It is essential that our premises are safe for everyone who visits or occupies them and that there must be measures in force to prevent accidents, fire or dangers to health as far as possible.
The committee
* will be responsible for leading and monitoring the implementation of the Safety
Policy and compliance with safety legislation
* will review periodically the group’s performance in the field of health and safety
* will establish and implement high standards of health and safety
* will lead by example.
The Health and Safety Officer
* will deliver a health and safety induction to new members and volunteers,
* ensure all volunteers and members are aware of fire precautions and first aid
* ensure that all safety rules are observed,
* investigate and report all accidents promptly, determine the cause and take action
to prevent any recurrence,
* complete incident reports and follow-ups,
* fully consider any representation concerning health and safety from members,
* encourage members to make suggestions to improve health and safety on the
group’s premises.
The Technical Manager
* will ensure that all persons under his supervision are provided with such inform-
ation, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary so as to secure safety,
* ensure that risk assessments of all activities are completed and recorded,
* inform members of any potential hazards in an activity and any measures used to
protect them,
* ensure members are issued with and use protective equipment as required,
* carry out regular safety checks on premises and procedures,
* ensure that all defects to premises and equipment are promptly reported and
Volunteers and Members
* must take reasonable care to ensure their own health and safety and that of any
person who may be affected by their actions,
* comply with relevant statutory requirements and the group’s safety policy,
* must provide details of any medical condition they suffer from,
* report all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences whether anyone is
injured or not,
* wear protective equipment where it is provided and they are required to do so,
* not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in
the interests of health and safety,
* remove any hazards they identify, where it is safe and reasonable to do so, and
inform the senior group leader present of their actions.
Maintenance and inspection schedules will be established for
* fire defence systems
* access equipment and tools
* electrical and lighting systems
Good housekeeping must be maintained, including
* the provision of suitable and sufficient waste receptacles,
* washing facilities with hot and cold water,
* lockable WCs and provision of toilet tissues, soap, towels and sanitary disposal
* washing-up and general cleaning facilities,
* adequate ventilation in the above areas.
* all materials defined as hazardous substances to be locked away when not in use in
compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs. 2002r
Any defect in these areas should be reported and rectified immediately
* A first aid box is provided in the unit containing appropriate supplies for the type
of hazards encountered in the group’s activities.
* There are always at least three currently qualified first aiders among the volunteer
* An accident book is provided at the same location as the first aid box.
* Either the injured member or a witness of the incident must make an entry in the
accident book as soon as possible after the incident.
* All injuries, however minor, must be recorded and reported to the most senior
group leader present.
* Where an accident to a member of the group results in admittance to hospital, their
parents or carer with legal responsibility for them will be informed immediately,
and they must be accompanied by one of the leaders. 2
The committee recognizes that members and volunteers need, as well as a health and safety and fire defence inductions, some instruction and training in specific activities. For this reason, the Technical Manager will prepare risk assessments for all activities in order to
* identify hazards
* assess risks to members, volunteers, visitors or anyone else who might be affected
by those hazards
* implement control measures
Tools and equipment
The Technical Manager
* must ensure that all tools and equipment are maintained and in good repair
* will report any deficiencies in the above to the committee
* will provide specific training in the use of tools and equipment
* will ensure that guards and other protective mechanisms are always in place
* must ensure that only competent, trained persons use the tools and equipment, and
only for the appropriate purpose
Power tools
* all power tools must be subject to a rigorous and frequent Portable Appliance
Testing regime
* appropriate PPE should be worn when using them
* no member under the age of 18 may use a power tool connected to the mains
Electrical safety
All members
* must report faulty equipment and frayed cables and not attempt to use them
* will be trained to wire plugs, but they must not replace the cover until their work
has been checked by a competent volunteer
* will be trained to run cables, but must not connect them to the mains supply.
The Technical Manager
* must keep records of PAT testing and installation certificates
* must ensure that all members and volunteers asked to carry out electrical work are
competent to do so
Electrical work on voltages up to 415
* All work on electrical equipment or systems that involve the exposure of
conductors must be carried out with the current turned off, isolated and secured
against re-energisation
* A proving test to ensure isolation must be completed before work starts
The Youth Theatre Fire Risk Assessment and Emergency Procedures have been validated by the Kent Fire and Rescue Service and the Building Control Services of Ashford Borough Council. The committee of the Youth Theatre are collectively responsible for ensuring that all volunteers and members have training in fire safety and emergency evacuation procedures.
General fire precautions
* There should be adequate security to prevent the risk of arson
* All heating systems should be regularly maintained
* All fire exits and passageways must be kept free of obstructions
* Fire doors shall bear appropriate signs and must be kept closed at all times
* Fire exits and evacuation routes must be appropriately signed and illuminated,
with a means of emergency lighting in the event of a mains failure
* All emergency lighting systems should be checked prior to any event and tested at
suitable intervals
* There should be a clear space around switchgear, light fittings and appliances
* All electrical equipment should be isolated at the end of the day unless its
operation is necessary
Fire fighting systems and equipment
* All areas of the premises should be equipped as required with the appropriate
number, type and size of fire fighting equipment, including extinguishers and
kitchen blankets
* Fire extinguishers must be maintained annually by an approved contractor
* Fire alarms must have regular frequent activation to test the sounders
Emergency evacuation
* Suitable fire instruction notices should be in place throughout the premises
* Emergency evacuation drills should be held regularly to test the effectiveness of
the evacuation procedure
* At performances, volunteers must assume dedicated roles in the event of a fire
or other emergency requiring the evacuation of the unit.
The committee of the Youth Theatre accept that smoking is a fire hazard and
dangerous to the health of the smoker, and exposure to second-hand smoke
increases the risk of lung cancer and other serious illnesses. They will comply
with the requirements of the Health Act 2006 and the Smoke-free (Premises and
Enforcement) Regulations 2006 and prohibit smoking in all enclosed areas.