How to implement the dementia friendly GP surgery iSPACE model

Notes to accompany the web resources,brochure and flyer

These notes accompany the brochure which describes the steps needed to make a surgery dementia friendly. Included with these notes are resources that other surgeries have created which may help to streamline the process. All resources can be found on the Wessex AHSN website, see below.

If you are considering implementing a dementia friendly surgery and need guidance these notes can help guide you through the process and describe the role of the Wessex AHSN.

How can the AHSN assist?

The AHSN can attend target and practice manager meetings to disseminate the learning from this project. Team members and Katherine Barbour can attend meetings with staff from surgeries and can deliver training for GP’s, Nurses and the Admin team in the Wessex area.

iSPACE is straightforward to implement and has been easily undertaken by the 143 surgeries that have already done this. The AHSN will link staff in localities to share learning and local development of resources.

How to implement this model?

Experience from the surgeries where this has been implemented recommend:

  • identification of a dementia champion or two
  • staff training
  • involvement of patients and their carers in the process

The AHSN can connect you with other surgeries in your locality who are undertaking this work. As the initiative spreads theteams that have implemented iSPACE will grow butin these early stages the AHSN will support and coordinate this work.

Please go to the website for more information

Key Contacts

Katherine Barbour, dementia Project Manager, is leading this work for the AHSN and plans to spread this work across Wessex during 2015/16. She has over 20 years experience of dementia care in Hampshire and has a personal passion to improve services for patients with dementia and their carers.

Mobile phone contact 07990 002106

Dr Nicola Decker, Oakley and Overton Surgery, N Hampshire initiated this work and is happy to be emailed for advice,

Dr Michele Legg at Tower House Surgery on the Isle of Wight has implemented iSPACE and she can be contacted at

Supporting documents

  1. Flyer and brochure
  2. Training resources
  3. List of local resources - publisher leaflet
  4. Draft letter to patients and carers
  5. Dementia register excel spreadsheet
  6. Wessex AHSN training tools

iSPACE dementia friendly resources-

October 2016