SCRPA Board Retreat

November 30 & December 1, 2010

Pleasant Ridge Camp & Retreat Center


In Attendance:

Jan Cox, Joe Ross, Mark Sexton, Chanell Moore, Paul McCulloch, Russell Smith, Emily Randell, Ameco Hendrix, Kathy Anderson, Glenn Parker, Justin Mullis, Matt Gibbons, Will Rishovd, Brian Wofford, Phil Macchia, Jim Headley

Call to Order:

Jan Cox at 1:10pm.

Jan welcomed everyone and gave a brief explanation on the theme for this year. It will be the same as the conference held in N. Charleston September 12-14, 2011. Moving Forward… Effectively, Efficiently and with Energy

Jim Headley explained the roles of the board and that their official duties begin January 1, 2011. Jim discussed the Association’s Constitution, Bylaws, Investment Policy, and Joint Conference Agreement (Mark Sexton asked if this included the sites and Jim said no).

Phil Macchia spoke for his last hooray as outgoing president said that goals are good but expectations need to be written. At the end we need to make sure we service our members and are financially stable.

Jim said that we have 685 individual and 75 agency members and membership is approximately 13% of income and it should be 40-50%.

Jim stated that board members are expected to be ready to go January 1st. Brian Wofford stated that if you have questions, ask someone. Use your resources.

Brian wanted to know how to clean up the emails that are bouncing back. Jim stated those members that do not renew by February 1st are automatically kicked out of the system. If you let Melissa or Jim know the email is no longer good they can remove them from the system. Jim stated that the members need to be personally responsible for updating their profile and using the website for their member needs.

Updates presented by Jim:

SCLEAD class had their 5th graduation at the conference. Since the inception of the LEAD class 4 have been promoted to directors and 15 have had major promotions.

65th annual conference was held in Hilton Head and we had 225 full paid delegates (goal was 200) and 47 exhibitors (62 in Greeneville in 2008).

The golf tournament had a good showing and netted over $9000 for the Association. The golf tournament is the only fundraiser that the Association hosts each year.

The Southern Leisure Trends Institute will be January 30 – February 1, 2011 in Rock Hill. In years past this event has been over Super Bowl weekend so they are hoping for better turnout with the new weekend.

Eat Smart Move More- this is a separate 501C3 and Jim sits on the board. They may be looking for new members.

Membership is down because of the economy. 98% of individual dues are paid by agencies and with budgets being cut this is usually one of the first to go.

13th annual life guard competition was held in Charleston. 8 agencies participated this year with 4 person teams. Glenn Parker stated that he would have to close his pool for the day to send a team. One idea is to have regional competition to reduce travel. This would possibly eliminate open water competition.

The Association magazine is still being outsourced. January 2012 the magazine production will be rebid. Currently we only pay to have the magazine mailed to each member. Ads cover cost of producing. The magazine goes to each general assembly, elected officials and each member.

Jim went over member satisfaction survey. The number one thing was education that the members wanted compared to networking in years past. At the end of 2011 new questions will added to the new survey. Jim is to provide the results of the survey to the board. The customer service training had 45 in attendance. The EMB and RAP are planning a workshop for January.

Last year all districts met at least twice with a minimum of 45 attending each meeting. In past years some district meetings only had 3 or 4 people. District VP’s need to continue this and try to tie in education sessions with each meeting.

SCRPA currently has relationships with PRT, DHES and DSS. With a new governor being sworn in we do not know who will be the new director of PRT.

The Association held online voting for the first time last year and the response was a 30% increase in voting as compared to only being able to vote at the conference.

At this year’s conference there will be no awards banquet. Instead there will be an awards luncheon on Tuesday. More people are expected for the luncheon.

Expectations presented by Jim:

Ø  Communication, communication, communication!

Ø  Don’t set a meeting date without checking with Jim & Melissa. Have multiple dates available when requesting dates.

Ø  Use workshop application and the guidelines for hosting a workshop.

Ø  January 15th is the deadline for submitting your budget.

Ø  Check website for quarterly meeting agenda as Jim does not send them out.

Ø  Any board action form is due to Jim 3 weeks before board meeting.

Ø  Spend what you want but you have to figure out how to raise the money. If you want your committee or branch to have t-shirts just figure out how to pay for it.

Ø  The login for members is scrpa1945.

Ø  Wrap up: Identify lost people and recruit volunteers

Glenn- the Association needs a strategic plan. One was done some years ago.

Jim will research finding a facilitator. Two non profit associations in the area can help with this.

Awards Committee offers approximately 40 awards each year. Does this need revamping?

Executive Board:

Ø  Jim & Melissa will each receive $250.00 Christmas bonus. Chanell Moore made a motion and Will Rishovd second the motion.

Ø  Merit bonus for 2011 was tabled until more information is available.

Respectfully submitted

January 16, 2011

Paul McCulloch

SCRPA Secretary