Dear Clowns of 2014,

Wow! The 30th year of our annual trip to Russia!

I call this the Mother Trip. From the Russian clown trips our whole work in clowning arose. Russia, we are so grateful for you capturing our hearts and smiles. The trip is open to 36 participants. This year the dates of the trip are November 7-22, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

All you have to do is show up to the gigs and radiate and play. If you love, you cannot fail on this trip. This is a buddy trip so consider coming with a friend, lover, or family member (we have had a family of 4.) There are no clown classes (take at home if you wish and experiment lots on your own)—just a huge number of opportunities, with other enthusiastic beginners as well as those with lots of experience to imitate and learn from. Each person is responsible for their own delight. I am just one of the clowns doing my own exploring of work and play. I should not be your motivation to come—rather the privilege to serve in love and fun in all we encounter. We will send a list of suggestions for costumes, props, and actions.

My goals: (1) to give participants a magical clown troupe experience encouraging group cohesiveness with intimacy for all. (2) Spread as much love and fun everywhere as is humanly possible—for each to find how easy it is, in hopes that people will take it home in their daily lives. (3) To expose you to many Russians, in hopes that you will make friends with at least one. (4) To give each the opportunity of two solid weeks of finding and spreading their clown selves.

I encourage folks to read Russian history and their glorious literature (Dostoevski, Tolstoy, Gogol, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Pasternak, and so many more). You will be very well cared for in this very poor, troubled country. The generosity in the face of hardship we'll encounter will remind us not to engage in any whining, misanthropy or prima donna behavior. This is a trip where you work for the love of all people. We have many Russian friends and are deeply involved with orphans there, so I tack on $150 in the price, so they can eat with us.

Many low-income people have afforded the trip by finding sponsors, friends, support from organizations, businesses, church groups, bake sales, fund raising talks. This is no vacation; rather it is hard work in service to humanity.

Remember you can be the public expression of love and fun to all people from now to the rest of your life.
Whoopie! In Peace