GC0090 – HVDC Implementation Workgroup 1 Headline Report /

Meeting: 1

Date: 18/09/2015

Location: National Grid House, Warwick

Attendees: See below



•Terms of Reference

•DECC/Ofgem Update

•ENC and HVDC code overview

•Project Plan


AT welcomed the group to the meeting, and queried in advance who had been part of the ENC work and/or a Grid Code working group in the past.

The group has a broad range of experience and interest, but the absence of OFTO stakeholders was noted particularly. The workgroup members agreed to approach any contacts they knew in this area [ACTION – All].

Terms of Reference

AT reviewed the GC0090 ToR. RJW flagged that the link between the three Grid Connections codes was already captured, following GCRP request. In reality, this link will be managed by National Grid in their co-ordination of all the ENC workgroups. Any resulting modifications will be similarly co-ordinated, though the approach on this will be confirmed formally by NGET [ACTION – AT/RJW/AJ].

GG requested that the ToR consider removal of Grid Code text which exceeds the requirements of HVDC for new parties. There was some hesitancy from NGET on this point, given the Grid Code applies to existing users. This will therefore be reconsidered during code mapping and further implementation workgroups.

On the ToR, JN sought to clarify how any STC consequential changes would be managed. RJW stated that NGET would also co-ordinate this, given its Code Administrator responsibility for that code as well as Grid Code. It would not be in the scope of GC0090 given its Grid Code focus, but it could advise on any STC modification. RJW/AT have an existing action to advise the STC Panel of the HVDC code [ACTION – AT/RJW]. AJ clarified which GB code would be applicable to HVDC’s ‘affected parties’.

ToR would be recirculated after the meeting, and the workgroup were invited to provide any adjustments via tracked changes. [ACTION – RJW/ALL]

Draft ToR:

DECC/Ofgem update

DF confirmed the status of the three connections codes. RfG was accepted by EU member states in July 2015; HVDC was approved on 11/09/15; DCC will follow, probably in October 2015. The counter point to HVDC, the SO code, was also flagged for attention. This code will be considered at Cross-Border Committee in November.

DF flagged the need to progress implementation in a timely manner to assist understanding of compliance for HVDC provisions new vs. existing. This was endorsed by the whole workgroup.

JR explained that the ‘final’ HVDC code was being translated and tidied. He requested any spelling or grammatical errors spotted by members could be flagged directly to him for submission[ACTION – All/JR].

Final Version of the HVDC code:

ENC Overview/Workgroup Lessons Learnt

RJW explained the evolution of the ENCs, and the path for implementation favoured in GB. The key lessons learned from RfG workgroup GC0048 and MODIS implementation were outlined – particularly timeliness and transparency. RJW flagged particularly the need for collaboration at workgroup, and an equitable split of owning actions

RJW agreed to circulate the web page link for GC0048 documents for information (see below).

HVDC code overview

AJ clarified the intent and scope of the HVDC code. There was considerable discussion on the applicability to Embedded DC-Connected PPM modules (as per Article XYZ), and the supporting process for TSOs to apply this via CBA and NRA approval.

YA offered to provide a response paper SSE had issued to ENTSO-E on the application of the code; RJW would circulate to the workgroup [ACTION – YA]. The group were also aware of a presentation from Darren Chan to JESG in 2014 which provided some clarity on the scope of the code. RJW agreed to find this and circulate [ACTION – RJW].

One member made reference to the IOTPE, which was felt could overlap with the requirements of HVDC. AJ was aware of this and agreed to seek further information and present back to the workgroup. [ACTION – AJ]

The workgroup agreed that processes for compliance/derogations/Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) etc. are likely to be consistent for all three connection codes (reiterating the need for cross-code coordination).

The workgroup agreed a Code Mapping workshop should happen sooner rather than later to assist implementation work. AJ took an action to construct this, flagging dependencies on existing GC work and consistencies with other ENCs [ACTION – AJ].

GG raised the concept of multiple TOs (a GB issue), and DF confirmed the approach on this would become clear in the next month or so. It would be considered at JESG in September.

In order to provide clarity to users, the workgroup agreed that compiling HVDC requirements in the Grid Code in a dedicated section would help, with limited references to other sections where necessary.

GG was particularly keen that, as with RfG, that new processes were explained full in the Grid Code too (e.g. CBAs/derogations etc).

Again, there was clear intent amongst the workgroup to progress implementation work as much as was possible (legally) in good time to provide clarity to users/manufacturers.

Project Plan

CR explained the basic template for the GC0090 project plan, which evolved from RfG and her role in co-ordinating implementation planning for NGET.

The key milestone was two and three years after entry into force. The two year date, which again the workgroup expressed as a worst case scenario, was for clarifyingcompliance requirements on new vs.existing users. Three years is when the Member State as a whole needs to be compliant with the legislation.

The workgroup then discussed setting meeting dates for the remainder of the year. It was agreed to schedule a two day meeting to combine a workgroup meeting and a full code mapping. RJW to circulate proposed dates ASAP on this.[ACTION – RJW]

Next Meeting Dates:

TBC (via circulation)

Useful Links:

GC0090 (see ‘Workgroups tab’):

GC0048 (see ‘Workgroups tab’):


Attendees: AT - Alex Thomason – NGET (Chair); DM - Dave Monkhouse – NGIHL;

SS - Sridhar Sakhuri – Dong Energy; AJ - Antony Johnson – NGET; JN - John Norbury – RWE;

RJW - Richard Woodward – NGET; RPS - Razvan Pabat-Stroe – SP; KB - KarsteinBrekke – Statkraft;

GN - Guy Nicholson – Element Power; GG - Garth Graham – SSE; JR - Julian Rudd – DECC;

MG - Marko Grizelj – Siemens; IG - Ian Gilbert – NGIHL; MC - Michael Carter – Transmission Investment;

GM - Gaurav Mendiratta – Mott McDonald; YA - Yash Audichya – SSE; DF - David Freed – Ofgem;

CR – Celine Reddin - NGET