Working with Technology

Cindy Leon

TED 400

Professor Sapp

Working with Technology

There used to be a time when teachers could avoid technology in the classroom, but in today’s world it can no longer be avoided. This can be compared to the students’ experience. Some students are more tech savvy than others, so as a teacher, I need to make sure that the technology that I use in the classroom can benefit all students. I chose three inventories to learn more about the students’ interests and their use of technology. This will assist me with creating lessons that attract the students’ attention and engage them into participation.

The first inventorythat was chosen to learn more about the students’ interestsis a survey titled “Student Interest Survey.” This survey focuses on questions regarding different types of activities which include reading, sports, and television shows. The great thing about this type of survey is that I get the opportunity to learn more about the students’ hobbies and passions. This gives me a chance to connect with the students at a more personal level, but also develop lesson plans that, I can assume, will produce excitement from them. I can do this by incorporating the activities that they like and creating assignments that relate to their hobbies and interests. This survey can be used alongside with more technology related inventories.

For technology, I chose two inventories, and the first one is done to measure the students’ computer skills. This survey is titled “Technology Survey,” and it asks basic questions about computer skills such as keyboarding abilities and the use of navigating tools. Since technology is usually not measured by schools, it is important for the teacher to know how advanced students are with technology before incorporating any type of activities that involvecomputers. I would want to know if the studentsown a computer, and if they are able to work with a computer on their own. This surveyhelps determine whether I can assign individual assignments, or if I need to incorporate group activities. With group activities, I can assign students who have low computer skills with those who are more advanced.

The second technology inventory, titled “Questionnaire: Technology in the Classroom,” involves questions about the students’ attitude and experience with technology. This questionnaire benefits the teachers by informing them how involved students are with technology and what kind of activities they engage in with computers. Although the term internet appears to be limited to yahoo or google, in reality it involves all type of social media, websites, and forms of communication that students take part in. The focus with the questionnaire is to determine which programs are popular with the students, and which ones they would like to explore further. This will give the students the opportunity to introduce their favorite technology platforms and be part of the learning process as a teacher incorporates it in the classroom.

When combined, these inventories will help me design assignments that will get students engaged in the lesson plan and familiar with technology. I also hope that these types of assignments will be more relatable and it will help them get comfortable with using technology for classroom assignments. This will help students prepare for the future that appears to be focused on technology.


Sanchez, M. 2012, August 13. Student Interest Survey [Worksheet]. Retrieved from

Questionnaire: Technology in the Classroom [Worksheet]. Retrieved from

Technology Survey [Worksheet]. Retrieved from