Instructions: Before you begin completing this form, SAVE it to your computer. All completed forms should be sent to the Professional Development Advisory Board via email c/o Lynnette Turner at . Should you have any questions, please call 748-0010 (ext. 2267).

PLEASE BE ADVISED that all TLC proposals, and the work/activities proposed therein, must strictly adhere to the statutory requirements of the California Education Code and the policies and procedures set forth by the School Board of the Poway Unified School District.

Teaching and Learning Cooperative


Title of Proposal: Target Student Learning: Implementing RTI - A Continuation

TLC points requested: 10

(A 10 point TLC is a minimum of 40 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day. A 20 point TLC is a minimum of 80 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day.)

Proposal Submission Date: 4/29/2009

Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for promoting to prospective participants):

Response to Intervention is a complex change process and professional development is necessary to support the change process.

Participants will continue with their new learning about Response to Intervention models, how to implement and monitor RTI in the area of literacy and math. Participants will target all students in their class, work with grade level teams, and develop an intervention plan for reading, written language and math. This plan will include the use of research-based programs and strategies as well as the use of MAPS.

o  Advanced Placement (AP)
o  Assessment
o  Business
o  Classroom Management and Professional Skills (CM&PS)
o  Consumer & Family
o  Curriculum Mapping
o  Curriculum Development / o  Differentiation
o  English Language Arts (ELA)
o  English Language Learners (ELL)
o  Facilitation
o  Math
o  PE/Health/ENS
o  Reading
Response to Intervention (RTI) / o  Science
o  Social Science (Soc Sci)
o  Special Education (Spec Ed)
o  Speech & Language
o  Technology & Applied Academics (Tech)
o  Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA)
o  World Language
o  Writing

Proposal Category(ies): (choose all that apply)

Intended Audience or Participant list: General Education and Special Education staff at Sunset Hills Elementary

This proposal is limited to a maximum of __30___ participants.

TLC Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates): August 2009 – January 2010

(No hours may be counted for any TLC until the proposal has been approved by the Professional Development Advisory Board.)

Facilitator (group) or Advisor (individual): Katie Kurtz, Amy Nilsen, Nancy Hanssen

Work Location: SHES Phone: 484-1600


PDAB Representative: Lynne Harvey

District Goals to be Addressed: X PreK-12 Literacy (support for PreK-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)

Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (CAHSEE, CST)

Increased access to rigorous curriculum

Intended Learning Outcomes for the participant:

Participants will:

·  Learn to use MAPS, Learning Ladder and Descartes to effectively target student needs in the area of literacy

·  Learn a variety of strategies and research-based programs that address areas of need as determined by MAPS and other informal and formal assessments.

·  Implement strategies with targeted students and will track student growth

Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning

As evidence of implementation, each participant is required to maintain a portfolio of documentation regarding completion of her/his new learning, impact on student learning and reflection activities. This portfolio will be reviewed by the facilitator at the end of the TLC. Examples of documentation: time logs, meeting notes, discussion group notes, lesson plans, student work samples, journals, etc.

Please attach the schedule of any conferences or classes that are part of the

acquisition phase of this TLC

Proposal Description:

Part 1: Give a detailed description of this TLC; state what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal

Participants will acquire the understanding and knowledge of the premise of Response to Intervention programs and refer back to the reading of, Response to Intervention – A Framework for Reading Educators by Douglas Fuchs, Lynn S. Fuchs and Sharon Vaughn. This book will continue to be utilized to drive discussions and refer back to text regarding implementation of RTI models. This is a continuation to the successful TLC project of 2008-2009.

Revised May 4, 2007

Participants will use their understanding of the RTI models to utilize support from MAPS and other research-based programs and materials to target student learning in specific areas of literacy.

Part 2: Complete the chart to show what the evidence of acquisition will be.

Revised April, 2009

Assignment / Portfolio Evidence / HOURS
August 11 and 12,
2009 / 8:00 – 3:00
SHES / Participants will meet outside the contract day for two, seven hour sessions devoted to presentations of RTI models, book discussions and application of this knowledge to target student learning for tiers one and two. / Inside:
Meetings = 12
Reading = 2
Sept.17 / 3:30 – 6:30
SHES / Participants will meet to continue to plan with grade level and map out curriculum in areas of reading, written language and math.
Participants will implement strategies as agreed upon to target student learning based on their curriculum maps. / Inside: 2
Outside: 3
Oct.22 / 3:30 – 6:30
SHES / Participants will meet with vertically with grade levels to align targeted curriculum standards.
Participants will read identified chapters in the book. They will have opportunities to observe lessons in colleagues classes in order to participate in like-strategies and programs that target students learning. / Inside: 2
Outside: 3
Nov.19 / 3:30 – 6:30
SHES / Participants will review MAPS scores and other assessments to measure students progress.
Participants will read identified chapters and continue to implement identified programs/strategies in the reading, writing or math depending on which curriculum area not yet addressed. In their lessons and targeted learning. / Inside: 2
Outside: 3
Dec.10 / 3:30 – 6:30
SHES / Participants will continue to use MAPS scores and use Learning Point to measure students progress.
Participants will observe students, take data on progress of student learning in their classroom from programs and strategies that were implemented. / Inside: 2
Outside: 3

Total Acquisition Hours

Revised April, 2009

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 26 Hours INSIDE the contract day: 8

Classroom Implementation Activities

The impact of the newly acquired learning of TLC participants on student learning is critical to this section

Development/Implementation Description:

Part 1: Describe how this TLC will be developed and implemented in the classroom.

·  Participants will plan and deliver three lessons, one each in reading, written language and math, utilizing the knowledge acquired through reading and collaborative meetings to plan instruction for targeted students for Tier 1 and Tier 2 RTI implementation.

·  Participants will implement two on-going programs such as Read Naturally and Read Well as well as other teacher made-materials that target indentified RTI students.

·  Special Education teachers will apply their new knowledge to Tiers 2 and 3 implementation of RTI.

Part 2: Complete the chart to show what the evidence of development/implementation will be.

Assignment / Portfolio Evidence / HOURS
October / Plan and deliver two lessons that utilize the knowledge acquired during the RTI and through the professional readings. / Inside: 2
Outside: 2
November / Implement two on-going programs that target students learning across grade levels / Inside:2
Outside: 2
January / Implement two on-going programs that target students learning across grade levels / Inside:2
Outside: 2

Total Implementation Hours

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 6

Hours INSIDE the contract day: 6

Reflection Activities

State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:

Participants will reflect on their new learning as they assess the progress of targeted students toward learning goals. Reflections will be in the form of discussion and observational notes kept in log form while they work with targeted students. Participants will keep samples lessons and of student work which they have analyzed.

January 2010 / Summary Reflection (required):
A one page summary detailing the impact on the participant(s) learning and the learning of their students
January 2010 / Other reflections as described – discussion and observation notes log of targeted students

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 4

Acquisition of Learning / 26 / 8
Class. Implementation / 6 / 6
Reflect Activities / 4
TOTAL / 36 / 14

40 hours needed for 10 points, 80 hours for 20 points

·  over half of all hours in the TLC must be outside hours

·  less than half of all hours in the TLC must be inside hours

·  Complete online survey (sent by facilitator)
·  Turn in to facilitator or advisor your completed portfolio by January 15 for evaluation
·  Final summary – form is located on website (

Budget Request

If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs. TLC will fund up to 50% of site-based TLC’s and 100% of district-wide proposals, up to $500. TLC funds cannot be used for food/snack items, guest speakers, or conference costs.


Books and materials to support the implementation of previous instructional materials: $100.00

·  Books (Include Title, Author, Quantity needed):

PUBS: Article Reproduction: $500.00

·  Other: Reproduction of teacher-made materials to support RTI.

If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly”?

No Yes X If so, for whom? ______

Facilitation hours will be kept on a timesheet by the facilitator. This timesheet will be processed at the conclusion of the TLC, and must be given to the PDAB grade level rep for signing within three (3) weeks of the TLC completion date. For a 10 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 30 hours. For a 20 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 60 hours.

If you wish to receive points as a facilitator, in lieu of hourly compensation, you must write a separate facilitator proposal using the facilitator form.

Revised April, 2009