Common Federal Procurement Acronyms

ATO – Authority to Operate

B&P - Bid and Proposal

BAA - Broad Agency Announcement

BAFO - Best and Final Offer

BD - Business Development

BDO - Blanket Delivery Order

BOA - Basic Ordering Agreement

BPA - Blanket Purchase Agreement

CA - Cooperative Agreement

CAC – Common Access Card

CAS - Cost Accounting Standards

CDRL – Contract Data Requirements List

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

CLIN - Contract Line Item Number

CO - Contracting Officer

CONUS - Continental United States

COR - Contracting Officer Representative

COTR - Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative

COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf

CPAF - Cost Plus Award Fee

CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee

CPIF - Cost Plus Incentive Fee

CRADA – Co-operative Research & Dev’t Agreement

DFARS - Defense FAR Supplement

DLH - Direct Labor Hour

EDI - Electronic Data Interchange

EDWOSB – Economically Disadv. Women Owned Small Biz

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FAS - Federal Acquisition Service

FFP - Firm Fixed Price

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

FOUO – For Official Use Only

GFE - Government Furnished Equipment

GFM - Government Furnished Materials

FFP – Firm Fixed Price

GFP - Government-Furnished Property

GOCO - Government Owned, Contractor Operated

GWAC - Government-wide Acquisition Contract

IDIQ - Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity

IFB - Invitation for Bids

IG - Inspector General

LOE - Level of Effort

LPTA – Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable

MATOC – Multiple Award Task Order Contract

MILSPEC - Military Specification

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

OCONUS - Outside the Continental US

ODC – Other Direct Costs

OIG – Office of Inspector General

OSDBU – Office of Small & Disadv. Business Utilization

PCO - Procuring Contracting Officer

PEO - Program Executive Officer

PII – Personally Identifiable Information

POAM – Plan of Action and Milestones

RFI - Request for Information

RFP - Request for Proposal

RFQ - Request for Quotation

SAP - Simplified Acquisition Process

SBLO – Small Business Liaison Officer

SBU – Sensitive but Unclassified

SCIF – Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SDLC – Software Development Lifecycle

SDVOSB – Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business

SIC - Standard Industrial Classification Codes

SIN - Special Item Number

SOW - Statement of Work

SSN - Sources Sought Notice

TS – Top Secret

TS/SCI – Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information

T&M - Time and Materials

WOSB – Women Owned Small Business