(Revised 12/16)

Basic Information

Referral Date:______Referred By:______

Primary Staff at Application:______

Referral Phone #: ______

Client Name:______

Age: ____ DOB: ______

Street Address: ______

City: ______State: ____ Zipcode: ______County: ______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______

Email: ______

Mailing address if different from above: ______

City: ______State: ____ Zipcode: ______

Primary Contact Person:______Relation:______

Contact Home Phone: ______

Contact Work Phone: ______

Contact Cell Phone: ______

Contact Email: ______

What are your living arrangements?

☐ Live alone

☐ Live with spouse, significant other, or partner

☐ Live with personal care assistant

☐ Live in a group home

☐ Live in an assisted living facility

☐ Live with family or friend

☐ Live in an institutional setting (jail, hospital, etc.)

Categorize your Visual Disability:

☐Totally Blind

☐ Legally Blind

☐Severe Visual Impairment (progressive)

Date of Onset of Vision Loss: ______

Etiology: ______

Non-Visual Disabilities:______

Eye Doctor Name & Ph#:______

Medical Doctor Name & Ph #:______

Directions to Client’s Home:______

Contact Person, Relationship & Phone:______

Other Agencies Serving Client:______

I am interested in the following services:

 Orientation & Mobility

Independent Living (18+)

 Assistive Technology Services

 Braille Instruction and Communication Services

Vocational Rehabilitation Services (employment related services)

Early Intervention (age 0-5)

☐Children’s Program (age 6-14)

Transition Services (age 14-21)

 I am not sure

Preferred Document Format:

 Regular print

 Large print


 Electronic

 Tape

Personal Information

This information is for statistical purposes only and will not be used to determine eligibility for services. This information is required because it helps us receive grants that support the services we offer.

What is your gender?

☐ Female

☐ Male

☐ Non-binary/ third gender

☐ Prefer to self-describe ______

☐ Prefer not to say

What is your marital status?

☐ Single

☐ Separated

☐ Married

☐ Divorced

What is your preferred language?

☐ English

☐ Spanish

☐ American Sign Language

☐ Other ______

Are you a Veteran?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Are you a migrant or seasonal farmworker?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Are you a registered voter?

☐ Yes

☐ No


☐ American Indian or Alaskan Native

☐ Asian

☐ Black or African American

☐ Caucasian or White

☐ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

☐ Not Available


☐ Hispanic or Latino


☐ US Citizen

☐ Permanent Resident

☐ Undocumented

☐ Refugee/Asylee

☐ Student

☐ Work Permit

☐ Other:______

Highest level of education:

☐ No schooling completed

☐ Nursery school to 8th grade

☐ Some high school, no diploma

☐ High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)

☐ Some college credit, no degree

☐ Trade/technical/vocational training

☐ Associate degree

☐ Bachelor’s degree

☐ Master’s degree

☐ Professional degree

☐ Doctorate degree

Number of Persons in Household:______

Gross Monthly Household Income:______

Have you recently been a victim of a crime? ____ (If yes, refer to Ability 1st)

Do you consider yourself a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Community?

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ No, but I am an Ally

☐ Prefer not to say

Please return to:

Lighthouse of the Big Bend

3071 Highland Oaks Terrace, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Or Fax to (850) 942-4518

Or Email to;