UKS2 Topic: World War 2 in Europe and The Battle of Britain Block A: The Battle of Britain

Understand why World War 2 started, and what is meant by the ‘Phoney War’. Examine some major events leading up to the Battle of Britain. Develop a familiarity with the location of the countries involved in the first year of World War 2. Understand more of the German plans for invading Britain and the role aircraft played.

Block A: World War 2
The Battle of Britain
[3 Sessions] / Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: Geography, D&T, Art
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: / ·  Continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study.
·  Study an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 – a significant turning point in British history (the Battle of Britain).
·  Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe.
·  Name and locate some counties and cities of the United Kingdom.
·  Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose.
·  Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
Session 1: History and Art
The Outbreak of War!
Understand why WW2 started, who its leaders were and what is meant by the ‘Phoney War’. Contribute to a memory wall. Decorate a memory box with vintage scraps and brown paper. / Children will
·  Develop an understanding of the beginning of WW2, why it started and who were its leaders. Discuss why it was initially known as the ‘Phoney War’.
·  Role play an evening at home, in an air raid shelter, during August 1940.
·  Begin a class collage of memories and research notes inside the classroom air-raid shelter.
·  Make a memory box to store mementos collected over the next few weeks.
Session 2: History, Geography and PE
Britain Takes to the Skies
Understand some of the major events leading up to the Battle of Britain, including the countries involved and the roles they played. Develop a familiarity with the locations of the countries involved in first year of WW2 by locating them on a map of 1939 Europe. Play a Battle of Britain PE game. / Children will
·  Understand the events leading up to the Battle of Britain, including the countries involved and the roles they played.
·  Understand and discuss the factors contributing to Britain’s victory, including the role played by technology and the importance of radar.
·  Become familiar with the locations of the countries involved in the first year of WW2 by locating them on a map of 1939 Europe.
·  Play a whole-class Battle of Britain game.
Session 3: History, Geography and D&T
Churchill’s Few
Understand more of the Luftwaffe’s plans for invading Britain and the role the British pilots played. Be able to locate the Channel, the south-east coast of England and some Luftwaffe targets in the UK. Make a Battle of Britain clasp and understand it to be the service medal awarded to ‘The Few’. / Children will
·  Understand more of the Luftwaffe’s plans for invading Britain and the role that ‘Churchill’s Few’ played in winning the battle of the skies.
·  Be more familiar with the location of the Channel, the South-East coast of England and some of the Luftwaffe targets in the UK.
·  Make a Battle of Britain clasp, the service medal awarded to ‘The Few’.


Session 1

Provided: Churchill’s ‘Finest Hour’ Speech Transcript; Memory Box Scraps, printed on A3 paper; World War 2 Learning Chart; World War 2 Research Questions.

You will need: Small cardboard boxes; Brown paper; Glue sticks; Dark fabric; Cushions; Battery-operated candles/lanterns; Bottle of squash, cups and plain biscuits.

Session 2

Provided: Map of Europe in 1939; Dough War Walkthrough; Battle of Britain PE Game 1; Battle of Britain Advanced Radar Game.

You will need: 3 colours of modelling dough; Atlas or globe; PE mats; Scooters/ride-ons; Soft balls; Soft bowling pins/card tubes.

Session 3

Provided: The Few; The German Attack Plan.

You will need: Air-drying clay; Paper clips; Ribbon/coloured card (red, dark blue and light blue); Silver paint; Thick card; Fabric; Tissue paper.

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