Mr. Moore—Room 308

School e-mail:


The following include important goals I hope each class accomplishes during their time in American history:

1) Present the opportunity to examine and understand better your own values, beliefs, and attitudes, as well as those of others

2) Develop skills which may be used beyond this class. These include: study skills, reading skills, communication skills, writing skills, organizational skills, decision-making skills, library skills, and others

3) Understand how historical events have shaped the past and present and may influence the future

4) Understand that the events of history actually happened to real people. Some of this understanding will be through role plays and simulations

5) Develop an understanding of the relationship of geography to human activities

6) Cultivate critical thinking skills such as interpretation, analysis, problem solving, and evaluation

7) Gain an appreciation for the basic rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the United States


INTRO Chapter 1

UNIT 1: THE TRANSFORMED GENERATION (1877-1919) Chapters 2-5

A. The New Frontier

B. The Industrial Age

C. Immigration and Urbanization

  1. Becoming a World Power

UNIT 2: THE PROGRESSIVE GENERATION (1919-1941) Chapters 6-7

A. The Progressive Movement

B. The Great War

UNIT 3: THE BOOM AND BUST GENERATION (1919-1941) Chapters 8-10

A. The Roaring Twenties

B. The Great Depression

  1. The New Deal

UNIT 4: THE GREATEST GENERATION (1920-1945) Chapters 11-12

A. Between the Wars

B. World War II

UNIT 5: THE CONFORMING GENERATION (1945-1961) Chapters 13-14

A. Foundations of the Cold War

B. The Decade of Consensus (1950s)

UNIT 6: THE NON-CONFORMING GENERATION (1954-1974) Chapters 15-17

A. The Kennedy Mystique

B. The Great Society

C. The Civil Rights Movement and its Legacy

  1. The Vietnam War and Counterculture

UNIT 7: THE CONSUMER GENERATION (1974-2000) Chapters 18-20

A. A Time of Doubt

B. The Reagan Revolution

  1. The Clinton Years

UNIT 8: YOUR GENERATION (2000-present) Final Project/Chapters 21-22

MATERIALS You will need to bring the following to class every day:

1. Covered textbook

2. Three-ringed notebook (to be collected each 9 weeks—see notebook info)

3. Homework or any other assignments (when assigned)

4. Pen, pencil, and highlighter

ATTENDANCE (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY) You are expected to be in class on time every day. You will miss important materials and discussion if you are not with us. If your absence is excused, YOU are responsible for getting make-up assignments from the make-up box at the back of the classroom. Work not made up in a timely manner will receive a zero. All make-up work must be completed within an equivalent number of school days after you return to school. If an assignment is due on a day that you are absent, you are expected to turn that assignment in AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON THE DAY you return to school. If you are absent the day before a test or announced quiz, you are generally expected to take the test or quiz as you will have plenty of advanced notice of the test or quiz on the calendar. If you miss this class on a test day, you will be expected to take an alternate test ON THE DAY YOU RETURN during lunch, after school, or during your study hall. Unexcused absences will result in no credit and no chance for make-up work (see student handbook for further clarification).

If you are in school on a day that an assignment is due but are absent from my class, you are expected to turn that assignment in on that day (I reserve the right to determine extenuating circumstances). Here are a couple of examples which often come up:

Example #1: You have my class 2nd period and don’t come in to school until 3rd period. You have plenty of opportunity to bring me your work that day and need to do so to receive full credit.

Example #2: You have my class 5th period and are here for the first four periods but have a field trip in the afternoon. You need to turn the work in before you go on the field trip to receive full credit.

I will issue a 30 minute detention for each tardy in excess of two per grading period. No extra time will be given to complete a test or quiz due to tardiness and quizzes missed due to tardiness will be scored as a zero.

“Six Day” Absence Rule (taken from student handbook): Any student who misses more than 6 days of class in one grading period must document why he/she is missing so much school. Documentation could include excuses from doctors and dentists, court appearances, family emergencies such as a death and other reasons as approved by the Administration.

If a student cannot document his/her absences, those absences beyond 6 per grading period in any course will be considered unexcused, students will not be permitted to make up assignments missed during those days, and the student may be given a failing grade for that grading period. Any time a student is more than 15 minutes late for a class, this will count as one of the six absences for that class.

LATE WORK All late work will receive 50% credit if turned in within two school days of the original due date. After that, no credit will be given (except under extenuating circumstances to be determined by your instructor). You MUST attach a late assignment sheet to your work.

EXTRA CREDIT I will give TWO extra credit assignments per quarter. Each of these will add up to 1% to your quarter grade for a potential total of 2% added to your grade. There will be no other extra credit offered so please take advantage of these two opportunities. These assignments will be given at least one week in advance of their due date. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR EXTRA CREDIT.

WEBSITE Please take advantage of my website which has the assignment calendars as well as other information important to this class.

GRADING The following is a breakdown of how the grades in this class will be determined (there are 700 points in a grading period):

  • Tests: 3 or 4 tests will be given each nine weeks. Tests will make up about 300 points of the nine weeks’ grade.
  • Projects: There is one project each nine weeks which is valued at 100 points.
  • Assignments: Notebooks (50 points) are collected once each quarter. Other smaller assignments (including journals) will be collected periodically, adding up to about another 100 points. All homework assignments should include the following in the upper right-hand corner: name, date, period, assignment. Make-up work should be clearly marked “make-up.” Homework/Projects will make up approximately 150 points of the nine weeks’ grade.
  • Quizzes: All quizzes are on the assignment calendars given every few weeks. Each is worth either 10, 20 or 30 points and will usually total 150 points for the quarter. The lowest 2 grades will be dropped (20 and 30 point quizzes will be segmented into 10 point grades with the lowest two 10 point scores being dropped).

Grades will be based on the following scale:

92%-100% A 83%-91% B 74%-82% C 65%-74% D 0%-64% F


  1. Come to class prepared and on time.
  2. Treat everyone, including the teacher, with respect.
  3. Participate. Do everything you can to help yourself and others learn.


Cell phones are to be put away PRIOR to the tardy bell and are not to be used until after the dismissal bell rings. This includes test days. I may allow cell phones for educational purposes at various times throughout the year but this will be at my discretion. Cell phones which are being used during class will be taken and students will serve a 30 minute detention with me the next morning at 7:40. Students may pick up their cell phone from me at the end of the day.


This year we are using online textbooks. All students will use the redemption code below to set up access to the online resources. Materials can be accessed from multiple devices including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

In order to set up your online account, follow these steps:

1. Go to the following website:

2. Click on Create a New Account at the lower left

3. In the “Register as a Student” box, enter the following access code and press register


4. The “New Student Registration” page will appear: enter your first name and last initial. Then click Finish in the lower righthand corner

5. The “New Student Registration Information” page will appear

6. Write down your username and password- this is the ONLY time this information will appear (you may also print the page to save a hardcopy)

7. Click Continue to view the content

8. Your “ConnectEd Student View” page will appear

*Each teacher will have a classroom set of textbooks for in-class use only.