CEO and co-founder
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable) / MM/YY / FIELD OF STUDY
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China / B.S. / 02/90 / Applied Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Ph.D. / 02/95 / Materials Science

A. Personal Statement

I am the co-founder, CEO and President for Nirmidas Biotech, Inc. I highly support this proposal on Early-stage Lung Cancer Diagnosis using Fluorescence-Enhancing Plasmonic Microarrays with Multiplexing Capabilities. Nirmidas has great visions for the future. It aims to provide innovative solutions to lower healthcare cost and improve life quality. Nirmidas develops, manufactures, and markets breakthrough biological testing technologies, based on a unique near infra-red fluorescence detection platform to benefit life science and in vitro diagnostics while pioneering point-of-care testing and a new generation of wearable technology healthcare market. Existing bioassays and immunoassays for detecting biological molecules and disease biomarkers either lack sensitivity for early diagnosis and quantitative prognosis, or require sophisticated equipment that prohibits point of care and portable/wearable devices. We are developing a new diagnostic platform on plasmonic gold substrates/beads that can enhance fluorescence detection signal by ~ 100 times using patented nanotechnology. For the near term, we are making and marketing ultrasensitive plasmonic gold-structured platforms including slides, beads and other platforms. In the longer term, we will make a next generation wearable IVD system platform, generate IPs along the way, and apply it for disease diagnostics.

This grant application will provide us an opportunity to apply our basic technology to the application of diagnostics of early-stage cancer. It will be a very important research project to carry out the necessary proof-of-concept steps before moving into the commercial diagnostics market.

B. Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

1995- 1997 Postdoc fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA

1997- 2001 Term staff scientist, LLNL, Livermore, CA

1999- 2001 Co-founder of Molecular Nanosystems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA

2001- 2010 Staff scientist and principal investigator, LLNL, CA

2010- 2014 Project lead and principal investigator, LLNL, CA

Jan. 2014- current CEO & President, Nirmidas Biotech Inc., San Francisco, CA

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

2001- Materials Research Society

2004- TMS


1991-1993 Sir Run Sun Shaw Fellowship, MIT

1995 National Science Foundation Fellowship

2004 Directorate “award for creativity and team work”, LLNL, CA

2006 Directorate “Excellence in Publication Award”, LLNL, CA

2011 Spot Award for “Successfully built up a multidisciplinary team”, LLNL, CA

C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

1.  Meijie Tang and Jaime Marian, “Temperature and high strain rate dependence of tensile deformation behavior in single-crystal iron from dislocation dynamics simulations”, Acta Materialia 70, 123-129 (2014).

2.  Lin H. Yang, Meijie Tang, John A. Moriarty, Dislocations and Plasticity in bcc Transition Metals at High Pressure. In: J. P. Hirth and L. Kubin, editors: Dislocations in Solids, Vol 16, Dislocations in Solids, J. P. Hirth and L. Kubin. The Netherlands: North-Holland, 2010, pp. 146.

3.  M. Tang, W. Cai, G. Xu, V. Bulatov, “A hybrid method for computing forces on curved dislocations threading to free surfaces”, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 14, 1139-1151 (2006).

4.  Vasily V. Bulatov, Luke L. Hsiung, Meijie Tang, Athanasios Arsenlis, Maria C. Bartelt, Wei Cai, Jeff N. Florando, Masato Hiratani, Moon Rhee, Gregg Hommes, Tim G. Pierce, Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, “Dislocation multi-junctions and strain hardening”, Nature 440, 1174-1178 (2006).

5.  M. Tang, “A Lattice Based Screw-Edge Dislocation Dynamics Simulation of Body Center Cubic Single Crystals”, in Handbook of Materials Modeling, Ed. S.Yip (Springer, 2005), v. 1, Section 2.22.

6.  Meijie Tang, Guanshui Xu, Wei Cai, and Vasily Bulatov,“Dislocation image stresses at free surfaces by the finite element method”, in Thin Film Stresses and Mechanical Properties, edited by S. G. Corcoran, Y-C. Joo, N. R. Moody, Z. Suo (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2003), 795, U2.4.

7.  A. Arsenlis and M. Tang, "Crystal Plasticity Continuum Model Development from Dislocation Dynamics", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 11, 1251(2003).

8.  MEIJIE TANG, Ladislas P. Kubin, "Boundary conditions for dislocation dynamics simulations and stage 0 of BCC metals at low temperature", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., AA1.2 (2001).

9.  L. H. Yang, MEIJIE TANG, and John A. Moriarty, Multiscale Modeling of Dislocation Processes in BCC Tantalum: Bridging Atomistic and Mesoscale Simulations" in Multiscale Modeling of Materials, edited by L. P. Kubin, J. L. Bassani, K. Cho, H. Gao, and R. L. B. Selinger, MRS Symp. Proc., 653, Z1.2 (2000).

10.  V. V. Bulatov, M. TANG, H. Zbib, "Crystal plasticity from dislocation dynamics", MRS Bulletin, 26, 191 (2001). (INVITED)

11.  Sidney Yip, Ju Li, MEIJIE TANG, Jinghan Wang, "Mechanistic aspects and atomic-level consequences of elastic instabilities in homogeneous crystals", Materials Science and Engineering A317, 236 (2001).

12.  M. TANG, M. Fivel, L. P. Kubin, "From forest hardening to strain hardening in body centered cubic single crystals: simulation and modeling", Materials Science and Engineering A 309-310, 256 (2001).

13.  Thomas W. Tombler, Chongwu Zhou, Leo Alexseyev, Jing Kong, Hongjie Dai, Lei Liu, C. S. Jayanthi, MEIJIE TANG, Shi-Yu Wu, “Reversible Electromechanical Characteristics of Nanotubes Under Local-Probe Manipulation", Nature, 405, 769 (2000).

14.  Lei Liu, C. S. Jayanthi, MEIJIE TANG, S. Y. Wu, Thomas W. Tombler, Chongwu Zhou, Leo Alexseyev, Jing Kong, Hongjie Dai, "Controllable Reversibility of an sp2 to sp3 transition of a Single Wall Nanotube under the Manipulation of an AFM tip: A Nano-scale, Electromechanical Switch", Physical Review Letters, 84, 4950 (2000).

15.  Sidney Yip, Lu Li, MEIJIE TANG, Jinghan Wang, "Micromechanics and micromechanisms of Deformation and Fracture", Materials Science and Engineering A, in press (2000).

16.  M. TANG, B. Devincre, L. P. Kubin, "Simulation and modeling of forest hardening in BCC crystals at low temperatures", Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Engi., 7, 893 (1999).

17.  L. P. Kubin, B. Devincre, M. TANG, "Mesoscopic Modeling and Simulation of Plasticity in FCC and BCC crystals: Dislocations Intersection and Mobility", J. Computer-Aided Materials Design, 5, 31-54 (1998).

18.  M. TANG, L. P. Kubin, G. R. Canova, "Dislocation mobility and the mechanical response of bcc (Ta) single crystals: a mesoscopic approach", Acta, Materialia, 46, 3221 (1998).

19.  K. Mizushima, MEIJIE TANG, S. Yip, "Towards multiscale modeling: the role of atomistic simulations in the analysis of Si and SiC under hydrostatic compression", J. Alloys and Compounds, 279, 70 (1998).

20.  C. S. Jayanthi, MEIJIE TANG, S. Y. Wu, J. A. Cocks, S. Yip, "Insights on deformation mechanisms from atomistic modeling of structural instability in solids", in "Computer-Aided Design of High Temperature Materials", A. Pechenik, R. K. kalia, P. Vashishta, eds. (Oxford University Press, New York, 1999), 55-66.

21.  C. S. Jayanthi, MEIJIE TANG, S. Y. Wu, J. Cocks, and Sidney Yip, "Local Analysis of Structural Instability in Stressed Lattices: Crack Nucleation in a Covalent Solid'', Physical Review Letters, 79, 4601 (1997).

22.  MEIJIE TANG, L. Colombo, Jing Zhu and T. Diaz de la Rubia, "Intrinsic Point Defects in Crystalline Si: Tight-binding molecular dynamics studies of self-diffusion, interstitial-vacancy recombination and formation volumes", Physical Review B, 55, 14279 (1997).

23.  MEIJIE TANG and Sidney Yip, "Pressure-Driven Elastic Instabilities and Solid-State Amorphization", in "The Physics of Complex Systems", F. Mallamace and H. E. Stanley, eds. (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1997), 533-542.

24.  L. Colombo, MEIJIE TANG, T. Diaz de la Rubia and F. Cargnoni, "Structure, energetics, clustering, and migration of point-defects in silicon'', Physica Scripta,T66, 207 (1996).

25.  M. TANG, L. Colombo and T. Diaz de la Rubia, "Tight-binding Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Point Defects Diffusion and Interactions in Crystalline Silicon", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 396, 33 (1995).

26.  MEIJIE TANG and Sidney Yip, "Atomistic Simulation of Thermomechanical Properties of beta-SiC", Physical Review B, 52, 15150 (1995).

27.  MEIJIE TANG and Sidney Yip, "Atomic Size Effects in Pressure-Induced Amorphization of a Binary Covalent Lattice", Physical Review Letters, 75, 2738 (1995).

28.  MEIJIE TANG and Sidney Yip, "Lattice instability in beta-SiC and simulation of brittle fracture", Journal of Applied Physics, 76, 2719 (1994).