By Apostle Thurston Edison Hamby III

The Anointing is powerful in the lives of all, who God anoints. Many, too many, overlook God’s anointing. The anointing, which God imparts, is able to teach the same man anointed by it and all others who will willingly benefit by it. The anointing teaches perfectly. Though it takes the five fold ministry, to cause the body to come together as one in Christ, a man must mainly learn from the anointing God imparted to him. His anointing can teach him perfectly and God can reach him with it perfectly (I John 2:27). The anointing is perfect and flawless. As we see how God uses it in our lives, we can learn and grow very strong noticing what God approves of and disapproves of. All ministers whatever their calling Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers must focus on their anointing and flow with God, noticing how and why He uses them. They will see God’s word in action in their lives. The more they are faithful to their anointing, the more they will understand God’s word in a rightly divided way. They will see God honor His word. God, nor the anointing, will honor unrightly divided word. The enemy is against the church and he, through the power of deception (which is the opposite of God’s anointing) promotes error, unrightly divided doctrine, in the name of scripture the same way he tried to trick Jesus and throw him off course as in Matthew Chapter 4.

All types of ministers of the five fold must learn from and operate in and pay attention to their anointing. We must be faithful to our anointing as well as with it. Because we are anointed we must not commit or practice sin and if we do sin, we must repent and live holy and lovingly and wisely. Sin and deception works against true anointing. Holy living gives it strength and power. Living Holy and operating in the anointing in a faithful way will cause it to multiply. The body of Christ will also grow stronger and wiser and multiply by it as well. No one should ignore and despise the anointing. God notices those who honor His anointing whether it’s our anointing or the anointing we notice in others. To be jealous of someone else’s anointing is a dishonor to God. To despise a man’s anointing is hatred. To be jealous of another who God uses mightily, is saying God’s anointing can’t operate in you. The anointing is not a show off tool. Our God anointed us to be a blessing to His people and win the lost.

God’s anointing is designed to multiply in every receiver of it. God uses His people for specific purposes and the more we all are faithful to complete His will in our lives, the stronger and more unified we become as a whole. We can’t afford to think as individuals only, but we are part of a body. What we do, affects the body as a whole good or bad. What others do or neglect to do affects the body as a whole good or bad. So, thank God for all who, persevere and fight and win, and allow God to use them mightily. Never look down on a Christian that may seem reserved for the anointing begins before observation and without glamour. Never be envious or stubborn but be supporting to all. The anointing is not to assist us to be proud or vain. Never let satan seduce you into poverty, living without the anointing. The anointing is God’s gift. We are mainly responsible to how we respond to our anointing. We are to depend on our own anointing more than other teachers. But, when we notice God using another mightily we are to receive that blessing as well. The anointing is subject to the anointing. God expects us to hear His voice in whoever He speaks through! Their anointing is there to help us grow stronger and stronger. If any brother or sister speak or teach unrightly divided word, the anointing can help screen it. If God taught you one thing, and someone teaches the opposite can’t you tell? Watch God first. Spend time in His word reading chapters at a time. Get a good understanding, for God’s word interprets itself throughout. The word of God is God’s will for man from the warning to the blessing, the judgements to rewards, the wisdom to the love, the holiness to the promise. It’s all God’s will for man. The anointing is a gift God gives to the trusted. Some are anointed to teach. Receive it. Some are anointed to prophesy. Receive it and carry on. Some are anointed to heal. When you notice it, let them pray for you and receive the healing that God is trying to give you. As we are faithful to the anointing, God will give us more and we live better and wiser. Amen.