Dedication of a Church

with a Fixed Immovable Altar

Dedication Document in triplicate if relics are being deposited or duplicate if no relics. (see #25)
Liturgy Date: / Time:
Principal Contact: / Phone:
Person Preparing the Liturgy:
Phone: / E-Mail:
Music Director:
Phone: / E-Mail:
Update expected faithful to participate in the liturgy?

Master of Ceremonies[1]:



Deacons of the Mass[2]: 1, 2 or 3


Total Deacons Expected

Ministers to arrange: / Lectors 1 or 2 / Cantor / Altar Servers[3] 5 6 or 7 / Sacristans

Number of Ushers\Greeters[4]:


Number of Ministers of Holy Communion[5]:

Musical Instruments planned:


Principal Concelebrating Priests: Expected:



ttl priests expected??







(a) Prep & Sign (3) Dedication Docs.

(b) Instruct clergy on procession (no bow), communion stations. (Instruction given by deacon ______, or MC______?)

(c) Ensure 2 aspersoria (with aspergillia) are placed at base of baptismal font. (Can the font be turned “off” at beginning, and turned “on” during the entrance song? (for noise sake.)
PART IIntroductory Rites

(No lights, apart from the candles which surround the relics of the saints. No incense used in the procession nor in the Mass until the Incensation of Altar and a Church following the anointing of the Altar and the Walls.)

There are three forms for the entrance: (please select one – see chapter two, Rite of Dedication)

1 –Processional Entrance: (Doors closed, people gather in other location, Greeting address and procession with Psalm 122 or other song. At doors to Reps of planning committee, architect, construction, parish hand over building presenting documents, e.g., plans, commemorative book of the project, keys, names of those in charge and workers, etc. One representative addresses the bishop. Pastor opens the doors. Bishop invites all to enter singing psalm 24. Crossbearer leads bishop and assembly.

2 – Solemn Entrance: (People assemble at doors of the church which are closed. Preceded by crossbearer, bishop and concelebrating priests, deacons and ministers approach doors from outside. Bishop greets and addresses people. Reps of planning committee, architect, construction, parish hand over building presenting documents, e.g., plans, commemorative book of the project, keys, names of those in charge and workers, etc. One representative addresses the bishop. Pastor opens the doors. Bishop invites all to enter singing psalm 24. Crossbearer leads bishop and assembly.

3 – Simple Entrance: (People assemble in church. Bishop with priests, deacons and ministers process to the sanctuary. All sing Psalm 122 (121), Psalm 24, or similar song.


Who will present items to bishop:

What will be presented:

Who will address the bishop:

MC Notes: Bishop will stand

To bishop’s left

To bishop’s right

Deacons standing

Those near by

Procession forms



Brief Address by Bishop

Handing Over the Building

Architect, et alia, will present their materials to the Bishop, who will pass them onto the pastor.

Pastor will pass materials to deacon or usher. (Who will place them ?)

Pastor will speak for 2 minutes, no more.

Entrance into the Church

M+ C+

Entrance Hymn:
Hymnal & #:

Procession order:

  • KCs (number )
  • [Space]
  • MC
  • Cross
  • Servers
  • [Space]
  • MC
  • Lectors (w/o lectionary in hand. Lectionary will be placed in their seat beforehand.)
  • Architects, etc. (number (small) , who )
  • [Space]
  • If Relics: Candle – Deacon (in red stole/dalmatic) with relics - Candle
  • [Space]
  • MC
  • Deacons
  • Priests
  • Deacon-Bishop-Deacon
  • Mitre-bearer – MC – Crosier-bearer

When Bishop reaches foot of altar,M– C–

Bishop and deacons will process to their chairs and wait until last verse of hymn.

Will blessing of water occur in the sanctuary or at the baptismal font?

If at the font, where is the font located?

Who will assist the bishop?

Typically, the pastor assists with the sprinkling of the walls and the people.

Blessing and Sprinkling of Water

Hymn Title:

Publisher/Composer/Hymn Number:

(Attach an accurate diagram of the church so that a route for the sprinkling may be established.)

At end of sprinkling, the Bishopand pastor sprinkle the altar together.

Deacons give aspersoria to servers.

Bishop recites prayer after sprinkling.


Setting Title:

Publisher/Composer/Hymn Number:

Opening Prayer

Opening Prayer: / Dedication of a Church (Roman Missal) / page # / 1221


MC, First Reader, with Lectionary, Psalmist, Second Reader approach Bishop.

First Reader hands Lectionary to Bishop, who shows it to the people, says the words of presentation of the Word of God, then returns it to the first reader.

First reader, psalmist and second reader all proceed to the ambo together.

Per CB, no. 895, first reader “carries the Lectionary for all to see.”

PART IILiturgy of the Word

(Included in the “Liturgy Preparation Form”)

Readings of the Day[6]: OR Special Readings
First Reading: / Nehemiah 8:1-4, 5-6, 8-10 / Responsorial Psalm: / Psalm 19
Second Reading: / Responsorial Hymnal & #:
Gospel Acclamation:
Acclamation Setting, Hymnal & #:
Gospel Procession: Yes (simple, no candles, altar to ambo)Incense: No
Gospel[7]: / Proclaimed By:
Homilist: / Homily Note:
Profession of Faith (required for Dedication of a Church): Recited, Chanted (setting)

Gospel:M– C+

Homily:M+ C–

Profession of Faith:M– C–

N.B. During gospel acclamation, no incense, nor candles.

During homily, make sure the following is prepped:

  • Chrism: 1 large cruet, 2 bowls; 2 purificators; hand-washing tray for Bishop, including lemons
  • Incense: brazier, 4 thuribles, 1 boat. Make sure the coals are good and hot.
  • Dressing of altar:
  • Stack of towels & an empty basket in tabernacle-side sacristy
  • Altar cloths in back of church, pre-folded
  • Lighting: 1 candle in sacristy to give to Bishop; 6 candles in back, 2 long tapers.

PART IIIPrayer of Dedication and the Anointings


Litany of the Saints (use chant style attached)

MC Notes: During preces of litany (“Lord, hear our prayer”), make sure the following is prepped:

  • 3 servers to retrieve small relic table and 2 candles.
  • Deacon, vested in red stole/dalmatic, ready to bring relics to the Bishop
  • (n.b., no need for Deacon to change from whitered. Just stay in red.)

Concluding Prayer

M+Depositing of the Relics

Deacon will carry the relics in a reliquary to the Altar and hand them to Bishop who in turn will hand them to PASTORwho will place them beneath the altar.

NOTE: (The dedication report document will be added to the reliquary before it is placed beneath the altar.)

List Relics Present:

MC Notes:

Bishop (w/ deacons?) moves to behind altar, with pastor at his right.

MC, book bearer stand to right of altar, out of the way.

“Stonemason” stands near MC.

As they move, DEACON comes forward to bring reliquary to the bishop, moving around the right-side of the altar.

Meanwhile, as the deacon brings the reliquary, the SERVERS quickly remove the small table and move it out of the sanctuary to the left along with the candles..

Deacon  Reliquary Bishop PASTOR, who places the reliquary underneath the altar.

Building supervisor (or “stonemason”) applies the cover to the reliquary.

PASTOR, after depositing relics, moves to the right of the Bishop’s right-hand deacon.

M–Prayer of Dedication

Bishop prays prayer from behind the altar.

During the prayer of dedication, the following is prepped in sacristy:

  • 3 Servers/Deacon (1 Dcn for cruet of chrism, 2 Servers each with 2 bowls of chrism, 1 Server with purificator (3rd server))
  • 2 Servers, carrying towels (mindful of spills on floor).
  • 1 Server with gremial
  • 1 Server/Deacon to receive and hold the Bishop’s chasuble / microphone
  • 2-3 servers for Bishop’s hand-washing (bowl with lemon, towel, pitcher).
  • (?) Servers for PASTOR’S hand-washing

Anointing of the Altar and the Walls of the Church

Hymn title:

Publisher/hymn #:

(While Bishop anoints altar, pastor anoints walls at 4 or 12 places.)

How many places will be anointed 4 or 12 (dedication candles at each location)

Attach diagram with accurate indication of anointing locations

MC Notes:

Servers assisting with vesting approach

Bishop removes chasuble / microphone (assisted by dcns or mc?), receives gremial.

M+Bishop sings / says “We now anoint...”

Bishop anoints “five points” and seals the altar with the chrism.

Assisting deacons are handed the bowls of chrism (w/ purificator) when the Bishop receives the cruet.

Bishop, deacon, server go left side of nave

PASTOR, deacon, server go right side of nave

When Bishop & PASTOR return ,they immediately wash their hands.

(M–)Bishop removes gremial, receives his chasuble and microphone.

During the anointing, the following is prepped:

  • 1 or 2 Servers carrying the large brazier, well lit. (mindful of smoke alarm).
  • 4 deacons with 4 thuribles, well lit.
  • 1 server with the boat of incense, full.

As the Bishop is receiving his chasuble, the brazier is placed on the altar by servers, 4 deacons with thuribles – 2 on each side of the altar are in place.

(M–)Bishop now faces altar and sings or says the incense prayer: “Lord, may our prayer ascend…

He receives boat from server (or Deacon or MC) and places incense in large brazier

When prayer is concluded choir begins psalm or song.

Incensation of the Altar and the Church

As the ministers walk thought the church, Psalm 138 with antiphon from rite or another suitable song is sung.

Hymn title:

Publisher/hymn #:

Receives boat from server (or Deacon or MC) and places incense in all four thuribles.

(Reminder to deacons: the Bishop customarily makes the sign of the cross over each thurible after placing incense.)

Bishop receives a thurible from deacon at his right side and begins incensing the altar.

Upon his return, M+, deacon will incense the Bishop.

Bishop sits.

On cue from MC, four deacons incense the people and the walls per route diagram.

MC Notes:

During incensation, the following is prepped:

  • For wiping and laying of altar cloth:
  • Servers or assisting parishioners in sacristy with baskets of towels, ready to assist
  • Sacristans or persons carrying the altar cloth will be behind the instituted acolytes, waiting at the foot of the altar steps.
  • Flower people behind the persons carrying altar cloths
  • For Lighting
  • 1 lit candle in sacristy to give to Bishop
  • unlit altar candles near baptismal font
  • 2 long tapers carried by servers near the baptismal font for lighting dedication candles
  • (MC to lead this procession?)

As deacons return from their route, (1 or 2) servers remove brazier from altar.

Deacons hand thuribles to assistants who remove them.

Deacons return to their seats.

Servers/faithful holding towels and servers/faithful holding empty baskets will stand on either side of altar, assisting them.

Designated persons thoroughly, but swiftly wipe the altar. Soiled cloths placed in empty baskets and new towels are obtained from assistants.

Altar cloth is brought up, already unfolded (or half-unfolded), so that minimal time to unfold, etc will be necessary.

As altar cloth is being placed, flowers are put in their places.

Unlit altar candles and 2 tapers are brought up as the flowers are being placed.

As the flowers are placed and altar is covered, Deacon comes forward.

Bishop stands and receives a lit candle from a server.

Bishop gives lit candle to Deacon and sings or says the Light of Christ prayer.

Choir begins lighting hymn.

Lighting of the Altar and the Church

Hymn title:

Publisher/hymn #:

Bishop sits.

Deacon goes to front steps of sanctuary, where faithful hold candles and tapers.

Arranged: 1 Taper – Altar candles – 1 Taper

The unlit candles & tapers are lit from the Deacons lit candle, not vice-versa.

Once all are lit, on cue from Deacon , the altar candle persons place their candle in the assigned candles stands.

Tapers light dedication candles above now-anointed crosses; (1 taper lights paschal candle).

House lighting will turn on 100% when altar candles are placed.

During the lighting, the following is prepped:

  • Bread, wine (and water, per no. 72), at back of church
  • Corporals for deacons to place on altar (sufficient to allow all vessels to be placed).
  • Trays of chalices (pre-filled)
  • 3 servers to wash bishop’s hands at offertory
  • SEVEN servers with candles (as torches)
  • 1 deacon with thurible

Deacons prepare altar: (placing corporals, placing the pre-filled chalices on corporals.

Bishop moves to front of sanctuary and receives the gifts (handing them to the deacons)

Bishop, M—, kisses the altar.

Offertory as usual. Hands washed as usual.

No incensation of gifts nor bishop at the offertory.

OPTIONAL: At the Sanctus, the procession of torches and incense as follows:

 MC – 3 candles – bugia (7th Candle) - thurifer – 3 candles – MC 

PART IVLiturgy of the Eucharist

(Musical settings and prayers are included in the “Liturgy

Preparation Form”)

Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts
Presentation Hymn: / Composer:
Who will present the gifts:
Prayer Over the Gifts page number: / 1221 / Preface Number: / Page 1222 / 1224
Holy, Holy Mass Setting: / These are sung with the participation of all the faithful.
Normally these are from the same Mass setting.
Memorial Acclamation Mass Setting:
Amen Mass Setting:
Communion Rite:
Communion to be distributed under one form both forms[8]
Lord’s Prayer: Recited OR Chanted (Setting): / )
Lamb of God Mass Setting: / Chant
Communion Hymn(s)[9]:
Hymnal & #(s): / t

MC will lead priests to altar after Prayer over the Gifts

Note proper preface and special form of “hanc igitur”.

4 Priests will help with the recitation of the Roman Canon (Pastor, Parochial Vicar, two others (Dean, Vicar TBD)

Deacons in pews will approach altar from ramp during sign of peace, led by an MC.

Priests and deacons should know their communion stations before Mass begins.

Deacons will assist priests in receiving their vessels, etc.

Instituted Acolytes will be in sacristy during communion to immediately begin purification of sacred vessels.

Place large ciborium on center altar corporal during communion. Other corporals may be removed.

For the inauguration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the following is prepped:

  • Thurible, well lit
  • Boat of incense
  • Humeral veil

Deacon assisting at the altar will combine remaining hosts into large ciborium.

Blessed Sacrament in ciborium is left on the altar.

Bishop sits in chair to pray in silence for a brief period.

Bishop sings prayer after communion

Prayer After Communion page #: / 1227

Bishop returns to altar, genuflects.

Choir begins Psalm 147:12-20 with antiphon or other suitable song.

Inauguration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Hymn title:

Publisher/hymn #:

Bishop incenses Blessed Sacrament, receives the humeral veil, and takes ciborium to the tabernacle.

After kneeling in silence for a while, the deacon closes the door, and the lamps are lit.

Concluding Rite

Comments / Thank You
Blessing Simple OR Solemn (page # / 1227 ) / OR Prayer Over the People (page # / Page #()
Closing Song OR Instrumental
Title if Song:
Hymnal & #:
General notes:

Additional Saints names may be added to the litany. See the ritual.





(Canons 1208 -1209)

I, the undersigned, Bishop of Austin on the Nnd day of month in the year or our Lord 20NN, dedicated name of parishChurch, City, Texas, following the prescribed ritual given in the Roman Pontifical: Rite of Dedication of a Church and an Altar. Participating in this event were note any other bishops or persons ecclesiastical note.

The relics of the following saints were deposited beneath the altar: list the relics.

Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez

Bishop of Austin

or name and title of other bishop if not Bishop Vasquez

Reverend name of pastor

Pastor of name of parish

Note: red font used only for visibility not intended for final document.

The record of dedication should be in triplicate, signed by the bishop, the rector\pastor of the church, and representatives of the local community. One copy is kept in the archdiocesan archive, one copy in the parish archive and one copy placed in the reliquary at the proper time (Rite of Dedication and a Church and an Altar, Chapter 2, #25).

[1/13]Dedication of a Church, rev. 9/29/2018

[1] Fr. Le-Minh Joseph Phamserves when the Bishop Vasquez is the main celebrant.

[2] For dedication at least two deacons should assist. Contact the Worship Office with questions.

[3] Thurifer, crucifer, 2 candle bearers, miter\crozier, book (normally the crucifer), 2 candles if relics present. Should be best and most experienced parish has.

[4] Welcome, distribute worship aids, assist with communion (& collection if any)

[5] Ordinary ministers (bishops, priests and deacons) serve first, then extraordinary ministers if necessary. Approx 3 ministers for every 100-200 (1 bowl and 2 cup ministers)

[6] The reading from Nehemiah and the Psalm are required. On Sundays the other readings for the day are to be used. Otherwise, readings from the Lectionary: Dedication of a Church #704-706 are used. In Easter Season see #702, Acts of the Apostles required.

[7] Should be proclaimed by a deacon or priest other than the priest celebrant.

[8] Norm is distribution under both kinds. Masses in conference settings on carpet should only distribute under both kinds if the risk of spilling the Precious Blood has been adequately addressed. Contact the Office of Worship for approval.

[9] The Communion Song begins as the priest receives Holy Communion and lasts until all have received.