MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7 September 2009 at 6.45pm at the Mission Rooms, off Ben Bank Road, Silkstone Common.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: C Bower, R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, P Handley, R Leech, P Smith and R Stier.

In attendance: Ward Councillor R Barnard, 1 member of the public and the Parish Clerk.


A resident asked if the Council were aware of who was responsible for the early morning gunfire recently. Cllr Charlesworth advised that a number of farmers use bird scarer’s early morning to scare birds off their crops. The farmland around the Parish is increasingly arable growing maze and oilseed rape which is why the bird scarer’s are more apparent this year.

A resident stated that the Waggon way pot holes have returned after the footway only being resurfaced 6 months ago. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council had already been advised about this and BMBC footpaths officers have been asked to investigate.

A Councillor reported that the road surfacing at the bottom of Beech Ave is deteriorating with many pot holes – the Clerk will advise BMBC.

A Councillor also advised that the road surface in the Silkstone Common to Birdwell road has a terrible surface Area includes Horsecarr Lane, Stampers Hill & Round Green. Since these roads are outside the Silkstone Parish, Ward Cllr Barnard agreed to raise the issue with BMBC Highways.

A Councillor advised that street light number 4 on Towngate is not working – the Clerk will report.

A Resident asked if anything could be done about the large pile of ‘burnings off’ piled next to the footpath at the back of the stocks area on High Street. The Clerk advised that BMBC have already been asked about this issue and have advised that since the pile of material is not obstructing the footpath there is little that can be done. The Clerk was asked to investigate further with BMBC and the Chairman Cllr Liddell agreed to have a word with the land owner.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Gallamore who has family commitments.


RESOLVED to note Councillor Stier’s declaration of a personal interest in the payment to the handyman.

09-070 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 July 2009 as a true and accurate record.

-  Bomfest – Noted that Bomfest organisers will be giving feedback to the Parish Council about the 2009 festival at the Council meeting on 5 October 09.

-  2 villages. It has been commented on that no events are held at the The Station pub during the 2 villages’ festival. The Clerk was asked to contact the organiser of the 2 villages’ festival to advice of this feedback.

-  Scout hut – Cllr Charlesworth will ask a representative of the Scout Hut Management Committee to attend the October Parish Council meeting to update the Council on the funding and proposals for the new community building.

-  MUGA – It was noted that the funding application for the MUGA has been submitted and that the information provided by the youth service relating to Youth Opportunities funding has been forwarded to the Brownies, Scouts & Guides and Football and Cricket clubs.

-  Poster competition – Cllr Brocklehurst will arrange to go in to the schools over the next few weeks. He will hopefully take a local footballer to the schools with him. It was agreed that October half term should be the deadline for receipt of posters.

-  Councillor Training – It was noted that Cllr Smith was unable to attend the Councillor training due to illness and he agreed to attend the next available training date is able.

-  H&S inspection Pavilion – The Clerk is to arrange a H&S inspection of the Pavilion.

-  Unreinstated grass verge – Cllr Smith will speak with the resident to ascertain his plans.

-  Flooding under spent £280,000 – RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow Cllr Barnard to update the Parish Council. Noted that individual residents were given the opportunity to apply for a grant from BMBC towards the cost of flood defence measures. A number of residents in Silkstone applied for the grant.

RESOLVED to revert to Standing Orders

Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party –RESOLVED to note the minutes of Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party from their meeting on 27 July 2009.

-  The Clerk will ask the Handyman to tile the affected damp areas with the left over tiles from the original build.

Twinning Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Twinning Committee meeting held on 16 July 2009.

Planning Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 10 August 09.

Quality Status Working Party – RESOLVED to note the notes from the Quality Status Working Party meeting.

-  Cllr Handley wished to compliment the Clerk on the Quality Status submission document and suggested that an edited version could go in the next newsletter.

-  Noted that the application should be completed ready for the Chairman to sign at the October Parish Council meeting.

09-071 FOOTPATH 8

RESOLVED to bring forward agenda item 13 – Footpath 8

RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to enable Cllr Barnard to take part in the discussion.

The background of Footpath 8 was discussed.

·  RESOLVED to note that Barnsley MBC is obliged to resubmit the application to the Secretary of state following an administrative error in the original application.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council has no comment to make on this Definitive Map Modification Order for Public Footpath No.8.

RESOLVED to revert to standing orders.



RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council will register the following comments on planning applications:

2009/1034 / Single storey rear extension at 100 Towngate, Silkstone / No Comment
2009/1044 / Wind turbine at Roger Royd Farm, Silkstone / No Comment
2009/1084 &2009/1085 / Erection of two storey detached dwelling and garage and repositioning of access to Silkstone Lane also part demolition of existing single storey building and reconstruction to form garage, games room, gym and changing room. Erection of a first floor extension and alterations to the first floor bedroom.
All at 1 Mayberry Drive, Silkstone. / Silkstone Parish Council will draw Barnsley MBC planning department’s attention to the Road Safety issues arising from these applications. Silkstone Lane usually has cars parked all alongone side and Councillors were concerned about the safety aspect of a car emerging on to single lane traffic. The Clerk will request that BMBC planning consult with highways and advise the PC of their view.



RESOLVED to note the Internal Auditors report.


RESOLVED to note that the Clerk and Cllr Handley will be meeting with Church representatives on the 15 September 09 to discuss proposals for the one year lease of the Mission Rooms from 1 April 2010. Cllr Handley agreed to draft a proposal for e-mail distribution to Councillors prior to the meeting.


RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mrs P Gallamore as the Parish Council’s representative on the Tourism Focus Group of Penistone Community Partnership.


09-076 ANNUAL RETURN 2008-2009

RESOLVED to approve the amendment on the Statement of Accounts as requested by the external auditor (box 8 for 2009 amended from £35,795 to £35,420).


RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation for the period 1 April to 30 June 2009


RESOLVED to approve the Budget Monitor for the period 1 April to 30 June 2009


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule in the sum of £5,536.46.



RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the War Memorials Trust and Area Forum to ascertain whether they will agree to an extension of the deadline for expenditure of their grant funds.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Barnsley MBC to ascertain whether they would be willing to convey the land surrounding the war memorial to the Parish Council with a restrictive covenant as to the lands use.

It was noted that funders are not keen to fund tarmacing on an area owned by the Borough Council.


RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact representatives of Silkstone in Bloom to discuss the maintenance of the area.


RESOLVED that the Parish Council will request that Barnsley MBC expend the insurance money on the items indicated in their e-mails i.e. cricket wicket, fencing around existing basketball area, footpath to basketball area and tidy up and define the kerb line of the entrance road.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will request that Barnsley MBC arranges to remove the graffiti from the kick wall at the Silkstone Common Recreation Ground.


·  Events on Silkstone Recreation Ground

RESOLVED to note that as a result of the meeting between representatives of Silkstone Parish Council and the organisers of Rockin the Rec; a standing item will be included on the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party (SPFWP) agenda for Rockin the Rec.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk and the Bookings Manager will draft a set of guidelines for organisations wishing to hold events on the Recreation Ground.

·  Cricket Club Grant Application

RESOLVED to award a grant in the sum of £500 to the cricket club towards the cost of a replacement lawn mower, using Parish Council powers under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s.19 para 3a

·  Tractor

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will make the recommendation to the SPFWP that the Parish Council handyman take on the responsibility of maintaining the tractor.


RESOLVED that an order be placed with Signs Xtra for a St Florent Way sign on Footpath 8 at its junction with Ben Bank Road at a cost of £138.50 (sign to read St Florent Way ‘Sign kindly donated by Signs Xtra’)



Councillors reported their attendance at the following meetings:

Cllr Bower / Meeting with Church regarding proposals for community rooms at the back of the church.
Cllr Charlesworth / Met with new regional representative from RAY
Cllr Gallamore/Clerk / Reviewed Action Plan from Parish Plan ready for a review meeting of the Parish Plan Group
Cllr Liddell / Attended the NALC conference. Handed information to Clerk from Fresh Air Fitness, The Clerk will liaise with Lauren Simmons regarding possible location for a fitness trail.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

Valuation Office letter outlining reasons for change in rateable value of Pavilion / Cllr Handley will review and consider whether Parish Council should continue with the appeal.
Penistone Line Express leaflet / Copies for all Councillors.
Fresh Air Fitness brochure from NALC conference / Clerk to liaise with Lauren Simmons to discuss possibilities.
Barnsley MBC Highways / Letters re Area Inspectors visits to Knabbs Lane and Ben Bank Road and also letter regarding provision of a new Silkstone Village sign.
2 Villages Festival / Thank you letter for grant with details of how the funds were spent.
Government Office for the North West / Letter advising that the local public enquiry for the Mottram bypass has been formally cancelled.
Silkstone Lodge Bowling Club / Thank you letter for grant with details of how the funds were spent.
YLCA / Details of pay claim update and annual leave entitlement for Parish Clerks.
Rural Action Yorkshire / Details of AGM on 21 Nov 09.
Penistone Line Partnership / Details of social evening
Mr S Dyson / Silverwood Boundary stone display board enquiry – Clerk to investigate options and present to Parish Council at the next Council meeting.
Northern Green Networks / Grant application for War Memorial project rejection.
Barnsley MBC / Details of maintenance arrangements for BMBC benches in the Parish.
SLCC / Details of Paper Chase course in York 23 Nov 09 – agreed that Clerk should book a place.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 5th October 2009 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Primary School.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm

Chairman’s Signature / Date

SPC Minutes 7 September 09