thJune – the park are bringing in an initiative for litter picking they will be picking locations to work and taking equipment for litter picking, this project is working in conjunction with the lakes trust and other organisations.

16/65 To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.

a) DNPA 0175/16 Proposed first floor bedroom and en suite extension at Heather Cottage, Haytor. No objections

Grant of Conditional Planning permission

  • DNPA 0192/16 – Erection of timber framed summer house at 1 Ley Crescent, Liverton
  • DNPA 0046/16 – construction of replacement dwelling to that approved under ref 0581/14, site of Windy Croft, Green Lane, Ilsington.

16/66 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

Cllr Retallick informed the meeting that on 9thSeptemberthe tour of Britain is at Haytor.

Cllr K Bainbridge met Viridoron behalf of IPFARA the meeting went well; the grant is for £20,000 with £2000 to be funded by IPFARA who have planned their first fundraiser, an open day the sellingrefreshments at the parish flower show. Mr Smith is the Chairman untilOctober. A sign naming the playing field will be unveiling and the chairman of the council will unveil the plaque. The meeting confirmed a letter will be sent to IFPARA informing who the representative is from the council for the next 12 months.

Cllr J Prior attended the Ilsington village hall meeting with 6 people attending – the meeting discussed a new bench for Play Park and reported the new booking system working well. Air band has contacted the committee and offered to connect all rural village halls for free Mr Parkinson is investigating this further. The committee’s plans are to refurbish the exterior of the hall this year, then put up new curtains next year and finally in three years’ time update the kitchen. In the last 2 weeks of August the shop will be refurbished and under floor storage improved with fire boarding.

Cllr Patch reported from Liverton village hall and informed the meeting the committee are waiting for shutters for the new hatch and then a new floor, he also informed the meeting that the committee are looking at installing AV equipment. The Twinning charterhas been found and given to Mr Gibson who says it will be put up in the church.

The meeting then discussed the increasing parked car at the narrow road in Liverton Cllr Patch suggested a leaflet drop and offered to deliver them. Cllr Wills suggested asking the fire service for advice.

16/67 To authorise payments of cheques presented.

1.C Retallick Salary£ 581.83

2.Peplows £ 132.00

3.Ilsington village Hall (hall hire)£ 14.00

4.Came & Company Insurance £ 880.84

Cheques total for this month £ 1,608.67

DDBT May £ 88.58

Fleur Broadband £ 25.00 Total expenditure for this month £ 1,722.25

Income of first half precept of £ 16,048.50

Allotment rent£ 32.50

£ 16,081.00

Balance as from bank statements at the end of April 2016£ 60,644.75

16/68 Correspondence.

Our Year 2015, South West Water - volunteer offer, Dartmoor National Park Authority Weekly List, Families and Welfare Reform Event, exciting opportunity to join Active Devon as a Board Member, Land off Liverton Road, Liverton, TALC Meeting Thursday 26th May 2016 – Agenda, Get ready for the Devon County Show!, Section 106 agreement for Ilford Park Stover,

Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 9 May, 2016, Funding News, Ilsington's Mining History,

Connecting Dartmoor & Exmoor Superfast Broadband Programme update, HowToRespondToPlanningApplications, News - £29k dispersed in grants to keep Devon resilient, Rural Vulnerability Service - Fuel Poverty - April 2016

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on Tuesday June 28th 2016 in Ilsington Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...

Future agenda items

Beating the bounds

Stopping/limiting lorries through Ilsington village

Skate boarders from Liverton to the meeting

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)