Subject: / Qualification/Level: / Examination Board
Art / A level / OCR
Is this a Linear or Modular A level? /  Linear (New from 2015) /  Modular
-In a modular A level, AS examinations at the end of Year 12 are worth 50% of the A level.
-In a linear A level, any AS examination at the end of Year 12 will not count towards the A level.

We expect students joining the Plume College to complete a transition piece of work for each subject between the end of Key Stage 4 and the start of Key Stage 5. This is assessed and feedback given to students when they start the courses in September.The following challenge(s) are to be completed over the summer break and brought to yourfirst lesson.

The Summer Transition ‘CHALLENGE’
Theme of your challenge project is Me, Myself and I
  1. Choose an Artist that inspires you and that links well to the theme of the project. Complete an analysis of their work (please see attached sheet)
  2. Create observational drawings of things relate to the theme (at least 3, including one magnified drawing) explain choice of image/ object and links to theme
  3. Use your Artist as a starting point to develop some of your own ideas. You need to produce 4 thumbnails of what Artwork you could produce. Please explain ideas and links to theme and to artist
  4. Develop your strongest thumbnail design, creating varied versions of it in multiple Medias. You could use; Pencil, paint, collage, photography or 3d materials.
  5. Present final outcome. This could be; a canvas, a drawing of large board, a printed photograph or a 3d object. It is very important that this final piece links to all of your other work.

How the work produced will fit into subsequent work and the specification as a whole.
During your course you are graded on 4 assessment objectives to pass you need to show ability to meet all of these.
The first assessment objective looks at your ability to develop ideas and research other Artists work, the first activity will ensure that your research and analysis skills are developed.
Assessment objective two is to EXPLORE, This is to Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as the work develops.
The Third activity shows that you can RECORD ideas from observation and insights relevant to your intentions (Ideas). You must also reflect critically on your progress and work.
The forth assessment object is to Present and meaningful response. You must realise your ideas and where appropriate make connections to visual and other elements.
The last assessment objective (four) is to present your outcomes. And where appropriate, make connections to others and visual sources.
How the work should be presented.
All of your work apart from the last challenge (presenting your final piece) should be in either worksheets or sketchbooks. Presentation alongsidelayout does matter and must be visually attractive on each page. Final pieces should be on appropriate formats and surfaces such as canvas, board, printed and mounted photographs or a 3d piece.
Length of time expected to complete the challenge:-
The length of time will vary on you as a student, the expectations are high so do not rush. However it should not take any longer than a week, we suggest that you chunk the work to fit around your plans. Do not leave it last minute
How the work will be assessed and marked:-
Your teachers will use the assessment grid (attached). Each of the four assessment objectives has its own column. You can read the level descriptors in the grid to work out if you are limited, basic, confident or fluent in each objective.
Success criteria for this challenge:-
Be creative, original and do not be scared to experiment and take risks
Quality of work; ensure that you refine work, add things like tone and blending.
Annotate and explain your work as you go so that your teacher will understand why you created particular designs, they will see your understanding of materials and other artists work
Use all sketchbook work to inform a final piece, there must be strong links between these.
Resources to be used for this work.
Resource / use / location
Photographs of past sixth form students work. / To give you an idea of quality and work expected / Plume website? Frog?
Assessment matrix / This is the grid with the assessment objectives and level descriptor on. It will allow you to see how your work is assessed / Plume website? Frog?
Who to contact if you should require further assistance with the work before the end of term?
Mr Flower
What equipment will be needed for the subject?
Essential equipment
-A3 Spiral Bound sketchbook
-Drawing equipment; 2B ,4B and 6B pencils- Three fine line pens of different thicknesses
-Ruler, pencil sharpener and rubber
Recommended equipment
-A set of paint brushes small to medium size
-A2 or A1 Portfolio – to transport work to and from school
-A set of paints (either watercolours, acrylic or oil paints)
Create Artwork to support this project, build a portfolio of work to impress us in your first lesson. This could be extra sketches, photographs, paintings etc. This should also be presented in your sketchbook.
To understand more about this subject at a high level:-
-If you fancy buying a book you should read –
  • Art That Changed the World by DK Publishing
  • Graphic: Inside the Sketchbooks of the world’s Great Graphic Designers by Steven Heller and LitaTalarico
  • How to Draw What You See by Rudy De Reyna
-Alternatively take a look at some of these websites –
-Visits/ Galleries/ Museums/ places to see relevant to the course
  • The Tate modern
  • The National gallery
  • Maldon prom