e-Recruitment at Flinders

What is e-Recruitment?

Who else uses e-Recruitment?

Why did Flinders introducee-Recruitment?

How doese-Recruitment work at Flinders?

What doese-Recruitment look like?

Is there training?

Where can I find out more?

What is e-Recruitment?

e-Recruitmentis a system that allows job seekers to apply for vacancies online.A job seeker attaches an application to an online application form, and the appointment committee members then view and download the application as soon as it is lodged.

Who else uses e-Recruitment?

A large number of organisations, including universities, are now using e-Recruitment because of the range of benefits it provides.

Why did Flinders introducee-Recruitment?

  • Better for job seekers:
  • the application process is quicker and simpler for job seekers
  • when an applicant lodges their application, they receive an immediate email acknowledgement
  • applicants are stepped through the application process and can’t submit their application until they have completed all mandatory fields (thereby reducing the need for follow-up)
  • there is a short-cut application process for Flinders staff who are applying for vacancies
  • Better for appointment committees:
  • appointment committee members can view applications as soon as they are submitted, without having to wait until the position closes. This access can be remote (ie. from any computer terminal)
  • reduced work for Cost Centre staff in printing and distributing applications to appointment committee members – each committee member can access the database of applications for their position(s).
  • More efficient administration
  • the system allows much improved reporting for a variety of purposes. For example, by requiring applicants to indicate where they saw the position advertised, HR can evaluate the success of advertising in different media
  • e-Recruitment automates a number of processes previously performed manually
  • increased security of data; applications are stored in the University’s payroll (HRIS) system.

How doese-Recruitment work at Flinders?

  • applicants search for vacancies on the Jobs@Flinders website
  • upon selecting a particular vacancy, the applicant is directed to the e-Recruitment system. From here they view the Position Description and submit their application
  • the e-Recruitment system is part of the University’s existing Employee Self Service (ESS). As a result, there has been no cost for the software
  • the applicant completes an online application form and attachesa curriculum vitae and response to the selection criteria
  • when an applicant lodges their application, they receive an immediate email acknowledgement
  • immediately following lodgement of an application, the resume and any other documentation can be viewed, downloaded and printed by members of the appointment committee
  • unsuccessful applicants are notified by email
  • there is a short-cut application process for Flinders staff. Their personal details are loaded automatically onto the on-line application form
  • applicants will be encouraged to apply via e-Recruitment, but they will still have the option of emailing, faxing, hand-delivering or posting their application to Human Resources. The application will then be scanned and inputted into the e-Recruitment module.

What doese-Recruitment look like?

  • e-Recruitment has a similar look and feel to the existing Employee Self Service
  • on the Jobs@Flinders website, job seekers will be able to select the type of vacancy they are looking for – general, academic or internal-only. (See screen-shot below).

Is there training?

Training is provided to appointment committee members as required. This training covers the straightforward process of viewing/downloading applications.

Where can I find out more?

For more information, please contact Human Resources on ext. 13123.

May 2011